
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Chapter 14 Negotiating Our Terms with King Andor

As soon as I awoke, I showered and put on my black clothes, leggings, boots, and tank top. During the night, when we worked camouflaged, that was all we wore. My time is limited, and I need to discuss whether this Alpha is going to help us out, or if we are just going to spar all the time. Despite the fact that they should have been saved yesterday, my people are still suffering from the evil man's hands today.

Apparently, the Alpha's door has been fixed since I knocked it down. As I chuckled to myself, I kind of laughed out loud. I could just imagine the Alpha explaining how a mere she-wolf broke down his door. I knocked a couple of times; I know he can scent me even though I really can't scent him yet. As soon as I hear shuffling, I know what I'm going to see won't be pleasant.

Instead of knocking down the door, I would shove it enough to break the lock. When I opened the door, my mouth dropped wide open because I saw a naked wet alpha, something I hadn't anticipated.

Looking at a very annoyed Alpha, he asks "Why did you break your way in again?

Stuttering I ask, "Could you please put some clothes on?" I had never seen such a big penis before, not that I have experience looking at penises. I knew my face was redder than an ripe strawberry.

Andor laughs, "You know this is my office and I did lock it for privacy's sake. However, you seem to have issues with locked doors." Shaking his head, he laughs at my discomfort taking his time to dry his hair.

"Damn it! Quit teasing me! Get your clothes on so we can talk." Feeling irritated with this man as I speak.

I am only a breath away from him as he walks over to me naked, saying, "I have no problem speaking.". While my horny wolf puts all sorts of X-rated images in my head, I take deep breaths. "You need to stop! I yelled at my wolf.

Even though I couldn't speak, I forced my words out, "I really need to leave. Can we count on your support?"

A smile spreads across Andor's face as he leans his head down. Just as he was about to graze my lips, Andor pulled away. As he turned around, he put on his pants, then his socks, shoes, and finally his t-shirt that matched his muscles perfectly. The stupid thing I did was to stand there catching flies with my mouth open.

Then Andor walked over to the sofa in his room and beckoned me to sit down. I sat down at the far end of the sofa and faced him.

He laughs, "Really I don't bite too hard, well unless you want me to." Andor squeezes into the couch next to me, pointing to my neck where his bite would mark me. The moisture in my panties makes me feel uncomfortable. After closing my eyes, I got up and moved to a chair that could only accommodate one person.

"It's nice that I can affect you this way, princess," Andor laughed. "Are you aware that I can smell your arousal?"

Andor's statement is deflected by my question, "Who even has a shower in their office?"

Andor laughs, "I do princess, and when you become my queen. You will as well."

The realization that if we were mates, we would both head our own kingdoms makes my eyes widen. Throughout my life, I had been raised to save my people and then become their queen. There was no way I could be his queen.

The moment I look at Andor, my thoughts are racing. I had never considered rejecting my mate, but it may be necessary.

Already, I didn't like how familiar the she wolves were with him here, and then we both had our own kingdoms. There is no way either of us wants to surrender our kingdoms to the other.

"It may be necessary for us to reject each other if we are mates," I suggested.

His eyes glowed with anger. Screaming, he yelled, "GET OUT!"

That didn't go well. I'm not sure why he got so angry. I mean, he likes his she-wolves, and we both have our own kingdoms. First and foremost, I would have thought he would reject me.

As far as anger management goes, I have never been tested like this before. My approach to life is usually levelheaded and laid back. It was time to pulverize something, someone, so I ran out to the training grounds. While I had been hoping to find Cadma, I was told he had already left.

There was no question in my mind that my beta was with his newfound mate. I knew I wouldn't see him for several days.

I sighed and decided to run in my wolf form. The wolf I possess is the same size as any other alpha wolf, which is why no one can give me alpha commands. I walk into the forest behind the training grounds, stripping off my clothes and hiding them behind a tree.

My wolf is still not sure if Andor is her mate, and she didn't like my suggestion to reject him. During our conversation, I pointed out that he did not wait for us and slept with other she-wolves, and nothing could guarantee that he would stop having sex with random she-wolves in the future.

My mind was lost in thought as I ran as fast as I could, forgetting what had happened about half an hour ago in Andor's office. I had already been caught off guard when I smelled the putrid stench. Suddenly, my wolf was stabbed with an injection needle containing a knockout drug.