

Warning mature content The only heir to a third generation conglomerate, engaged to a spoilt princess he has no feelings for, finds himself in a dilemma, when he falls in love with a girl from a poor background just few weeks to his wedding.

Tijesunimi · Fantasy
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35 Chs


"you are paying three thousand sir" Sam said to the man he just delivered a pot of chicken to

"sorry for delaying you, I was a bit busy

"it's okay"

"thank you, here is my card"

"oh" he said and collected the card for from the man. Then, a car stopped at the entrance of the building, inches away from them and a handsome young man came down from the car and it was someone he wasn't expecting to see,it was Alex. Some men hurriedly came out of the building and bowed to greet him, Sam watched with kin interest and watched as he walked into the building until he was out of sight.

"excuse me, mister" he said to the man he was attending to


"you are an employee here at Globex right"

"of course, why are you asking, when it's is obvious"

"ah, am sorry, that man that Walked in just now, does he work at Globex also"

"are you kidding, that's Alexandra Pitt, the only heir to Globex, Pitterson pitt's beloved son, engaged to heiress of Adams group, Sarah Lincoln"

"are you cracking jokes?"

"what is he saying, if you are done with my card please hand it over"

"oh yes, am sorry" he said and gave the man his card and the man left with the chicken pot

"I knew there was something off about that guy, but I wasn't expecting it to be this mighty, Globex heir,I mean, this is a bombshell, Josphine will surely pass out if she hears this" he said to himself and rode off on his bike.


"why are you two here again" Josphine said to Lydia and Sam

"can't we come to play with you, it isn't like your boss is around or is mr Alex coming"

" no"

"it's a pity"

"speaking of Alex, I went to deliver chicken to an employee at Globex today" Sam said

"when did you start delivering chicken?" Lydia asked

"he took on a part time job at a chicken restaurant as a delivery man,so he goes there when he his not on duty"

"oh I see"

"so as I was saying, I saw me mr Alex"

"he told me he works at Globex"

"he did"


"do you know his position in the company"

"manager?" she said and Sam chuckled

"did he tell you that?"


"he his peterson Pitt son, the only heir to Globex, Alexandra Pitt"

"What!!!" Lydia exclaimed and stood on her feet

"I don't get you?"

"Josphy, what is it that you don't get in what I just Said and that lady that was with him at the restaurant is his fiance, Sarah Lincoln"

"uhn" Lydia gasped, "Adams?" she asked and Sam nodded his head, "Josphy are you aware that he his engaged to her?"


"and you still chose to date him"

"he said they are breaking off the engagement,I didn't know who he was neither did I know who the lady was, have just found the answer to my puzzle"

"and you believed him, come on Josphy, you aren't a kid, what if that guy is just using you" Sam said

"don't talk like that Sam, why are you being so harsh on your sister"

"I warned her"

"you can't jump to conclusion yet Sam, he might have his reasons, maybe he was scared that if he told her who he was, she might not agree to date him"

"stop racing her hopes"

"why don't you ask him Josphy?"

"uhn" she whispered and sat on the long stool, she felt betrayed and she is hurting, why did he say he was a manager at Globex when he wasn't, he had lied to her and it broke her heart. He told her phone that he had a lot of things to tell her, so she is just going to wait patiently till Sunday and hear what he has to say.

"oh, this is bad" Lydia said and bit her lower lips.


Days passed and finally, Sunday came. After church service. Josphine freshened up and put on a nice a jean trousers with a matching red top. She applied light make up and left for the sitting room where are parent was. She informed her parent that she was going out and left for the store. They had decided to meet at the store. When she reached the store, Alex was already outside waiting for her and she smiled when she sighted him. She walked up to him m, "hey" she greeted

"how have you been?" he asked

"fine, just that, I missed you" she said to have him smile and he wrapped his arms around her back and welcomed her in his embrace,they hugged for few minutes before releasing each other and left for their date in Alex's car.

"Let's have lunch first, then we will visit other nice places" Alex said to her as they drove

"alright, sounds good"

"have picked a good resturant, am sure you will love their dishes"

"hm" she said and smiled. Though she had a lot of questions on her mind that she wants to ask him, but she kept quiet,she will wait to hear whatever it is he wants to tell her.

More chapters coming stay connected!!!