
Ch-9 The Second One Part-2

"Alright then, since you are already here, let's complete our warging quota for the day," I said before moving toward a large flat rock nearby and sitting on it cross-legged.

It's been about 5 months since my first foray with warging into Frost, and I had been diligently practicing it at least once a day since sometimes even more if I find the time for it.

I pulled an hourglass out of my pocket and placed it beside me. It was made out of glass and had numerous markings made of charcoal outside it. It had been a bit of an expensive purchase, costing about two months of my earnings from teaching Becca, but it was worth it, watching my progress every day reassured me that I wasn't stagnating.

After getting into a comfortable position, I closed my eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, and immediately went into my zone of consciousness.

The sphere of my mind had grown a lot since I first accessed this place, and it's also gotten a lot more firm the image training I still did had paid off. The bumps and flailing on the surface of the orb, which represented distracting thoughts have also been smoothed out a lot.

After admiring my inner world for a few moments, I focused on the needle poking at my sphere from outside and sent my consciousness toward it.

Immediately I felt myself connect to a door leading into a tunnel, and without hesitation entered it by concentrating on it. Almost instantly I experienced a feeling of weightlessness, and before I could fully appreciate the sensation, I was suddenly bombarded with all kinds of new sensory information.

I could suddenly see everything, I had an almost 360-degree vision, along with being able to see a new range of colors, and could even zoom at an ant or bug crawling on the ground, I could listen to whole new varieties of sounds.

While feeling all those senses at once was very disorienting, it also made me feel powerful like I was the most dangerous predator around and nothing could stop me.

Frost's thoughts were very erratic and predatory, most of the thoughts passing through her mind classified every living thing she saw as prey and predator. Thankfully when I looked at my body slumped on the rock, she categorized me as family.

'Fly,' I tried to send my request through a series of images and feelings, and while Frost's thoughts were very scattered, she was able to understand my desire and immediately flapped her powerful wings and suddenly I was flying away.

My body felt light as a feather, I felt like could go anywhere and the whole world was just my playground.

The feeling of freedom, the wind rushing across my feathers, the euphoria from this liberation from the solid ground was so addictive, it made me giddy and made me want to remain inside her forever, to leave the domain of earth and fly for eternity.

But thankfully while those thoughts were very prevalent, the meditation in the morning along with the mental exercises I did before going to bed made my mind very resilient, and firm so I was able to suppress those seductive thoughts.

The whole of Winterfell and the town outside were in my view, I could even see the facial feature of every single person inside the town.

And on the other side was the forest of Wolfswood, and almost immediately I could spot about 6 prey located at various distances every single of them was hiding using a different technique, but I was still able to spot them all.


Immediately Frost flapped his powerful sets of wings again and started flying higher. I didn't actually command her or anything. So instead of being a driver, I was actually just a passenger, and whenever I wanted something I just asked her...politely, and she complies.

I tried not to wrestle the control of Frost's body away from her because while I felt like I could do it, it would detrimental in the long run for the trust between us, and besides I don't think I could control Frost's body better than her, so I just left the steering wheel in her hands while nudging her occasionally.

Frost stopped rising and just started gliding in huge circles, I was so high up that it was cold enough to give my normal body frostbite, but in Frost's body, the cold winds just felt comfortable, almost... soothing.

Alas, all too soon I started to feel the solid orb of my mind start to wear down around the edges. The firm grip I had on my thoughts started to loosen slowly, as Frost's fleeting thoughts and predatory emotions started to affect me so I reluctantly but quickly exited Frost's mind and went toward the tunnel leading toward mine.

It had been written inside the notes I found in the Winterfell Library that one should never stay inside the mind of an animal beyond their mental capacity allows because if they do then the animal's mind swings will slowly but surely start to affect the warg and make them more... animalistic.

The one thing written inside that I had taken to heart was that 'The sign of a good warg was their ability to introspect and to be able to evaluate their mental condition at all times,'


I entered back inside my body and immediately felt a sense of incongruity, even though I had only been in Frost for a short while. I was a little uncomfortable having hands instead of wings, and losing all those additional senses also made me feel weakened.

I took a few seconds to get assimilated before standing up from where I had been slumped on the rock. I mostly always warg from inside my own room after locking the door, so I didn't take into account the comfort of my unconscious body.

I looked toward the hourglass and marked the fallen sand with a piece of charcoal. Looking at the previous mark I was a bit happy that I had improved once again and was able to stay a bit longer inside Frost.


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