
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Chapter 12 Sexual Tension?

Since I don't want to change my sleeping habits over and over again to accommodate my mission, I didn't stay asleep. If I was going to imagine my mates face on a punching bag, I had to find the pack gym, as well as the punching bag.

When I walk into the gym, I see Cadma practicing jujitsu. As Cadma looks up at me, I quietly walk to the punching bag.

"Hey, you can't sleep?"

"We don't change our sleep schedule just because we are visiting this kingdom. The only time we travel is at night. Why? You already know. What made you decide to come here? It was supposed to be you who would oversee the other dragon recruits."

"Wow I feel loved princess."

In the middle of punching the bag hanging from the ceiling, I hear Cadma walk quietly behind me. As he kisses my neck with his tongue, I feel the sensation of him kissing me. In order to prevent him from kissing my neck, I punched him in the face and right into his nose. The punching bag is back in action, and I am back to creating havoc on it.

I hear Cadma whining, "I think you broke my nose! Ow that smarts!"

Rolling my eyes, we mythical creatures heal instantly. "Seriously? You are such a baby."

I hear him with his dragon roaring, "I will show you a big baby!"

I just decided to ignore Cadma while I continued to punch the bag in front of me.

Cadma starts whining trying to get my attention. "I am going to the pack doctor, maybe they can fix my nose."

I laugh to myself, "Why did I use to crush on this whiner?"

"Cadma! You didn't answer me before why you showed up?"

"Would you believe I missed you princess?"

I stop punching my bag and give him the "Are you serious?" look.

Laughing, he proceeded to state, "Well, from the DNA of your brother, I am pretty sure he is a member of the very rare Sun Dragon clan. As I was on my way to meet a clan that knew about Sun Dragons, I decided to stop here and let you know what I had found."

I had just experienced a pleasant change of pace in my night. In the heart of my heart, I wanted so much for my brother to feel like he was a part of something, when he discovered that he was not a wolf and that we were not biologically related to one another. A cry could be heard in the middle of the night from him. While he tried to hide it from me, I was able to hear him, nonetheless.

It was with happiness and hope that I filled my heart for my brother. The only thing I could do was hug Cadma and then kiss the cheek of the male dragon that was in front of me.

"Wow Princess! Could we replay what just happened?"

I punched Cadma in gut and he bent over in pain. "Don't press your luck your highness!"

Grunting, "I will head to the pack doctor. Later Princess."

I continued to punch the punching bag until it started to fall apart as I continued to punch it. Suddenly, I was taken out of my anger when I heard a motion behind me. I was surprised to see it was none other than my mate.

"What asshole, can't you sleep at night?"

"Nah I keep thinking about a certain young girl that came for my help, and yet she still calls me an asshole."

"It is true that I came and practically forced us on you, you are right. In my opinion, we are going to leave tomorrow. It has been decided that we do not need your help in this matter. When I am queen do not even think of creating an alliance with me. On a second thought, I need to find out if you are my mate, so you can reject me and go about whoring around with your pack of whores."

I felt smug until I could see his wolf starting to push through, his eyes turning black. It almost seemed like a cartoon where you could see the fire coming out of his ears.

Andor grabbed pinning me to the nearest wall. "Princess, you will not disrespect me on my territory." With his body holding me now against the wall, I can feel his member hard for me. Turning my core into a fiery mess. He scents me and crashes his lips onto mine. I let him for some strange reason. Why does this asshole turn me on in ways I had never even felt with Cadma. Realizing in shock what I was doing. I pushed Andor back hard, then I started punching him. I was taking all my anxiety out on him with every punch, and we just kept sparring for what seemed like hours.

We were so busy sparring we didn't notice the crowd around us, Cadma went and brought popcorn to watch us. It was the early morning training group with the beta of Andor's walking in to train the group.

The beta walked over to Cadma and sat next to him. "So, what is going on here?"

Cadma laughs, "My guess? Sexual tension being worked out! My bets are on Ashina winning."

"Alright let's place bets!" the beta laughs.

Those who believe the female will win raise your hand. Only a couple of hands raise. Now those that believe that Andor will win raise your hand. Most of the crowd raised their hands. Cadma notices the beta writing down names and has them putting 5.00 each into a hat.

Cadma shakes his head and laughs, "You know I should be offended; she had been my girlfriend. I mean I am not giving up on her. Look at her! She is hot and well is full of fire as well. I know that sounds weird, but that is how I see her. She is perfect."

The beta looks at him shaking his head, "The mate bond will usually win."