

Following a tragic accident in which Lily loses both her parents. She finds herself faced with the challenge of her lifetime when her well-being is intrusted to a man she has never met. She is a skittish little thing, that has spend most of her life, safely growing in the shadows of her parents whom have kept her safe, and guarded. In her desperate attempt to prove her worth, she strikes a deal with the stranger. Things take a turn for the worse when her life turns into living, breathing nightmare, at every turn she takes. Her mistakes, haunt her very much like her dreams where she embarks in a journey a discovery of herself, and of the world that she belongs. After two years of pinning, a wirlwind, illicit romance comes to life. The second part of the book focuses on a series of adeventures where she divides her efforts between attending the academy and preparing to face an enemy that has hunted her for eighteen years. An enemy hellbent on sacrificing her for the greater good. The life of one, for the lives of many. Stay tuned for more.

Blythe_Wood · Fantasy
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333 Chs

Thirty two

Fortunately for Mason, I'm still haphazardly slumped on the chair by the bath, otherwise this whole thing would've gone a different way. Who am I kidding? Probably not.

At this point, his shoulders rise and fall in time with his erratic breathing. I'm not in a better state than he is. I'm caught between, being aroused, and absolutely mortified, but all in all could've gone much worse. I think.

After a few minutes, " Graham will help you with the rest," And with that, he yanks the door leaving me in the bathroom half naked, horrified with his decision to change hands. Way to go, Lily.

Graham saunters into the room, unruffled, grinning from ear to ear," Let's get you in that bath, sweet cheeks," He doesn't waste any time and takes my trousers off, and for the first time in a long time, I pray for a thunderstorm. Being struck by lightning doesn't sound so bad right now. My face is frozen, but Graham is too busy to see the panic in my eyes. He just carries on sliding my trousers past my hips, over my knees and then stops at the ankles to push my socks off along with them. Mason must've taken off my shoes back at the academy.

I have to hand it to Graham, he undressed me with the same expression one has when folding the laundry, bored. As if this is a daily occurrence for him.

" Ready, sweet cheeks. I put the good stuff in there, so you should be good to go in just a few hours," He grins at me as he picks me up, and slowly lowers me into the bath water. I pat myself on the back for having the foresight to wear a bra today, and grateful that Graham has stopped before taking more articles of clothing off me.

Chin deep in water, I'm starting to register the scorching temperature of the water, I look at Graham with questions in my eyes. Is he trying to cook me alive?

Thumbing the water, he nods to himself," It needs to be hot, sweets cheeks. Otherwise, it won't work. There are a few special herbs in there that function as a muscle relaxant. And while you and Prince Charming were in here, I brewed you a tea as well. It should do the trick with your little problem. By morning you'll be good as new," He says confidently and pushes himself up," I'll go get that tea, and check on Mason," Giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, " Try not to drown while I'm gone," He gives me a toothy grin and saunters off. Good, God.

Now that the most traumatising part has passed, I have to hand it to Graham, I can slowly feel my muscles relax, my jaw is still locked tight, but my throat works, and my lungs do as well. As for my poor heart, I must've had at least one heart attack tonight, so not many left. I wonder how many you get before the poor thing finally gives out.

" There you go," Graham pushes a steaming cup under my nose, with a straw sticking out of it. I look up at him, confused. I can't move my hands, you idiot.

After a few seconds spent just looking at him, he realises his mistake and laughs," Sorry about that," He pushes the straw between my lips, but that is as far as it goes because my tongue also has decided that it's not in the mood to do my biding.

" We will have to wait for a few minutes, or maybe longer," He says abashedly and pulls the mug away, to place it on the floor next to his feet.

Sighing, he props his elbows on his knees and looks at me with bloodshot eyes, " He is pushing you, isn't he? I told him that he should take it slow, but Mason thinks that Micah is preparing to strike, now that there is bounty on your head. He must know of your little weakness, now," His expression grows concerned. And, I know that once I deplete my powers, I'm a sitting duck. No one is invincible.

And I'm no exception.

First, and foremost I'm a realist. I never liked getting my hopes up, when I know that the odds are stacked against me. It is only a matter of time. Time is a funny concept, when you have it, you waste it and when you don't you're desperate to bargain for more. Time is my greatest enemy. One I nor anyone else can defeat. Maybe I'm being a tad dramatic.

I suppose is human nature, after all, that makes it reckless when it comes to dispensing valuable resources. We think that they are infinite, when in reality are merely an illusion, a lie that we tell ourselves that we can get more if we need to.

I wish I could answer Graham, but sadly for now it will have to be a one-sided conversation.

" I think, you should stay here for the remainder of the holidays, and go back when school goes back in session. It would be good for you. Meza is a good place if you're looking for peace," He takes a deep breath, " Think about it while you stew in medicinal herbs, and rat milk," Eww. He smirks and I know he is only joking. At least I hope he is.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while, and I focus on doing a full check-up on the progress the bath is making on my muscles. So far, I can bend my fingers, without wishing for death. So, whatever Graham has put in the water is working, albeit a bit slow. But I don't know how long has passed since Graham put me in the bath. It feels like an eternity to me.

" It should've done something by now," Graham jolts me out of my reverie and begins to prod my muscles with an acupuncture needle. My arm twitches, when he sticks it into my shoulder and nods.

" Good. We're making progress," He hums and proceeds to stick the needle into my cheeks. I wince at the sudden prick, and he grins at me. Bastard.