
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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689 Chs

Chapter 142 Assemble

Arthur closed his eyes to meditate.

" Then we are finished for now. Let's quickly do our tasks."

Matt and Hill nodded. The Avengers dispersed hastily.


Arthur got up from his seat. He directly opened his portal to teleport.

In the Kamar Taj.

Ancient One was brewing her tea calmly.


A golden circle appeared. Arthur stepped out from the portal. He sat on the floor without care.

Ancient One spoke first.

" You seem to be tired. Here, have a cup of tea."

Arthur took the tea with respect. He sighed.

" Master, did you expect this to happen?"

Ancient One laughed.

" My dear, I have seen many images. This is just a fraction of it. Even harder challenges are waiting to you after this."

Arthur showed his helplessness.

" Master, I feel tired. Maybe I need a little rest after this."

Ancient One smiled.

" You can take a leave after this."

Arthur grinned. He cheered up a bit.

" Thank you, master."

Ancient One chuckled.

" You have to take care of yourself. You are the future of the humankind."

Arthur smiled. He said with a proud tone.

" We won't fall as long as we are alive."

Ancient One shook her head. She tapped Arthur's shoulder.

" I know it. That's why I believe in you. Besides, I won't help you this time."

Arthur scratched his head with embarrassment. He was considering this.

Next day.

The Stark tower was cleaning itself automatically. However, the lounge was still in a mess. There were many people around the table. The most noticeable person was a black man with a leather coat.

" Tell me, Tony, how many times do I have to clean your ass? You created a super giant robot army without my consent, and now you are telling me that they have betrayed from you."

Tony groaned.

" Fury, don't make this big. I know I am at fault, but it was your mistake too. You left a massive gap and I tried to fill it."

Luke Cage, who was silent, said lightly.

" Because of you, people are suffering."

Tony denied his statement.

" How is it my fault?"

Steve said with anger.

" Enough, we are here to deal with Ultron not argue."

Arthur nodded. He said calmly.

" He is right. We have to divide our roles."

Luke immediately followed Arthur and Steve because he knew only they are trustworthy people in the team. As for Fury, he felt a little tricky about the situation.

Danny asked with curiosity.

" So how are we supposed to stop him? I mean, if he got vibranium then physical attack would be useless unless we use different kinds of energy."

Arthur nodded.

" I tracked his trace. As we calculated, he went to Klaw, but that isn't the only problem. Now he got new allies. One has super speed and the other has a powerful magic ability. So, basically, he is prepared for us."

Fury's face turned white.

" Then we have a big problem."

Arthur continued to talk.

" Yes, he has got many secrets that shouldn't be known to others. We must eliminate him before it's too late. Once he got vibranium, he will create a more powerful vessel and that vessel will be very hard to defeat. Even I don't have 100 percent confidence against it."

Fury groaned. He sighed.

" I can't help you in this matter, but I will dispatch our agents to the war."

Bruce gulped.

" Then are we on shorthand?"

Gilgamesh nodded. He showed no fear.

" Yes, but that's okay. We are plenty enough to deal with him."

Arthur looked at them with a serious gaze.

" Yeah for now, but not sure for the future. We must prepare for the worst. "

Qin said calmly.

" So who are we going to deploy?"

Arthur looked at the Avengers.

" All Avengers, including you and others."

George whistled.

" I bet he will cry when he sees our full firepower."

Ultron's side.

Ultron looked indifferently at Klaw. He said coldly.

" Some people will die because of their greed. The same applies to you, Mr. Klaw."

Klaw gnashed his teeth with anger. He pointed his gun at him. However, he put it down. Pietro said with amusement.

" Sister, do you see that?"

Wanda snorted.

" He is only a weakling. Our goal is to kill entire Avengers."