
Chapter 30: Culmination

"We got wounded!" Ellie shouted as her voice echoes through the ears of a shell-shocked soldier.

"Another one?!" Dallas shouted as Ellie drags the wounded rebel into a trench "We only have so much medical equipment!"

"I know! Do everything you can to keep him alive!"

"Shit… At this rate, we'll run out of medical supplies before they even breach the line!"

"Ellie!" Paladin Vasquez shouted as he approaches the mercenary "We're losing ground! NCR troops are closing in!"

"Shit! How's the surprise coming?"

"We're still not ready! And even if we finish now, we'll have to cross on open terrain before reaching the 2nd line!"

"Any word on reinforcements?"

"They were mobilized but I also received reports of enemy attacks in Big Town, Girdershade, and Canterbury Commons. I'm guessing that we're spread out thin!"

"Just our luck… We have no choice but to take the risk, we'll be taking loses but we can't do anything about it… How many operational power armors do we have?"

"I have three T-51s ready for action, mine included!"

"That's it?"


Just then, a mortar shell hits the area in front of the two.

"Then they'll be depending on you three to provide cover!" Ellie shouted as she traverses through the trench "Reinforce the western side of the trench! Once the engineers are done, fall back to the end of the line!"

"Don't get killed out there!" Paladin Vasquez replied as he goes to his objective

As she reaches the frontlines, Ellie spots several injured rebels, struggling to keep the enemy troops at bay. "How are the preparations?"

"Ma'am!" a soldier replied as he arms a claymore and C4 "We're almost done on this end!"

"Alright! Be ready to run up the trenches and move to the 2nd line! Keep your heads down and run as fast as you can!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Ellie then approaches another rebel soldier, inside a hastily built foxhole.

"What's the status?"

"They're closing in fast!" a rebel replied as he fires a short burst from his rifle "Enemy mortars are getting more and more accurate! We can't stay he-"

But before the soldier could finish his sentence, a frag grenade detonates nearby, sending the two flying.

Quickly recovering, Ellie goes to check on the rebel, who was covering his face with both hands and was screaming in pain.

"Fuck!" she shouted as she calls for two other rebels to approach her "He's wounded! Get him out of here now!"

"Yes ma'am!"

As the rebels drag the wounded man off the frontlines, Ellie picks up her radio and begins to transmit to the remaining rebels on the frontlines. "All unit! This is lioness! Retreat to the back of the line! Be ready to run to the 2nd trench! Keep your heads low and run as fast as you can! Engineers! Once the surprise is set, give me the detonator and run! I'll handle the surprise! Does everyone copy that?"

"Raven leader copies!"

"Talons acknowledged!"

"This is Big Boys! We read ya loud and clear!"

Ellie then picks up a mounted M249 and digs herself into the foxhole.

A few minutes later, a rebel approaches the mercenary as she continues to fire the machinegun.

"Ma'am!" the rebel said as he hands her the detonator "We're in your hands!"

"Then it's in safe hands!" Ellie said as she picks up her radio "All units. Give me a status report once all the squads have crossed to the 2nd line!"

"Ellie!" Dallas said over the radio "We have a problem!"

"What kind of problem?"

"There's too many injured! It'll take some time to transport them! And I don't think we can survive going back and forth! The T-51s aren't enough to give us enough cover to retreat!"

"Mother of shit!" Ellie said as she inspects her armguards, flicking both wrists "Dallas. I'm gonna go in and stir hell"

"Don't even think about it! Even your FEV can't protect you from that much firepower!"

"What choice do we have?!"

Just as Ellie said that, a voice echoes through her radio. "Lioness. Do you copy?"

"This is lioness! Who is this?"

"This is Hawk. I got two vertibirds waiting on your command"

"Vertibirds? About fucking time backup arrives!"

"Be advised, the other squads are fighting on the other fronts. We're all that you've got"

"Then we'll just have to make it count! I need you to provide cover fire directly in front of the base!"

"Acknowledged. Hawk inbound! ETA 2 minutes"

"Finally some good news… All units! We have two vertibirds incoming! They'll be providing cover fire in two minutes! Be ready to move by then! No one gets left behind, understand?"

"Yes ma'am!" everyone responded

It didn't take long for Hawk's voice to echo once again in the radio.

"Lioness. This is Hawk. We're coming in hot!"

"You're cleared hot, Hawk! Give these them hell!"

Meanwhile, in the other end of the trench, Dallas and the other rebels await the arrival of the vertibirds.

"I hear them!" Dallas said as two vertibirds fly overhead "That's them! Move the wounded! Move! Move!"

Almost immediately, the rebels begin to dash through the seemingly long open terrain to the 2nd trench line.

"Careful" Dallas said as two rebels load a wounded man onto a makeshift stretcher "He's secured? Alright, let's move!"

Dallas, carrying the stretcher along with another rebel, emerges from the trench and dashes through the field

"Make sure the enemy keeps ducking!" Paladin Vasquez said as he and two other rebels in T-51 power armor rev up their miniguns

As the vertibirds begin to provide cover, Ellie quickly gets to her feet and goes to the other end of the trench as several squads of troopers begin entering the trench.

"Prioritizing anti-air threats" Hawk said over the radio "Damn that was close!"

A few minute later, Ellie reached the end of the trench line as the rebels were getting ready to transport the last wounded soldier.

As they finish loading him in the stretcher, they quickly made their way to the 2nd line

But as they were half way through, a bullet hits one of them in the lower back, causing him to trip and fall

Ellie quickly runs to their side.

"How are you holding up?" she asked

"I… I can't feel my legs… I can't feel my LEGS!" the rebel replied as he begins to panic

Ellie slaps him in the face. "Calm down! You're gonna make it, you hear me!"

She then points to the other rebel, who only suffered a bullet wound to the left shoulder.

"You! Can you carry him?"

"Y-Yes ma'am"

"Then do it! I got the injured man!"

The rebel then uses his right shoulder to support the other wounded rebel as Vasquez commands one of the T-51s to act as a shield for the two.

Ellie then proceeds to check on the injured man on the stretcher.

"Gunshot wound to the stomach… Risky but I have no choice. Fireman carry"

Ellie then picks up the man and quickly runs as fast as she could to the 2nd line.

She succeeds in safely transporting the injured man to the 2nd line as the last few rebels make it as well.

"Hawk" she said over the radio "What's the status of the enemy troops?"

"They've just breached the 1st trench line. I'm retreating to the 2nd trench too. It's getting too hot in here"

"Have they reached the other end?"

"Hold on… Yes. They've reached the other end!"

"How many enemy troops are in there?"

"I'm estimating around 7 squads worth of troops"


Ellie then brings out her detonator. "Requiescat im pace"

Activating the detonator, several large explosions occur in and around the 1st trench, annihilating the NCR troops in the area.

"Hawk" Ellie said "What's the status of the enemy troops?"

"Total devastation, ma'am. They're in full retreat! I say again, they're in full retreat!"

Upon hearing Hawk's transmission, the rebels cheer.

SatCom Array NW-05a; Command Room

An hour later:

Gen. Alexander and another officer discuss plans about the battle

"It's been an hour" the general said as he checks the battlefield map on the table "What's the status on the Salvage?"

"Sir" the officer answered "We lost almost an entire division when the rebels detonated hidden explosives on the 1st trench line"

"Clever little bastards…"

"General, once again, I suggest we use the 'weapon' General Oliver-"

The General quickly cuts the officer off with a "No!"

"But sir! We've suffered heavy casualties! We cannot afford anymore! I strongly suggest we use the 'weapon'"

"I know. Tell me, Colonel. What do you think keeps these rebels going?"


"Despite their very hopeless situation, why did they choose to stand their ground?"

Unable to comprehend the general's remark, the officer did not respond to his question

"Guts, Colonel" The General responded as he faces the bewildered officer "These men and women have a lot of guts. In other words, courage"


"Facing off against almost impossible odds and even being able to wound the bigger beast… Now that is how you fight a war"

"Sir it sounds like you respect those rebels…"

"What's not to respect? These people, despite overwhelming odds, still choose to protect everything they love and believe. That is something in short supply around the wasteland these days…"


"But they have it and they deserve respect. So I won't be insulting their courage by sending WMDs on them! I will fight and it WILL be a fair fight! So for the LAST time, Colonel. I WILL NOT USE IT!"

"Is that your final decision sir?"

"Yes. If you don't mind, I want to go back to planning our next move"

"Now we see your true colors"

The General slowly turns to his right as he sees the barrel of a 9mm pistol pointed directly to his face. "Well. Well. What do you think you're doing, Colonel?"

Looking around the room, Alexander notices several NCR troopers pointing their weapons on some of his men.

"Sir" the officer said "Based on your recent actions and earlier statement on the rebels, I have no other choice but to conclude that you are collaborating with them"

"You high or something? Cuz that logic is a load of crap"

"I have no other choice other than to relieved you of your command, 'General'"

"And who's taking over? You?"

"As a matter of fact, I will"

"Really now? And what idiot put you up to this?"

"You know as well as I do that General Oliver does not like traitors in his ranks"

"Oliver…" the General said as he chuckled and rested his right hand on his forehead "That fucker… Don't you realize the repercussions of using it on them?! Our image is already so dark! Your pussy of a general doesn't realize that! Can't you?!"

"Say all you want, 'sir'. But that doesn't erase your betrayal"

"Betrayal?! I've worked my ass off to help win this fucking war! Don't you dare insult me by saying I'm betraying the NCR! Everything I did, I did for the republic!"

"You think General Oliver won't catch on to the things you've been doing? The times you allowed our territories to be taken. The countless 'escapes' of several POWs. And just now, your total disregard to the lives of your own men"

The General chuckles as the officer continues to point out his 'crimes'. "I guess Oliver isn't a complete idiot after all"

"So you do admit to all these crimes"

"Crimes? I wouldn't call them crimes, 'Colonel'. But I don't expect someone like you to understand"

"Well that is your opinion, 'General'… Now step aside and let the REAL commanders win this war"

"You'll regret this. You, your idiot general, and every fucker that follows him!"

The officer smirks as two NCR troopers grab the general's arms. "Take him away"

Mason Dixon Salvage:

"Make sure that MG is secured!" Ellie said as she directs the rebel defenses "Make sure those foxholes are deep!"

"Looks like the defenses are coming around…" Paladin Vasquez said as he and Dallas approaches the mercenary

"Paladin. What's the status on HQ?"

"They just dropped off a few squads here but I don't think two vertibirds is enough to keep us protected for long"

"What about the guys in the Republic of Dave?"

"They're on their way" Dallas replied "But looks like they ran into some trouble. Currently, their fighting their way to the frontlines"


"Looks like the NCR caught on to our ruse much faster than we thought…"

"Shit… So this is all we have?"

"Pretty much… Unless you want the injured to go back into the fight"

"Shit… I guess we have to make do with what we have…"

As the three continue to discuss plans for their defense, a lone rebel comes running towards them, his face drenched with sweat.

"Paladin Vasquez! Paladin Vasquez!"

"What is-" Paladin Vasquez said as he hears the familiar sound of a vertibird "Steel be with us… Here comes the 2nd wave!"

"Alright! Here they come!" Ellie shouted as the rebels scramble to their positions "Let's show these bastards that we're not so easy to step on!"

In a matter of seconds, the rebels ready their weapons as the vertibirds emerge from the horizon…

Using her binoculars, Ellie notices something odd…

"4 vertibirds…" she uttered "Each carrying metal containers… Big metal containers…"

Anxiety filled the air as some of the rebels cock their guns. Ellie couldn't help but feel something is wrong…

"Wait…" she said as the vertibirds stop in the middle of the 1st trench "Why are they stopping…? They're still a couple of miles aways…"

Quickly dropping the metal containers, the vertibirds left the area…

"The fuck…?" Dallas muttered as the rebels look at one another…

As the rebels stare at the containers in confusion, the metal doors suddenly spring open.

Seconds later, hordes of feral ghouls, some with several appendages sticking on their backs, emerge from the containers.

Recognizing the ghouls, Ellie's eyes widen as she aims her M-14. "FERALS!"

"OPEN FIRE!" Paladin Vasquez shouts as the rebels unload their weapons upon the incoming horde

Despite thousands of bullets piercing through the horde, as well as support fire from the two vertibirds, less than ten ghouls were gunned down before the first group breached the defensive line.

With the line breached, the ghouls began to decimate the rebel ranks as many soldiers were cut down.

"Where the hell did the NCR get this many ghouls?!" Ellie shouted as she uses her rifle to block an attack from a ghoul

"I think we have other things to worry about!" Dallas responded as she dodges several strikes from several ghouls

"Get everyone in Power Armor out here!" Paladin Vasquez shouted as 3 T-45s and the 2 T-51s enter the frontlines "Everyone else retreat to the 3rd defensive line!"

Following Vasquez's command, the rebels retreat to the next defensive line as Ellie, Vasquez, and the soldiers wearing power armor cover their retreat

But even the power armor could not protect the rebels.

Suddenly, several ghouls surround and attack a lone rebel soldier, in T-45 power armor.

The soldier manages to gun down a few ghouls before being overwhelmed by the mutants. The appendages on their backs made the T-45's armor look like paper by comparison as they easily tear through the armor.

"Shit!" Paladin Vasquez said as he attempts to shoot the ghouls but is unable to do so as more ghouls attack him

Horrified by the sight, Ellie reaches into her pocket and brings out a syringe. Hesitating for a moment, Ellie injects it on herself. A rush of energy suddenly flows throughout the mercenary's body as she runs towards the distressed soldier.

She literally tears through several ghouls with her bare hands.

After eliminate the ghouls around the power armor, Ellie tears through the armor and finds the rebel, alive but severely injured.

"Dallas!" she shouted as the medic runs to her side "Bring him out of here!"

"Give me some time to dress the wound or else he'll bleed out"

As Dallas dresses the man's wounds, Ellie, Vasquez, and the remaining soldiers in power armor provide cover fire as more ghouls enter their line of sight.

"Do we have enough bombs on the 2nd line?!" Ellie shouted

"No!" Paladin Vasquez replied "We couldn't place all of em in time! Only a hand full was successfully armed!"

"Then we have no other choice! We use what we can!"

"I'm done!" Dallas said as she picks up the injured man and carries him to the 3rd line

"Alright people, let's go!" Ellie shouted as she and the remaining rebels retreat to the next defensive line.

Upon clearing the area, Vasquez pulls out a detonator.

Seconds later, the front of Mason Dixon Salvage is consumed by fire and smoke…

"That should buy us some time…" he muttered

"Shit…" Dallas said as she checks on the man's injuries "We're running out of medical supplies and…"

As Dallas meets Ellie's gaze, her eyes widen. "Ellie… Your eyes!"

"I know…" Ellie said as she knew her eyes had changed color and became more cat-like "I had no choice…"

"Fuck… You don't know what's gonna happen if you keep on releasing the inhibitors for your FEV!"

"I know! But the situation's demanding it!"

"Ellie!" Paladin Vasquez said as Ellie returns to the frontlines

"What is it?" Ellie asked as she enters a foxhole

"The minefield only bought us a few minutes! We're spotting another horde incoming!"


"Should we retreat?"

"Even if we do try to retreat, those ghouls will easily catch up to us… And we don't have enough vehicles to carry everyone…"

"So we stay and fight…?"

"Yeah… Either way, we're all gonna die…"

"Well… I guess dying in the glory of battle is a much better death than getting stabbed in the back while running away"


"It was an honor serving with everyone here… And I would like to take this opportunity to thank you"


"You helped create this rebellion, this hope… We may die but we die with honor!"


"Steel be with you!"

"Steel be with you…"

As another horde approaches the rebel base, Ellie hears the familiar engines of vertibirds. "Shit… Looks like they're coming to clean up…"

Seconds later, 4 vertibirds emerge from the horizon and overtake the horde. They stop just near the 3rd defensive line.

"This is Hawk. Engaging enemy vertibirds"

Clearly seeing the NCR insignia, the rebels prepare themselves for a battle. A lone soldier then rappels down one of the vertibirds.

"Wait!" Ellie uttered as she recognizes one of the soldiers "Rufus…"

She then stands up and, while aiming her gun, walks slowly to the NCR soldiers.

"Rufus!" she shouted "I never thought you guys would be this dirty!"

"I know…" the NCR Ranger replied "Also, it's good to see you again, Ellie"

"Shut up! What's your fucking game?"

"I'll explain everything later. For now, I think you guys need some help"


"It's ok, Ellie" Polonsky shouted as he lands behind Ellie "They're here to help"


Rufus gives a confident smile as he brings out a radio. "Clover. Jericho. You know what to do"

The vertibird on top of Ellie then moves towards the approaching horde and two NCR Rangers rappel down the open battlefield.

The female ranger then draws two cutlasses and charges towards the horde.

To Ellie's amazement, the female ranger easily cuts through the ghouls as she demonstrates superior skill in the use of her weapons.

"No way…" she said as she sees the female ranger parry and dodge every attack and easily cuts through the numerous ghouls that were attacking her.

"Trained her myself…" Rufus boasted as he chuckles

The Male ranger then draws an Intervention and began to provide sniper support, gunning down several ghouls with headshots.

Minutes later, a few ghouls managed to reach the ranger. Slinging his rifle, the ranger puts on a boxer stance, with Ellie noticing the ranger's yellow gauntlets.

As the first ghoul was about the strike the ranger with its appendage, the man blocks it with his left gauntlet and punches the ghoul's face.

Despite the ghoul hardly flinching, the man maintains to aim his right arm on the ghoul's face.

As the ghoul stares at the gauntlet, a bullet emerges from a hidden port on the gauntlet and cuts through the ghoul's skull.

He then unleashes a combo of boxing moves, coupled with shots from his hidden gun.

"Whoah…" Ellie said as she watches the man decimate the ghouls that were attempting to surround him

"Hate to burst your bubble" Paladin Vasquez said as he approaches Ellie "But despite their efforts, some of the ghouls are still headed this way"

"Right" Rufus said with a smile "Polonsky. I think it's time for the other surprise"

"Other surprise?" Ellie wondered as Polonsky brings out his radio

"It's show time" Polosnky said as the remaining vertibirds moved a short distance from the base and several men in T-51 and T-60 power armor, one of which has a different design than the rest, unload from them.

"Power armor isn't enough to protect you from these bastards" Ellie said

"Of course" Rufus replied "Power Armor is never enough to protect you from anything unless you know how to use it"


Rufus, once again, brings out his radio. "Jayce, Sithis. Show them how to correctly operate power armor"

"Sithis?! Jayce?!" Ellie uttered as she heard their names

"Been a while" Sithis said over the radio "Good to see you're alive and well, Ellie"

"Sithis… What the fuck is going on here?!"

"Like I said" Rufus responded "We'll explain everything once we're done mopping up this mess!"

Dumbfounded, Ellie could only utter "Right…"

As the unexpected reinforcements begins to assault the horde, Ellie signals the rebels to regroup on the first defensive line.

Minutes later, she approaches Jayce, who was wearing a peculiar power armor.

"That's an odd design…" Ellie remarked

"I know right?" Jayce answered "I found this power armor in an abandoned military base in Carolina"

"Wow…" Ellie said as she notices some writing on the back "… 'The Emperor's light is my torch'… The fuck does that mean..?"

"No idea. But it sounds awesome!"


"Anyway, what's going on here? Why are you with the Rangers?"

"Well it's a long story. So let's wrap up this mess before proceeding!"


SatCom Array NW-05a; Command Room

"Give me a status report" The NCR Officer said as an Intel officer approaches him

"Sir" the Intel Officer said "We've received reports that the weapons have been destroyed"

"What?! How is that possible?! Those rebels have never faced those kinds of ghouls before!"

"We reports that 4 of our vertibirds were spotted giving fire support to the rebels"

"What? From what division? Who's leading them?"

"It's a Ranger Detachment. Their leader has yet to be identified"

"Fuck! What of the rebels?"

"They seem to have suffered heavy losses but they have since regrouped and are now threatening to reestablish contact with the other 2 camps"

"Damn it! Tighten security on the two remaining camps! DO NOT LET THEM FALL!"

"Yes sir!"

In a cliff behind the Satellite Facility (NCR Command Room):

Later that night:

Ellie, Polonsky, Dallas, Rufus, Jericho, and Chloe, all wearing hooded outfits, stand by a rocky cliff behind the Satellite Facility.

"Are you serious?" Ellie asked "We're saving a NCR general…"

"Don't forget who rescued your asses" Rufus responded "Besides, General Alexander never planned to use those weapons in the first place"

"Really? I call bullshit on that"

"General Alexander is a cunning tactician but he is a man of honor. He would never resort to cowardly tactics like that"

"Ellie" Polonsky said "That's enough. Rufus is telling the truth. We can get the Sons of Liberty within striking distance of Raven Rock if we rescue Alexander"

"Oh? And how is that gonna help us?"

"Trust me. It's all part of the plan"

"You guys still haven't told me shit about your plan"

"Now's not the time. We have to move now before the Raven Rock sends more of those walking pieces of shit on us!"

"Pfft… Fine. So what do we do?"

"The compound is tightly guarded" Rufus responded "Firstly, our objective is to free Alexander. He's being held in the storage tent just northeast of here"

"Wait couldn't you just walk around the camp yourself? You're a Ranger, aren't you?"

"Yeah but since I directly answer to Alexander, I was deemed a traitor too. So no, I can't just walk in there"

"Well that's helpful… How about the camp's security?"

"Thanks to our little diversion, the enemy commander just gave the order to redirect most of the troops to make sure you don't reestablish contact with the two camps"

"So the base has fewer guards"

"Exactly. All we gotta do is get Alexander out and take him to the command center. He'll do the rest from there"

"What makes you so sure that Alexander will cooperate?"

"You still doubt me?"

"Uh yeah…"

"Well I guess I can't blame you. Don't worry Alexander's been on the right side the entire time"

"Right side? The fuck does that mean?"

"Exactly how you hear it. He's been on the right side this whole time"

"What's the right side, then?"

"What do you think it is?"


"We're on a tight schedule people!" Polonsky interrupted "Let's move!"

As he said that, Rufus does a leap of faith and lands on two unsuspecting NCR troopers. He quickly punches the first one in the face, knocking him out and proceeds to choke the other until he loses consciousness as the rest of the group follows him.

The group then sneaks through the camp, avoiding or neutralizing guards, as they made their way towards the storage tent, where Alexander was being kept.

Minutes later, they near their target.

Hiding behind a few boxes of ammunition and weaponry, Ellie scans the area with her eagle vision. "I detect 5 guarding the entrance to the tent, 2 patrolling around the tent, and one guy smoking in the corner on the right"

"Right then" Rufus said "Dallas. You take care of our little smoker in the corner. Jericho, Clover the two patrol guards. The rest will deal with the 5"

"Wait" Ellie interrupted "Who the hell gave you authority to order us around?"

"You got any better ideas then, 'lieutenant'?"

She stares at Rufus, who gives a confident smile. "Cocky bastard…"

Rufus chuckles as the others move to intercept their targets. "I'll take that as a complement"

Ellie then turns away from Rufus and uses her eagle vision to track Dallas' movements.

She quickly sneaks behind the NCR trooper and proceeds to choke him until he loses consciousness.

Looking to the left, Ellie tracks the movements of the other two, who hide behind a tent as the troopers walk past them.

The two then casually walk behind the troopers.

Jericho then taps one of the troopers in the shoulder.

As the soldier turns around, Jericho punches the man in the face, knocking him out.

Before the 2nd soldier could react, Clover lunges at him, knocking him to the ground, as she punches the trooper's face twice on both sides.

With the surrounding guards neutralized, the remaining three soldiers aim their armguards towards the 5 guards.

"Wait" Ellie said "We can't take em all out without alerting the camp!"

"I got that covered" Rufus answered

"What do you mean?"

"Just fire the damn darts!"


Reluctantly following Rufus' orders, Ellie and the others fire their respective armguards, successfully knocking out 3 of the guards.

"Wait" Rufus said as he rests his right hand on Ellie's left armguard

"But-" she said as Rufus moves his face side-to-side

"Shit! We got intruders in the camp!" one of the guards said as he and the remaining guard raise their weapons.

"What's going on here?" Gusurg said as he emerges from the tent

"Sir!" the guard responded "We may have intruders! They just knocked out 3 of our men right in front of us! What should we do, sir?"

"Well…" Gusurg said as he extends both of his arm "… I think you should sleep"

"Sir?" the guard said before Gusurg grabs both of their heads and rams it on each other, knocking them out

"What the fuck?!" Ellie said as she sees what happened

Everyone then emerges from their respective hiding places and gather around Gusurg

"Ok" Ellie said as she stops in the middle "What the fuck is going on? I demand answers!"

"Ellie" Polonsky said "Now's not-"

"Fuck that! I'm tired of all the secrets and twists! I want fucking answers! NOW!"

"Alright" Rufus replied "Me, Gusurg, and Polonsky have been working together for some time now"


"Remember those recordings you got about the Lone Wanderer's adventures under the White House?"

"What of it?"

"We're looking for the artifacts hidden in those ruins and you're the key"

"I'm the key?"

"There are still holes in your memories… We intentionally restored only a few of your memories during your time at North Carolina"


"Because if you remembered everything" Dallas interrupted "You may have turned against us and force us to kill you"


"Steiner didn't restore everything" Polonsky answered "He only restored memories that he deemed 'harmless'"


"Basically, the NCR's recent actions" Rufus added "Their invasion of the east, the aggressive nature of their armies, all that shit. It's all manipulation. Someone inside the NCR is manipulating the leadership to do all this"

"Why? Because of some stupid artifact? I don't think an invasion would be necessary to get some artifacts"

"You don't remember the very nature of these artifacts… So you don't understand the logic behind all this manipulation"

"What the fuck are these artifacts anyway? Pre-war tech?"

Gusurg chuckled as he claps his hands 3 times. "Ah Ellie… Pre-war is a tiny stretch to describe these things. They predate even before human civilization. They're powerful and in the wrong hands, they can end the world"

"And you think you guys can correctly use it?"

"I believe so. But we have no plans in using them, just securing them so that they're in safe hands, away from greedy bastards like the ones backing the NCR"

"The Western Brotherhood?"

"If only they were the only faction we're dealing with right now… You can't even begin to comprehend the true nature of this conflict. So stop with the questions cuz we don't have time!"

"Ellie…" Rufus said "We're on a tight schedule. This is all we can give for now"


"I promise. I'll give you the answers once we're done mopping this mess"

"… You better" Ellie said as the group resumes their mission

Entering the tent, the group finds Alexander tied to a chair.

"About damn time" he said "My legs were starting to give out on me…"

"Sorry we're late, general" Rufus responded

"Better late than never, I guess. Now then, untie me so I can get back at that backstabbing bitch!"

"So what now?" Ellie asked

"Basically, we storm the command center" Alexander answered "I'll do the rest from there"

Command Center:

A few minutes later:

The front door of the Satellite Facility breaks open as the group quickly enters the command center, only to find it empty.

"Where is everyone?" Ellie asked

"Keep your guard up" Alexander said "The black suits could be here"

"Black suits?"

"An elite unit" Rufus answered "They're a tier higher than the Rangers. Known for their Black Battle suits and ferocious fighting style. While the Rangers use guns, these bastards manage to pull off most of their mission barehanded"

"Whoah… Never heard of em"

"Then that means they're doing a great job… They're much deadlier than a ranger and the word 'mercy' doesn't exist in their vocabulary. Rumor has it that they've been physically enhanced"

"By what?"

"By your FEV strain"


"Congratulations" Gusurg sarcastically said "Your research has reached great heights"

Ellie attempted to sucker punch Gusurg but the former trooper grabs Ellie's fist. He gives a confident smile as he and Ellie stare at one another.

"Break it off" Rufus said "We have a mission to do"

As the group slowly wanders deeper into the facility, Ellie notices a short flash on her right.

Acting quickly, Ellie uses her right hand to pull Alexander back as a bullet narrowly passes his nose.

Rufus opens fire on the position the bullet came from.

Using her eagle vision, Ellie spots 4 individuals in the dark corners of the facility.

One of the individuals then charges at Ellie, who blocks the attacker's fists with her arms, causing her to come crashing into a nearby wall.

"Black Suits!" Chloe shouted as another one attacks her

She quickly blocks the attacker with her swords.

Recovering quickly, Chloe proceeds to hack her opponent, who easily parries or dodges her attacks.

It did not take long for her opponent to find an opening but before the black suit could deal a fatal blow, several shots hit the individual who jumps back with amazing speed.

"You alright?" Jericho asked as he checks on his comrade

"I'm fine… Bitch's tough…"

Both combatants then assume battle postures as their assailant recovers and lunges towards them.

Meanwhile, Ellie engages her assailant outside. She manages to grapple herself free from the black suit's grip.

She then draws her pistol but her opponent quickly pushes her right arm to the side, causing her to miss and does a palm strike on her chest, sending her flying straight into a tent.

Ellie quickly recovers as she stares at her opponent.

"Trying to copy my strain, eh…" she said as she lunges at her opponent, who easily parries her attacks "… It's good but nowhere near as perfect as mine!"

She attempts a right hook but the black suit grabs her hand and attempts to grab her face.

Ellie manages to avoid the strike by quickly ducking. She then kicks her adversary's chin, causing him to let her go.

She then sideswipes the black suit, focusing on his feet.

Her opponent quickly drops to the ground. Before he could recover, Ellie grabs his mask and destroys it with only the force of her right hand.

"I knew it" she said as she sees the pale, almost deformed face of a man "… Nice try but that is a cheap knockoff"

She ends her opponent's misery using her hidden blade.

Wasting no time, Ellie enters the building, hoping to aid her allies only to find the attackers had fled.

"The fuck happened?" she wondered

"They suddenly retreated" Polonsky answered

"You think it's a good thing?" Chloe asked

"Doesn't matter" Jericho replied "They're mighty strong and fighting them really gets me pumped!"

"Think it's because I managed to kill one of em?" Ellie wondered as she drags the dead black suit inside

"This man…" Rufus said as he recognizes the man despite his deformities

"You know him?"

"Let me check…"

Rufus then examines the man's torso and sees a dogtag


"So you do know him"

"So this is what happened to him…"

"What do you mean?"

"There have been very suspicious reports of missing personnel and civilians in and around NCR territory. The cover stories were very convincing but me, Alexander, and a few others knew better"

"So… They were actually kidnapped and forced into these experiments…"

"We had some evidence but we don't have definitive proof… until now… Finally, all their deaths would have meaning…"

"Who was this Butch?"

"… A good friend… Arrogant at times but a good man at heart… He travelled with me a few years ago and became a ranger too… But 2 years ago, he went missing in a mission in Virginia. We never heard from him again…"


"Butch… I'll make sure those bastards will pay for what they did to you…"

"Looks like Butch is gonna help us one last time…" Alexander added "Let's not waste it"


As everyone positions themselves near the steel doors, Rufus places his friend's body just near it.

"Tunnel Snakes forever…" he muttered as he does a sign of the cross

Command Room:

"Knock. Knock" Alexander said after he blew the steel doors open

As two NCR troopers attempt to shoot the general, Chloe and Jericho quickly neutralize the threat with non-lethal force.

"Y-You…!" the NCR officer said as he attempts to draw his pistol but stops as Chloe places her sword just behind his neck.

"I told you" Alexander said as he walks closer "You'll regret this"

"What are you planning?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago"

Alexander then tunes his radio to broadcast on all channels of the NCR

Attention all units.

This is General Alexander!

We have all been deceived and lied to!

The NCR we came to know, love, and protect has been infiltrated by greedy bastards that care only for themselves!

Even now, they sought to misguide all of you and was even low enough to use weapons of mass destruction against our enemies!

Our reputation has been tarnished! Our names have been darkened!

Many have died! And many have suffered! And for what?

To sate the growing greed of these politicians and the numerous officers under their pockets!

For those of you who still doubt me, I have some news for you!

Remember the countless missing persons cases, both civilian and military?

As well as the numerous "casualties" on a supposed "easy" battle?

I have definitive proof that General Lee Oliver and his lackeys are behind this!

They would kidnap these unsuspecting innocent people and subject them to heinous experiments! Some turned into those ghouls you witnessed massacring the rebels just a few hours ago!

The others became the infamous black suits, who are nothing more than mere shadows of their former selves!

They lied to us! They lied about the true status of our friends and families!

They lied about what happened in those mysterious cases!

And now, they're using those poor souls as fodder for numerous experiments!

One of our fellow rangers is a victim of this heinous act!

And the higher ups know about it! His name was Corporal Butch DeLoria!

So now, I am announcing through this channel that I, Alexander Desmond Crocker, will be defecting!

And if any of you still have any love, respect, and patriotism, you will do the same!

Stand up against the lies and greed of Lee Oliver and his lackeys!

"Ha!" the NCR officer said "You just made it official to all squads that you are an enemy! You think they would for a second-"

But before he could finish his sentence, several people begin to chatter through the radio. They were talking almost at the same time and it was almost hard to comprehend the message but one line kept on airing through the waves:

"We're with you, General Alexander!"

"Impossible!" the NCR officer said "H-How…?"

"It's because you and your pussy general" Alexander replied "Look at these soldiers as merely pawns, tools. Like they're just some kind of gun to be used then thrown away! A real general gets to know his men, inside and out! And he inspires them! That is what you all lack!"


"Believe it bitch!" Alexander shouted as he punches the NCR officer "You assholes don't know how to fucking lead an army! That's why you keep losing!"

2 hours later:

Ellie and the others gather at a hastily erected radio tent as they contact the rebel leaders

"Well. Well." Red said "A fortunate turn of events"

"You sure we can trust them?" Johannes retorted "I'm not entirely comfy with this. What if it's a trap?"

"Where did your sense for risk taking go?" Laren asked "I thought you were the type to take risks in an operation?"

"W-Well… This I'm still trying to make sense of what has happened…"

"Nevertheless…" Elder Lyons added "I have faith in Ellie. We owe it to her afterall…"

"You do have a point" Senora replied

"I think we should give them a chance" Fawkes added

"The Super Mutant speaks" Laren said

"I have captured a number of NCR soldiers and some of them have proven to be honorable warriors"

"I agree" Jack added "I'm willing to put my trust in these guys. Besides, I plenty of cards to play in case any 'unforeseen' events happen"

"It looks like the council has decided" Elder Lyons said "We hope you will be a great asset, General Alexander"

"It's an honor to be fighting alongside such brave and honorable soldiers!"

"Right. We will be sending more troops to your location. Good luck everyone! This is our finest hour! And Ellie"


"On behalf of the council, I would like to personally apologize for our hostility towards you"

"It's ok, Elder. All that matters now is that we finish what we started"

"Right you are"

Command Room

A few minutes later:

Ellie, Alexander, Rufus, Polonsky, and Vasquez gather at the room to discuss the final offensive on Raven Rock.

"What's waiting for us on that rock?" Vasquez asked

"We're gonna be dealing with heavy gun emplacements in and around the structure" General Alexander replied "Automated and manned. Also, I have a feeling, they'll be deploying elite units such as the black suits in the blind spots"

"So the entire area in and around the base is a killzone"

"Pretty much…" Rufus answered "A frontal assault would be costly. We have limited howitzers and getting a vertibird close enough would be as hard as taming a deathclaw"

"So what do we do?" Vasquez asked

"We stick to a frontal assault" Alexander said

"What?! Didn't you just say it would be costly?!"

"I know but trust me on this. Rufus and I have a trump card that would throw Oliver's forces in disarray. All we gotta do is make sure we hold out on this location for exactly an hour and a half from now"

"From now?"

"Just trust me on this"

"What do you think, Ellie?"

"I guess it's worth a shot but I say we have several vanguards in place in the side of the mountain"

"A good plan!" Alexander said "Now let's execute it! Oliver's not gonna give us time to rest!"