

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

kfd1234 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


After a while MK felt a splash of cold water on the side of his face, it entered his ears, he immediately woke up and started hitting the other side of his face so that the water would go out. It went out and he finally opened his eyes, it was blurry at first sight but it got better.


He and several other children were awake,they were all outside in a large open area like a football stadium. it wasn't only him that got soaked, They all stood up and looked around. It was dark and the were In some kind of Base/Barrack, the technology there was far advanced for their time. They could see flying ships, huge buildings, mechs moving,etc. MK supported James and went to him.


"Yo bro," mk said.

"what's up bro, how was the beating," James said with a smile.

"You were awake" MK said, shockingly.

"yeah" James said and started laughing.

People started looking at James, thinking he's gone mad. All the people saw that their clothes have been changed, they're now wearing military clothing, and also some kinda wristwatch or something that looks like a wristwatch.


People started talking,making little conversations with others. not everyone knew themselves cause they were separated, others were taken to other Bases, so they all are trying to make friends.


"This is where y'all will spend two years of your life," It was Serge grand voice, he was standing on some kinda platform, he was a big man but that made him appear really big like a giant. They all turned and looked at him.


"Placed on your wrist,is your JACKSTAY or line of life, it will identify you as a student in these base, It will allow you access to some places,pay for food, buy clothes or whatever you need as long as you have the money," Grand said.

"when not in use" serge grand continued. It will display a number, with a colour and that number is your power level. but there is another number, that it'll switch to every ten minutes it'll just beeb and go back, that number being your name, you'll be called by those numbers in some occasions.

Mk checked his watch, it was showing his power level, he touched the watch and it showed his numbername, which was 47. I guess he forgot to tell us that if you also touch it at the top right side it'll show your number, Mk said besides this number reminds me of a bald guy.

James number is 45. "Buddy am 45, what's yours? James asked.


"Well then who's 46 then" James said.

"how am I supposed to know, MK REPLIED.

'Here I am," a voice said.

"Did you hear that?or am I just hearing things. James said.

The voice repeated again but louder.

Mk and James turned around and saw a girl.

she was a redhead, she's at least 164cm-165cm, skinny but not too skinny, she ain't thin. but she's skinny and curvy, blue eyes, pink plumb lips, and shoulder long hair.

"Am Jessica," she said.

James eyes was showing the heart emoji. Mk wanted to talk but, James beat him to it.

"James,James Derf," he Said.

"am also a Derf, she replied, it's rare to see a Derf, actually I don't think I've ever meet one at all and if I ask anyone the say doesn't exist.

James didn't reply, he just continued to stare, seeing this Mk kicked in.

"Am Micheal Kenner, but everyone knows me as mk, but my numbername is 47."

"Asin the HITMAN huh, Jessica replied smiling. Am Jessica Derf.

"Nice meeting you Jessica," mk replied

"same", she said.


Most of the children were talking so the place became noisy then suddenly...

QUIEEEEEET! Serge grand,screamed.

"Are y'all out of your senses? he asked, I would have punished you guys now if not because your new." But, if am speaking and you guys ever raise those stupid voice of yours I'll deal with you, have I made myself clear.

"Yes serge," they all replied in unison.

GOOD, your learning. Grand said.

"Alright then, where were we, as I was saying, since you all know your name and all, you'll now be analyzed.


We will immediately begin testing your levels and everything, is that understood?!" he said with his creepy smile.

They all answered again but gulped cause he was still smiling.

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