
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Chapter 21 MATURE - Giving Andor Erotic Dreams

Ashinas POV -

Looking at the pitiful Alpha before me, I take a deep breath. Andor had an almost empty bottle of vodka still clutched tightly in his right hand, despite having shattered empty vodka bottles all around. His bangs were disheveled and fell into his eyes. I saw his clothes were rumpled and he looked like he was in a barfight. I don't get it. Why was this guy so exasperated?

Pushing Andor's bangs back, I tried to see the scar he seemed so self-conscious about. Using my finger, I traced the scar down to just below his left ear near his hairline. Rather than seeing it as ugly, I saw it as part of the aloof, rugged attitude he portrayed. His sexiness was undeniable.

However, I was annoyed that he slept around, these young women may be ready to change status to become his Luna. It was obvious he had to know why these women wanted to have sex with him. Of course, it's partly because of his handsomeness, but they also want to be like Cinderella and win his heart. For him, none of them mattered except for solving his primal needs. I was irritated to no end by this. Do I think I'd be able to handle him if I let myself fall for him? What is true love to him, or would I just be another sexual knot in his belt?

He had such rough stubble on his chin, part of that rugged look, that I really liked. There was nothing smooth about his face like Cadma's. Cadma's skin looked like that of a boy, and Andor's looked like that of a man.

I hadn't realized I was thinking aloud, "You know, Andor, if you could look into others' eyes, this scar only enhances your rugged good looks."

Cadma wasn't a saint either, which is why I broke up with him. Despite that, Cadma was safe, I knew who he really was inside, and he liked me a lot. It didn't occur to me how sheltered I had been in the dragon's kingdom all these years. It seemed like my beta and shadow warriors had prepared me well for the world. However, nobody taught me how to handle mates, love, and emotional ties. In terms of education and warrior training, I had been slaving to my studies. Even when I was in love with Cadma, I restrained myself since he didn't even mean more to me than my studies or training. With my parents dead and me having been missing out all these years without them, I wanted vengeance.

So, I sent a mind-link to my beta, hoping he wasn't doing the horizontal boogie.

"Rector? Are you awake?"

"Ashina, your highness? What's wrong?" My beta yawned.

Despite the fact that it was late, I knew I couldn't take this drunk Alpha to his bed.

"Rector, the Alpha seemed to have passed out on his desk after drinking himself to a stupor. Could you help me get him to his room?"

Through our mind-link, I hear him grumble "Give me about ten minutes, I'll be there in no time."

Right above his right eyebrow, I noticed blood dripping from a cut. The stupid man got so drunk that he hit his head on the desk.

As I walk into his bathroom, I'm looking for gauze, bandages, and rubbing alcohol. They were in a medical kit hanging on the wall. Using the gauze and rubbing alcohol, I cleaned his wound. Next, I put some clean gauze on his wound before taping it down. The thing that amazed me was that he was still passed out after I patched him up.

In the middle of bandaging Andor's wound, my beta walks in. As I look up, Rector is cocking up his eyebrows with a smug smile on his face.

"Hmm, if I didn't know better your highness. I would think you are developing feelings for him."

"I'm the ice queen," I scoffed. "That's what I'd do for my worst enemy." I feign ignorance.

As I looked at my beta, he gave me that is such a lie look. "Oh, really!"

With a smirk, I reply, "Well maybe not for my worst enemy." I laugh.

Under the sink in the bathroom, I found an empty spray bottle. With ice freezing water, I fill the spray bottle. When I get back to the office, I spray Andor with the water I retrieved for this. He had to be awake enough so we could lift him up from the chair without his dead weight being so heavy.

I would have thought he died if he didn't have a steady pulse. Spraying didn't seem to work. My first stop was his fridge, which is in the mini-kitchen area of the office. Opening the freezer and taking out several ice cubes. After I got back to Andor, I started rubbing the ice on his back. He starts shivering and growling at this point. 'Okay!" It looks like we have his attention now.

"Come on Rector, let's take this Heavy paper weight to his bed!"

Groaning Rector lifts Andor's right and I lift Andor's left arm.

Growling at Andor, I tell him to get up. While his eyes are closed, Andor growls right back. I grimace. "Amazing." I don't understand how someone can seem comatose yet obey about standing up. Shaking my head in disbelief.

We were able to grab Andor for a few minutes, so we could get him well secured between my beta and me. We dragged Andor up to the top floor while Andor's feet dragged on to the floor.

I grunt at my beta, "Remind me to kick that alpha out in the morning when he's hungover?"

When we were concentrating on not dropping the douchebag, Rector just grimaced. With his bed to our backs, we turned around and dropped Andor on his bed after we made it through his door.

The Alpha turned around and I started taking off his sneakers, allowing him to sleep comfortably. I don't know why I did this for him, honestly this man's cocky attitude had become the bane of my existence.

If he were awake, this would never happen. Only because he's out liked a light am I undressing him. There's no big deal with nakedness among shifters, since we're naked when we shift back from wolves.

As my beta darted out the door, I jested, "Traitor, you abandoned me." Rector ignored me and blocked me from sending him anymore mind-links. I'm definitely kicking his butt.

Grabbing the top of his jeans, I unzipped them and wriggled them down past his hips. Taking them off his body. He was only wearing his boxers now, and I could see his member through them, and it was thick and hard as a rock. The more I got aroused, the more I shook my head, figuring I didn't want him to wake up from it. Never before have I felt this way about someone. Imagining him buried deep inside of me turned my imagination into erotic. Initially he would take me slowly, rubbing his dick into my folds paying special attention to my sensitive spot, then he'd speed up, lips on mine, tongues battling for supremacy. As he slammed his dick inside and out of me, he pulled on my hair. The sweat started dripping down my forehead.

Never have I had sex with anyone, nor have I ever felt out of control like this. Honestly, I just wanted his dick in my mouth. Trying to shake my head out of my fantasies, I wonder what's wrong with me.

Taking both feet off the ground, I twist him on to the bed. My curiosity makes me peek down at his boxers. The length of his dick is ominous, thick, and eye-catching.

I think to myself, he's my mate, what's the harm in licking him? I chide myself; I wouldn't want him to do that to me without my permission. As soon as I get him on the bed, his arm grabs me and throws me over. When I turn around, he's just moving in his sleep. Then he rolls over and I'm stuck under him while he bucks against me. He's living out his wet dream and I thought I'm going to die from embarrassment

Suddenly I changed my mind and decided to dry hump him back, since this would all be a dream for him. I put my hands in his hair, while kissing his vodka-soaked lips. How sweet and thick his lips were. I got my core right-up to his dick. While we bucked each other until he fell asleep and somehow, we were both able to orgasm at the same time. I didn't mean to, but I fell asleep with him as well.