
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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648 Chs

Chapter 106 Druig

Then hesitated for a moment to think but when she saw his eyes, she knew she had to take his hand because it wasn't just her. There were too many people who were waiting for her and she had to stand up now or else everything would go down to drain.

" I will follow you."

She took his hand, shattering her everlasting dream to return to the world as she opened her eyes to see everyone's faces. They were filled with genuine happiness and joy for her which softened her heart.

Especially Gilgamesh was ecstatic to see her mind return after a long time.

" Thena!"

He couldn't help but hug her which annoyed her because he smelled like a sweaty man from his work.

" Put me down, Gil. Where are others?"

She raised her head, looking around to see Kingo and Druig weren't there. Therefore, she believed they had something to do, but to her surprise, Ajak smiled bitterly when she mentioned them.

" Kingo is on his way and we couldn't contact Druig because he isolated himself from the world for the last centuries. He is hiding from us to live in peace."

When she finished her word, Thena summoned her spear without any word as she put her headgear on.

" Leave him to me. A few punches would return his common sense back."

After she finished her word, other Eternals dodged her eyes because she was the kind of a punisher in their group, so when they went rogue, she would always beat them back to normal.

" Don't worry about his location. My satellite found him almost instantly despite his attempt to conceal himself from us."

Arthur grinned widely, showing a map of the Amazon jungle in front of them along with an image of a man.

" Ah, that is him. So, when are we heading toward him?"

Sersi asked while Ikaris remained silent throughout the conversation. No one could tell what he was scheming but one person was paying close attention to him and it was Arthur who noticed unusual silence from him because he was one of the strongest members of the group, yet he remained passive.

As a leader of the strongest force in the world, Arthur had a vision that went beyond normal leaders and he could sniff out everything suspicious and dangerous from just the tone of people.

" Oh, that is great. I was wondering whether we should use a ship or not."

Panthos nodded with satisfaction, knowing they would reach there almost instantly with the help of Arthur.

" We will use our warp technology to warp there with your friend in Eden. Now, are you ready?"

Arthur turned his head around to look at them and everyone nodded at the same time since there was no time to waste here. Besides, they completed their goal here anyway when Arthur cured Thena.

" You heard them. Pull us out."

Just when he finished his word, they closed their eyes and saw everything was changed to an unfamiliar land.

" How did you get here?"

Suddenly a young child came before them, looking at them with horror because they appeared out of nowhere.

" Druig, come out now. Stop using this child."

Ajak frowned when she saw the child because she could tell she was under the illusion or control of Druig.

" Ajak?"

Kingo who was in Eden a second ago, asked with a surprise. His bewildered face made her almost laugh out loud but she held back her laughter, knowing there was more important matter in front of her now.

" I teleported you here. Let me explain it to you later. First, we need to talk with your friend."

Arthur spoke calmly, scanning around him with a frown. He didn't like seeing others being toyed with by powerful beings.

" Get out of here! You aren't welcome!"

The girl said harshly, showing contempt toward them despite standing before the group of God-like beings.

" I don't like it."

Arthur muttered coldly, looking at her eyes with a gaze that sent chills to Druig's spine. He was hiding in the corner, yet he felt unknown fear from him. It was like a predator watching his prey with those cold eyes.

He felt Arthur was like his natural nemesis and that was correct.