

Iris has been a warrior princess and the only daughter but the last child of the king and queen of Philadelphia. all princess have their destiny in the hands of their father or husband, while Iris's destiny is different when it is all placed in hope. a kingdom ruled with just and proper decree turned otherwise within the hands of time. Iris watches her kingdom crumble from an unjust war and her family dies in grief and pain. heeding her mother's last words she left the kingdom and traveled very far away but vows to return and retain back her kingdom and avenge the death of her loved ones. on her journey to winning back her Kingdom, Iris ends up falling in love with the son of her enemy. will the love build her strength to gain victory or would it render her weak? join in her adventure as she struggles to gain back what is rightfully hers.

Halimah_Bello · History
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56 Chs

Chapter 52

My mind sank as Lexar proceeded "was he about to propose to me I thought nervously as he held unto my hands.

Lexar's eye contact became serious and more intimate than it has ever been, he stared for a while making sure both our gazes met until he dropped the news which was made to be every girl's dream.

I love you more than anything in this world, he said before finalizing by saying. "I would be more than honored to make you mine by asking for your hand".

his words came out in shock, although I saw them coming.

I just nodded with a smile as he softly kissed my knuckles, offering me a rose which he hid behind him.

So, have you said yes "He asked with a lit smile".

give me a little more time to think it through then I will make my decisions known.

I went to Calix's quarters to inform Hannah and her mother, about my leaving.

Instantly I regretted my decision as Hannah held on a very taunt grip around my leg, begging me to stay much longer. But to her disappointment, I had to leave but to her excitement, I promised her that I would come for a visit next time and bring Bryanna with me.

I insisted on leaving for Philadelphia on my own, but instead, he insisted on having some guards escort me with a royal carriage.

I didn't fight back and just left as he insinuated after my final goodbyes.

I got to Philadelphia, a few hours before sunset, and to everyone's surprise, they all welcomed me diligently without asking any further questions.

I didn't notice Clinton's presence as I stepped further into the castle halls.

I got a message from one of his messengers, saying "he had called me to a meeting about something very important".

I wondered what it could be, "just shortly after I had arrived he was already calling me to a meeting "I soliloquized".

I walked into his courtroom, only to find the third prince of the Lucan empire sitting on a sit near Clinton.

I noticed how he continued to stare at me in a spellbound manner, making me feel nervous about the whole situation.

Thank you for being present Iris, please have a sit "Clinton said pointing a sit next to the third prince.

I am sorry for summoning you here, moments after you arrived, but it was for a very distinct reason "Clinton revealed".

It was going to involve the third prince I just knew it would be judging by the way he stared at me earlier "I thought".

I would start by introducing to you the third prince of the Lucan empire, he had traveled a great distance to ask for your hand "Clinton stated".

My mind sank instantly by his words. Why would the third prince want to marry me, we haven't even met before "I thought as Clinton's words escaped through the room".

my eyes went straight to his' as he stood on his feet, slowly pacing towards me with a sardonic grin.

My heart was beating so fast I could feel my heart burst out of my chest.

he looked straight into my eyes with a cheerful smile, feeling so assured that he had won me over.

He acted so fully of himself "I whispered".

Look up princess "he said pulling my chin up to his sight".

He was so up close that I could feel his warm breath on my face.

My chest fluttered at his touch, but I immediately held back after noticing everyone's eyes on us both.

He smirked at my actions and placed a kiss on my knuckles. His touch was so gentle but cold, it was such a strange feeling but felt great.

I see you both have great chemistry already, we would give you both some time alone to learn more about each other "Clinton said exiting the room".

Did he just offer Eldar my courtship, without approaching me first "I thought in rage".

The room became so silent that I could here is footsteps towards me.

He held onto my hands and brought me closer to him, making us an inch away from each other. His looks were so breathtaking *what in the world was I feeling, I can't feel the same way for two men*.

His charming brown eyes, black glowy hair, and jasmine sent made me defenseless from his charm. He walked up to me at a slow pace, and my heart beat at light speed.

I knew my actions were wrong but my decision had not been made to Lexar, yet am been captivated by Eldar the third prince of the Lucan empire.