
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

The War Has Officially Begun

Andor –

I am not lying when I say that Ashina's mother scares me! If I hadn't figured it out before, now I know exactly where Ashina's temper comes from genetically. Despite the fact that Ashina and I are clearly marked and mated, her mother wouldn't let me near her daughter. There seems to be some sort of vendetta against me on the part of her mother.

Ashina and I walked into the hall, this was my moment to have her all to myself. Ashina's mother was still in the conference room discussing strategy with the warriors. My hands are tightly gripped around Ashina's waist as I lift her over my shoulder into an empty room.

There was an incessant and furious booming of my heart in my chest cavity. My heart swelled into a mallet and swung against my rib cage as if it were a drum full of love, ready to burst at any moment. Each spark ignited at the touch of her delicate skin.

In the shadows just inside the door, her legs encircle my waist from the waist down, leaving my erection up against her panties due to her dress riding up her legs.

We interlocked our lips, enmeshing our tongues into lustful, lengthy battles of sexual dominance. Among us, Ashina was my desire, my wolf and I was a desire of hers, as was her wolf. While she moaned loudly, I rocked my hardened penis against her clitoral area. Enjoying the touch interlocking the physical with the euphoria of the bonding of mated souls.

As a precaution against Ashina's ever-prying mother becoming aware of our interactions, I pressed harder against her lips, hoping Ashina's pleasurable moans wouldn't alert her mother. To our dismay, however, her mother had found us, and she wasn't thrilled.

Ashina and I were so entwined that we weren't prepared to have our bodies ripped from each other. It had been as if her mother had used magic to lift me in the air like a pinata ready to be beaten with a stick.

My jaw dropped when I saw Ashina laughing. The women enjoyed torturing men and got a kick out of it. When the queen blatantly separated her daughter and me, I folded my arms in displeasure, and I'm sure my face reflects my feelings.

Ashina's mother magically tied a string to my foot, to use it as a leash to guide me around. I had never been so humiliated. Not even Ashina turning me into a green man was as vile.

The queen then got a nerf bat, while she smirks an evil grin. From the evil smirk she gave me, I could guess that she had been hanging around Malcolm too much.

Queen Amira –

While I am only teasing him, I would like Andor to know that her parents are now involved, and he needs to fear us, if ever he comes up with anything that would make my baby cry. Hopefully, Andor will think twice about making my little girl cry. The torture he will receive will be unlike anything he has ever experienced. It's not going to be in the dungeons, or on racks of steel stretching him from end to end.

The kind that makes a man uncomfortable, keeps him from his mate, and grills him about uncomfortable topics. He is being tested on his fighting skills and his ability to stand up to me. There is no one who can stand up to me, not even my own mate.

With my nerf beat, I tapped Andor on the leg. It's time for you to earn my respect, Andor. As Ashina helps the troops to forge together and break down the doors to the kingdom's exterior, you will hang out with me. My little horny toad will stay with me and protect me, unless I decide to turn you into a frog. Even a princess can't kiss back to normal."

A mind link was sent to me by Ashina. The fact remains that we remain members of the same royal family, and we remain part of the same royal pack. The ability to mind link still exists between us.

"Mom, what the heck is going on?" There is a lot of humor in this, and I find it hilarious. However, what gives?"

"Oh, my adorable child, I will tell you later." I decided to ignore that question for now.

Ashina looked at me unsatisfied with my answer. However, she let it go and Ashina asked another question.

"Mother, your throat was slashed pretty badly. I thought you would lose your speech ability."

Smiling brightly at my daughter, I cupped her beautiful cheeks. My daughter is slightly taller than I am, so I reached up to touch her cheeks.

"Sweetheart, it was one of the destinies I would have suffered that the moon goddess showed me. But in the moon goddess' kindness, she spared me that fate, and completely healed me, body, mind, and soul."

My heart soars at what a beautiful daughter Ashina has become, inside and out. My heart swelled at the sight of my pup. Granted, Ashina looks like my carbon copy, so essentially, I am also stating I am beautiful as well. I am not shy about telling the truth. My daughter and I are the essence of beauty, that other female's envy. It is okay to love oneself and appreciate the goddess' gifts. It is not okay to belittle others because of your gifts. Love is always the key, and kindness is the way.

"Ashina, it is now time to assemble our warriors and allies, and let's take our kingdom back. Also, let your father know I am well; I will be with him soon."

Following a kiss on her forehead, I sent Dean with Ashina to act as her guardian. I was dragging my son-in-law by the string that keeps him from floating away. As much as I enjoy Andor's discomfort, I find it hilarious. Andor may not believe this, but in the future, he will look back and laugh at this like I am right now.

Ashina –

My first stop was the medical tent, which I ran to as fast as my feet could carry me. It was imperative that I see my father. It was a panicked state I left him in, not understanding how the warriors had found my mother. I needed to fill my father's heart with the knowledge that my mother, his mate, is well, thanks to the moon goddess.

I see my father sleeping soundly, as the doctor approaches me stating that my father had been in and out of consciousness for a bit. Then, suddenly, my father was okay and his heartbeat steady. The doctor seemed to be perplexed by the lapse in health and then the instant recovery.

I was not surprised; he probably experienced my mother repeatedly dying and coming back to life due to the mate bond. Nodding my head at the doctor, I left the tent, letting him sleep, to recover from his ordeal from earlier tonight.

Once outside, Dean stands by my side, while I look at the skies in shock. Fireworks dazzled our midnight sky brighter than the full moon with all its brightness. The ground shook, and I could hear the dragon's roar.

Without a moment to think, I shouted out, "Oh crap! We are now officially at war!"

Jake, my mother's loyal royal warrior, is covered in blood, he looks like he is about to pass out as other warriors hold him up. "princess, princess." Jake stumbled on his words, stuttering in pain. "Your mother sent a message to you. Don't…." This is when Jake fell to the ground. The medics run over lifting Jake on to a gurney, rushing him into the medics' makeshift hospital tent.