

Following a tragic accident in which Lily loses both her parents. She finds herself faced with the challenge of her lifetime when her well-being is intrusted to a man she has never met. She is a skittish little thing, that has spend most of her life, safely growing in the shadows of her parents whom have kept her safe, and guarded. In her desperate attempt to prove her worth, she strikes a deal with the stranger. Things take a turn for the worse when her life turns into living, breathing nightmare, at every turn she takes. Her mistakes, haunt her very much like her dreams where she embarks in a journey a discovery of herself, and of the world that she belongs. After two years of pinning, a wirlwind, illicit romance comes to life. The second part of the book focuses on a series of adeventures where she divides her efforts between attending the academy and preparing to face an enemy that has hunted her for eighteen years. An enemy hellbent on sacrificing her for the greater good. The life of one, for the lives of many. Stay tuned for more.

Blythe_Wood · Fantasy
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333 Chs

Twenty seven

When we settled down for dinner, everyone is drunk. Drunk is an understatement, considering Ashley fell asleep while still chewing, and Enid barely made it to her bed, leaning against Mason. I don't remember seeing Enid ever drink that much, regardless of the occasion. She always has been more of a social drinker. Sadly, I'm stuck looking after the other three who are still at the table but barely awake. Ashley is snoring peacefully with his head on the plate while Will is gently swaying in her seat. Thaddeus keeps throwing bits of food at his sister but misses each time, so I don't bother telling him to stop. Maybe I should but I am pretty sure he won't listen, anyway.

Mason appears in the kitchen picks up Ashely from his chair and takes him out to one of the guest rooms. He will probably do the same with the other two.

Pushing off the chair, I pick up Will out of her chair to take her to bed. Since Will is a jockey, her small frame weighs next to nothing, but she compensates with a gigantic personality.

Thaddeus whines, and slurrs. I don't understand what he is saying but I go out on a limb, that is absolute nonsense. Alcohol makes you do and say stupid things. I should know, after my last experience. One that I'm not willing to repeat.

I cross paths with Mason in the corridor and he opens the door adjacent to Enids, walking in and turning the lights on. I lay Will on the bed, take her shoes off, and turn the side lamp on, just in case she wakes up during the night.

Mason tucks her into my surprise, but I remember that they are friends after all, so I don't find it all that strange.

After one last check, we leave the room and head back into the kitchen, " Go ahead and go to bed. I'll take care of Thaddeus," Mason says quietly, as he picks up Thaddeus and throws him over his shoulder.

I would go to bed gladly, but the kitchen is a mess. More than usual. Cooking while drinking is not a brilliant idea. So, slowly I begin clearing up the table. Drunk Enid's cooking is still mouth-watering, but I'm not sure is worth it considering the kitchen looks like a bomb went off.

After everything is put away and the dishwasher is full and on, I step out of the kitchen and bump into a wall of muscle. I know who it is, mostly because of the scent of musk and pepper pervading my senses. Twice in a day. I don't think I can handle that much proximity without breaking a little.

I feel his hands on my shoulders, and I take a step back to put some distance between us.

Thankfully, he lets me go and turns to the side so I can go first.

I can't wait to lay my head down, and just sleep. Forget that today has ever happened. Forget that Mason has kissed me just like he used to.

To my demise, our rooms are still closed, and I have half a mind to turn around and take one of the many guest rooms. Yeah, I should definitely do that.

" I think I should sleep in one of the guest rooms," I say quietly but it sounds as if I'm shouting in the silent corridor.

" No. You have your own room. You are not a guest. This is your home just as much as it is mine," He says in a matter-of-fact tone and grabs my shoulder. His touch is gentle, yet firm. My mind narrows down on that specific spot, and I can feel the heat radiating from his hand spreading through me very much like a wildfire. Sweet mother of God.

Gently, I push his hand away and stop in front of the door, ready to make a run for it.

" Stay," He says softly, " You agreed. One day," I nod but do my best to avoid his gaze. I can't do this for very long. Mason must've sensed that I'm going to bolt the moment that door closes behind me.

" Good night," I say quietly, and he brushes a stray lock of hair off my face with the gentlest touch, and I can't help the shiver coursing through me at the gesture.

I haven't dared to look at him out of fear of drowning in the great deep blue, which strangely enough in the dim light of the corridor his eyes will resemble more with abyss at the bottom of the sea than anything else. I've been staring at his perfectly polished shoes, waiting for the feeling to subside. I'm fooling myself, that will never happen.

His fingers slowly trails down my face towards my chin, with a feather-light touch, that feels almost surreal. Something pulled out of my own dreams, bearing no semblance to the reality I'm currently living.

His finger curls under my chin, lifting my head to look at him. I close my eyes because as much as I hate the attraction between us, I also find it impossible to convince my body to move, to step away. Even though my mind screams danger, I crave his touch. How did we get here?

" Open your eyes, Lily," I can feel his breath on my neck, and my mind narrows down to that single point of contact. He is seducing me. I know he is. He has done it before. So much for not having a romantic interest in me. I should've known it was a lie. Damn him.

Luckily, for once I will myself to pull away, and in doing so I hit the door with my back.

Your eyes meet, and I find him smirking at me, as he closes the distance between us, while I fumble for the door handle. There is no way I can fall for his tricks.

"If anyone has any right to punish you," He smiles against my cheek.Prick "I strongly believe that I should be the one handing the punishment," He purrs in my ear, making my breath hitch in time with the leap my heart makes in my chest whenever he is this close. So close.

Every fibre of fabric is lighting up my senses, and my brain misfires so many times that I don't seem to find an eloquent answer.

He suddenly pulls away, and gives me a lazy smile," Good night Lily," He says cheerily, turns around and strolls into his bedroom. Leaving me with my nerves fried, and my mind scrambled. Oh, joy.

I'm beginning to doubt that I'll be able to last a day in his presence without breaking and give in to him.

The mere thought of it spikes my temperature even further, and I find myself feverish, and sweating like we are in the middle of the summer in Helej Norun.