
Why Was Vonruil Chosen To Be The Duke?


Before Morris could complete his sentence, Sky said, "I know what you want to know. As a sub, why didn't I sense Vonruil was in danger and go over to help?" Sighing Sky says, "As a sub, I should have gone, but as a sub to the duke, I have my limitations and responsibilities."

"Morris, at that time, as a sub, knowing Vonruil could be injured, having his blood type available was more important. As we all know, there's no way of defeating him." Xiander says, explaining, "So, at that time, Sky went to the Unborn Dimension to get the bloodstone. The bloodstone would be needed to make the blood for Vonruil if he had lost too much during battle."

"Till now, Sky has brought the bloodstone five times."

Xiander sees the boys don't understand what Xane meant by bringing the stone five times, so he explains, "The bloodstone is not like the one on earth, a solid form. The bloodstone brought from the Unborn Dimension lasts only for three months before it disappears. So, every time it disappears, Sky goes back to bring it back. Now also, we still have it; a few days are left."

"Of course, now he does not have to go, as Vonruil is fine." Xane says it excitedly. Then he gets a little sad and says, "He's always in a horrible state when he comes back."

"The reason is that the unborn dimension is a place where malevolent powers exist higher than anywhere in the universe." Xiander says, "Fighting them is like fighting against your soul. To be able to get the bloodstone, you have to have a pure soul. Once the malevolent powers take over you, you are evil. Then you cannot take the stone. So, every time Sky goes there, he uses his shadow stone to overcome the powers. Rest; you can understand."

"The stones get absorbed by your heart and then become energy for you. If so, then, damn." Getting angry, Sam says, "Brother, can I order Sky?"

Smiling Vonruil says, "You guys said he's your brother-in-law. Do as you want."

"Good, I forbid you to use them. (Before Sky could say anything.) And I won't hear a word. Tomorrow, we'll go to the hospital you guys made for me. I need some tests done to check your condition. Then I can help treat you better."

"Ah, I have two questions in my mind." Peter says in a curious tone, "One's blood type is rare. Two, you once said he would be the first bloodline ruler of Artmitis; what does that mean?"

"Yeah, why are all of a sudden the rules being changed? Why not continue the way the current king was chosen by you all?" Morris also questions them.

"Guys, there's a saying on earth: changes are for the better." Vonruil says, as he makes a point, "It's true that the significance of the blood ruling never mattered, and it was never a point for ruling over as King of Artmitis as well. But over the decades, things have changed."

Taking over the conversation, Xiander says, "The selection criteria have changed, as the ruler often gets questioned about being selected. Over the decades, whenever a new king gets chosen, a lot of things have to be dealt with. The most important fact is the sub. After a king gets changed, the sub has a drastic change in role and duties. Some even get exiled because, by that time, they have aged and can no longer protect themselves. Another thing is that the new king gets challenged a lot for being selected. Boys, you see, the ruler of Artmitis is indirectly the ruler of all realms. So, when a king gets chosen, it's inevitable for other realms to oppose his abilities."

"Wait, what do you mean ruler of all realms? Do you mean the king is the ruler of all realms, and if so, then how can the allies and Rival revolt?" Morris asks in a confused tone.

"That's the reason the bloodline became a reality. Once we have a supreme bloodline with born abilities that go into generations, no one will question the ruler." Xiander says he is trying to explain.

"As for Vonruil, his creation was only to become the ruler; that's why he has the rare blood type. Only the ruler of Artmitis will have the rarest blood type in the universe."

"Hey, on earth we also have the null blood type. It's rare, but there are a few." Sam says he is a little confused.

"Yes, but the consistency is different. The human blood type is inherited. And as for the parents, the bloodline goes back generations. But here on Artmitis, we only have two blood types, which get determined when the angel is created. Vonruil is the first angel who was created during the catatumbo lighting, which is why he's the first rare blood type angel. And because of this, he also has natural abilities that other beings cannot deny. He got all of his stones before reaching the age of thirteen. On the battle front, everyone fears him. That's why he's known as the Warlord of the Universe. And, for this reason, the elders and the king decided to make his bloodline the official bloodline for the ruler. From now on, only his bloodline will rule over Artmtits."

Suddenly, Morris recalls the fact that in Artmitis, all couples are males. This makes him ask a question regarding how Vonruil's bloodline can evolve.

"Morris, I understand what you mean, but at the present, that has not been disclosed."

Xane cuts Vonruil's sentence midway and says, chirping like a bird, "But it's confirmed that Sky will be the key to that." A little confused, "Though I don't understand how and where? But I'm sure the gods must have thought of a way."

Seeing the boys are getting more confused than Xane is, Xiander says, "There's an enclave over at the Colossal Highlands, the Cirrus Enclave. It's the chosen enclave where, once Vonruil's blood is given to activate the aurora, the angel created there will be of Vonruil's bloodline. As the sub of the duke, Sky will go there to bring the angel, and as the sub of the king, it will be his duty to train and take care of the angel till he is ready to take over. Oh, and choosing the partner is also his duty."

As Xiander stops, he hopes the boys understand what he wants to explain.

Smiling, Morris says, "Oh, it's like going back home and adopting. Couples who can't have their own, or gay and lesbian couples, adopt as they also can't have their own."

"Hey, when will that be?" Peter asks happily, "He will be our nephew."

Smiling Vonruil says, "That's a long way. I'm still the duke, not king."

"So what? Princes have kids before becoming kings. After all, a prince gets married when his father is the king, and according to God's will, if he has a long life, the king has grandchildren."

Vonruil stops Morris in the middle and says, "Morris, remember, I'm the first duke who will have a bloodline. So, taking over will continue as before. When it's time for the King to step down, I'll take over."

"And when is that?" Peter asks in a curious tone.

"Usually, that's when he cannot guide us anymore, but again, our King is quite healthy and age wise; he's only forty something."

"Oh, then I won't get to see my nephew soon." Morris says it in a sad tone.

"Don't worry about that. A date will be officially announced when Vonruil has to go and give his blood as an offering at the enclave. Then it's the angel gods wish when to create the first bloodline of Vonruil."

"Oh, is that so? So, now what?" Peter asks in a curious tone.

"Wait, why is my brother's blood important? Is it because it's a rare type?" Sam asks, confused.

"Well, Vonruil is the first angel with the rare blood type, and he has natural abilities. The five elements, like you humans have them in your body, are the same." Xiander says, "But for the rest of us, our powers lie solely on our stones."

"Oh, so that's why my brother's bloodline has been chosen to be the ruler's bloodline. So, the ruler will be a ruler with natural abilities." Morris says it in a realistic tone.

"So, when did this fact get disclosed? I remember, over at the camp, Mavros's men were talking about dethroning the King and taking over Artmitis." Recalling the time Morris says, "Come to think of it, that was the first time I heard about Artmtits."

"That is not possible. Artmitis is not a place for evil hearts. But, yes, this is the reason the decision has been taken to make the ruler an official bloodline, so no one challenges Artmitis again." Xane says it in a frank tone.

"Brother, you've lived on earth, so you must know about this fact." Peter says in a curious tone, "According to us, angels live in heaven and devils in hell. How did the place change from heaven to Artemis?"

"Peter, the angels you are speaking about are actually spiritual beings and have no conception with us. We were created by the gods to protect the universe from any danger." Xane says it in a proud tone.

"So, what's the deal with the allies?" Peter asks in a curious tone.

As Vonruil places his mug on the table, he takes a sigh and says, "This began a few months ago, remember? I told you guys Rival was Satan's henchman and took Galdos Mountain from him."

The boys nod their heads in a yes gesture.

"Well, after Rival took over Galdos Mountain, he began to build his army. Obviously, he didn't have demons, so he began by gathering the evil beings regardless of what they were." Vonruil explains, "Eventually he had a mixed demon army, and then, the interesting part comes, the so called beasts began to change their looks, and eventually he got his own demon army. Now his demon army."

"First, Rival kept his distance from most of the realms, but after he beat Mavros,"

The boys say, "What??" Shocked, cutting Xiander's sentence midway.

Smiling, Xiander says, "Boys, he's the demon king for a reason. He has beaten practically every realm ruler. But thanks to Vonruil, they all survived. Anyway, Mavros and Ethor have been allies for quite some time. Ethor got information Rival was going to attack, so he sent his men over for help." Xiander continues, "So, obviously, we went and defeated Rival. Then a few more occasions got them to ask for help. Then our informant told us Rival had attacked Earth. So, we went over and negotiated a truce. But he attracted her again. So, we also went full throttle and attacked Rival."

"The original plan was to build the ice sheet and block Rival's way to earth. Then Keona and Mavros would deal with the minions, and Ethor and Xanbis would take care of the backup. While I dealt with Rival. Everything was going according to our plan, but before I knew it, the earth was split in two. The ice sheet separated the earth in two halves." Continuing Vonruil says, "Then a catatumbo lightning erupted, causing darkness that made me lose my focus on Rival. It's that second that Rival got a hold on his hand, and opened the abyss portal hole. It was so close, I didn't get the chance to get my stand. And, when I was sucked in, the abyss force backfired me, and I got hit by or on something. That caused me to faint. Then when I woke up, I realized I didn't have my powers."

"Brother, one second. You said this before also, the gods took your powers. And, right now you said you are chosen to be the ruler because you are the only angel who has natural powers," Peter asks in a little cautious tone, "Did he or they take all of them?"

"That's what saved me, Peter. The gods only took the stone and element powers away." Vonruil says, explaining, "Peter, you can only take power away, not the source. So, the gods took the powers away, but I had the stones. Yes, if I didn't have my natural five elemental powers, it would have been impossible for me to revive them. But, I still don't know why they betrayed me like this."

"Brother, do you think the allies and Rival are connected?" Sam asks in a confused tone.

"No, but then I can't deny it as well. So far there has been no clue they are together, but then the way things turned out, I can't deny it either."

"Ah, brother, who was that Klytie? What's her grudge with Sky?" Sam asks in a hesitant tone.