

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

kfd1234 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"What the fuck, he actually defeated them these weird eyes defeated them! and he has the flame ability?"James thought surprised

After a fierce battle, Mk's fiery prowess reaches its climax. Seeing that the fire was still round his body,but only in little quantity,He decided to cancel it.Instead of just wiggling or at least rolling on the floor, he wanted to try casting out the fire by controlling it.

With a surge of true power,he channels the essence of his flame ability, causing it to intensify and envelop his entire body

"Ahhh!" MK Screamed, slamming his arm round his body, trying to extinguish the flame.

"Fool, the flame ability is one of the most destructive and dangerous ability, you can try to be badass with it"Kratos said

"Shut...the...fuck...up,Iffff you don't have anything good to say just, shut up!!!"Mk screamed while stuttering.

[Mana: 0/100]

Immediately the stats if his mana showed, the flames went out, Fortunately for him.

As the flame went off, Mk's cloth was tattered,torned, and damaged in some parts,(His knee, his shoulder to his hand etc)At least his important place was closed.

Mk noticed that he wasn't wounded at all, even after becoming an inferno.

"Wow, am not wounded,"He said surprised while still checking

"Offcourse you ain't wounded,Your body healed on it's own, You actually got some bruises in some parts, you ain't a master of fire yet so off course you must get wounded"Kratos replied

However, as the triumphant flames subside, Mk is left weakened, his energy drained from channeling such immense power. The strain of unleashing his fiery fury takes a toll on his body, and he finds himself momentarily vulnerable.

"I feel really, really weak"Mk said going on a knee

"Offcourse you're, you just used fire, it burns stamina a lot"Kratos said, just rest.

Amidst the exhaustion, Mk catches his breath and gathers his strength once more, knowing that his indomitable spirit will drive him forward. Though weakened, he remains resolute, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, fueled by the determination.

"What the hell,how you still standing?,Your supposed to be struggling to move now!"Kratos exclaimed

" I'm, just to amazing that's why"Mk replied, getting up and feeling his body lighter and a little bit stronger.

"No,no,no,no,no, That's not it,Open your system status, Kratos ordered

Opening his SYSTEM, Mk was really surprised cause a lot of things had changed

[LEVEL :2]

[User: MK]



[HP 20/20]

[STR : 12]



[MANA:002/100][A/N:The mana renews after sometime]


<Congratulations, Your now in level 2, even though you struggled to get to it>

<Your body has become stronger and now would be able to wield the power of Zeus>


<Currently it's at it's Weakest, your body can't wield the full power,try becoming stronger>

<At least your strong enough to hold other abilities, Their unique to you, every god has something unique>

<First your granted Crude>

<Crude LVL1 :As the name said, it's crude, These ability can shrink objects,can go up in flames, do what crude can,and you can create skills with it,more info and skills will be given as you evolve.>

<Arsenal: Your storage, it's a bottomless pit, where you can keep your weapons,cloths,food etc even yourself (But you'd be back where you were)>

<SEETHROUGHVISON(STV)LVL1:These ability allows you to see things from a great distance, even through objects and when evolved it can tell you things names and ability.>

<Weapon masteryLVL1: DO I really need to say anything?>

<In all most ability skills can be created and you've already created one

"Inferno Ascendance: It's a component from the FIRE ability, These skill will boost you giving you additional strength.>


And with that It was done

"Arent I supposed to have at least 80exp?"

"When you punched kukano, you got 20+" Kratos replied

"Why, Then why didn't I get with all the rest?"Mk question

"Don't know, don't ask me, The system's unique to you, am supposed to ask you"kratos replied

"About that, So you had something unique to you"

"Yes, didn't the system answer that"

"Yeah,but am just confirming it..."

"I got these skills just after passing one level WOW!"Mk talked out loud

"These guy's really sick"James thought still watching him from the balcony (A/N: James also has night vision not that great but he sees in the night, but he doesn't know, thinks it's just normal)

"Am surprised also, oh and nice one boy, you tried defeating all those delinquent" Kratos comments

"Thanks, wasn't easy though"Mk replied

"How'd you do it?, I mean you can't fight"

"I just saw them in slow motion and could actually tell where to hit for some reason"

[A/N:These skill is called Battleinstinct,only god's of war have it, it's just a self teaching skill of fighting (can't teach all though)]

"By the way let me try these abilities"Mk said

"Yeah, yeah,"Kratos replied in a bored voice

"Aint he supposed to go back now? what's he doing standing there?"James thought

"Fine, I'll start with lightning"Mk said getting ready

"Waiit!,"Kratos suddenly screamed

"What is it?"Mk asked holding his head while James just watching with a confused face

"Dont, Remember that's Zeus's ability"He replied

"So what some people have it to even though it's rare" Mk replied,annoyed

"No you don't get it, These skill it's his, it's from his eyes, if you use it maybe he'll sense it and come"Kratos replied quickly

"Fine I won't,Let me try SEETHROUGHVISON (STV)" He replied


Trying his best to just somehow magically activate the ability, Mk was doing some ridiculous things, James was literally holding his laughter

"Oh fuckkk, it ain't working, Kratos won't you help out?!"Mk screamed out loud

"Kratos???, isn't that the god of war? James thought remembering the stories his mother used to tell him"

"what the fuck do you want me to do, That ain't my ability motherf, It's unique to you!!"Kratos replied back

"How do you activate yours???"Mk asked

"Through life and death situations, wanna try it?"Kratos answered

"Noo, I don't"Mk replied

"Why don't you try asking your SYSTEM?"Kratos suggested

"What, yeah that's smart, can't believe I never thought of that"

"Hey, SYSTEM hellooo"Mk called out

<What is it?>

"What the fuck,Mk leaped and fell,You reply like your alive, it's like I got two freaks in my mind"

"James couldn't help but giggle,"The fuck is wrong with this guy" he thought

"Who are you calling a freak"kratos asked

<Am not alive, Am just like these, this they were am supposed to act ,since am kinda a god system I must be advanced>

"Wow, that's freakishly cool"Mk said getting up

"Can you tell me how to activate the STV ability"

<Yeah, there are 3 ways for now, first you can scream or say it, second just really strain your eyes, thirdly I can do it for you, until you get the hang of it and activate just by will(Thinking or saying it or whatever)>

"Why didn't you help me out when I was trying to activate the fire ability" mk asked

<You didn't ask and a god of "War" doesn't supposed to be dependent, just like Kratos said, A man can learn from pain>

"Well I don't want to,And pls activate it for me" Mk replied

MK'S pupil slightly glowed white, it wouldn't be visible in the sun, even in the night you'll have to have a really good eye to see it.

James with his eyes suddenly saw Mk's eyes glow "The fuck" He thought "Did his incantations bring him to this?"

Mk could see far and beyond the walls, it wasn't good it was blurry he couldn't even make out the faces of a lizard he saw,it was just covered completely in white.

He continued to look around till he sighted someone staring at him from a balcony

"What the!!,is he looking at me??"James saw the guy start to slowly move towards him"james started to run, he jumped from a window landing and farting but he continued to run.

Mk started to run but he marched someone and the person screamed a little"So your not asleep he said"

going down he punched him sending the guy to sleep


"Woah, so if I knock someone out I'll get exp???"Mk asked the system but to no reply

Deciding to check out his theory, he went to kukano turns out he's woken up, mk decided to punch him again


since it worked Mk started to smile

"Hey watch that smile, Your teeth is like shinras"Kratos said

"Who's shinra?"Mk asked

"Nevermind" Kratos said

Mk brushed it off and looked in the direction where James ran but James had already disappeared from his sight

"That Guy's fast... luckily for him" Mk said

"And unluckily for you" Kratos said

"What does that mean?"

Kratos didn't answer

Then it suddenly hit Mk that they person might report

"But the person has escaped, whatever am just going to deny anyway it's not asin I killed them" He convinced himself with that

To discover the full extent of his ABILITIES and the role it plays in shaping the destiny of the war-torn world Mk decides to become a hero indirectly he didn't actually care to save it was just to get stronger


using his description though

kfd1234creators' thoughts