
The War of the Seers

The Realm of the Spirits is sinking in an endless chaos, a place once filled with balance, abundance and humans with unique powers is now being corrupted as the most powerful spirits in the realm, the Ithars, start losing control. The story follows the life of Eleu, a young guy who is about to discover who he truly is. As the main powers of the Spiritual Ream shift, the five Itharblends will have a pivotal role in saving all their people built thousands of years ago. Embark on this journey as you unveil the unique powers, mysteries and much more while defying the impossible as the characters unveil the truth in a world that keeps getting corrupted.

FerRivero · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Rumours and Trainees

A week passed by and half of Linker saw the light over the Committee, reaching high and wide while destroying some kind of purple goo on its way. The rumours of an attack spread like wildfire, the commanders of each department took action to get back to their jobs and, as Pteulasia had been already attacked, evacuating their citizens to safer locations was a top priority.

Eleu had been unconscious for a week but was still alive thanks to the healing methods of the white lady, who was staying with him in his house while his parents were working.

Leora, on the other hand, completely changed all her orders when it came to training. No human had been alive during a war, and it was time to ask the spirits for offensive ways to use their skills.

As commander of external cities and affairs, Ryker spent days sending soldiers to each city, gathering information about his enemies.

Taentrum, the city of the Mediums had nothing to do with the attacks, or so it seemed. Their Itharblend abandoned them months before, letting the city be guided by a spirit, yet the reports of people missing were increasing as the cycles went by.

Alten, commander of the Heimisch connections and human affairs had been busy asking the last people crossing the portal about the world outside this realm. Their opinions concerned him:

"We call it the forties", said one old man.

"Gunpowder?" Absolutely, my kids loved seeing the fireworks and my husband always had a gun at home.

"Oh, that is a Revolver, really common these days around my hometown."

All the Heimisch were really eager to help and happy to be away from weapons, gunpowder, wars and other issues that people in this realm never even imagined.

While in the spirit realm people were developing their skills, outside of it there was a war with nuclear bombs raging on the other side of the portal. It was too much information even for Alten, who decided a Heimisch teacher had to be appointed for every school around the realm.

"Times are changing," said Ms. Bianca to the great dragon Dereo. "I am not sure I can actually heal him, his affliction is…unique, like never I've seen before."

Dereo stood by the boy, looking at his energy flowing around his veins, analysing the changing colours in them. It was definitely something he had never seen.

"Some of us have been around for eternities, but we were all created by an Ithar at some point. Deanare gave me life and purpose, but by the time I was alive, there were already five Ithars in this world."

Dereo kept looking at the kid. "I taught healing to many like you, followed her orders for generations and only once I've seen Ganilandi's touch infect anybody."

Ms. Bianca focused more on the conversation. "At a point in history, there was a war, the first war of the Ithars, or so we call it. The first humans who came through this portal were filled with anger, greed and hatred and one of them brought with him ideas of rituals, words and demons capable of corrupting the spirits. Of course, an Ithar is almost infinite in its power, it could not be corrupted, but this greedy man found a way to concentrate over a hundred people around the Ganilandi's Ithar, a young woman, unconscious over a stone, covered with the blood of a dozen animals." The dragon started floating away as if the pain was taking over his soul.

"The ritual was successful, Ganilandi was trapped in this random man's body. They removed the Ithar from his chosen one and in return, almost powerless, Ganilandi decided to poison his host, allowing him to die slowly. The issue was, that his curse couldn't be controlled, every spirit this man touched would become physically poisoned, and each person near him would die due to the expansion of his power. The man decided to use this against his enemies, by the time the war was over, more than half of the spirits of the realm were harmed, corrupted or erased by the darkness and most of the humans who came through the portal were killed by the affliction."

Ms. Bianca slowly stood up, horrified by the story.

"Yes, if Sira was able to weaponise this curse, that means they did the ritual once again over the real Ithar. Somebody became the new host and was poisoned by it, now able to spread this poison to others as well. Only a few elder spirits who survived can access the information in the collective mind" -Said the Dragon floating away from the house.

-Please Dereo, you need to share this with the others. -Asked Ms. Bianca getting close to him.

"If the world knows about this curse running free again, the chaos and corruption will devour each spirit in the realm, we have to be careful, but I'll do as you wish, but only with the spirits advising those in the Committee."

A few minutes later, everybody who witnessed the event knew of the story thanks to the collective mind and their closest spirit advisors. Fear and panic could spread easily, but they all knew what they had to do.

-Ms. Bianca… -Said a soft voice from the bed.

Both the white lady and the dragon turned around, impressed with the boy waking up.

-Her name is Equa.

Confused, the white lady sat down next to the boy, providing strong green energy over his hands to help him recover faster.

Eleu had been out for a week, inside his mind, in a dark space with nothing else other than water on the floor, and a light that had been accompanying him all along. They had multiple conversations and watched memories of his life together. Eleu had tried helping the light remember who she was but to no avail.

There was nothing to remember. All she knew was recent, she had always been there, sleeping and the next memory she had was from Deanare waking her up.

"Deanare had never changed a life for another before." Said Dereo talking to the white lady. "She might have sensed the new Ithar being born. That's why she saved the kid."

-I'm glad you are alive. Your parents have been worried about you. Don't worry, we will have time to understand everything happening within you. -Ms. Bianca offered a glass of water and left the house with her companion, ready to inform her family about the recovery.

The trainee program had already begun the new cycle after the Committee, but for obvious reasons, everybody thought it was best for Eleu to rest and avoid any exercise while his body was still fatigued. Unfortunately, Eleu had other plans, he intended to attend all lessons, even some of the extra ones for advanced trainees since he had always been around listening and learning.

Still, he was a week late in the program and the other sixteen-year-old already had some advantages.

Working for the Union was one of the highest titles somebody could have around the realm and as a son of two commanders, the expectation from those around the city of Linker was quite high.

-Hello. -Said a friendly red hair freckled girl crossing paths with him at the learning halls.

-Hello. -Responded Eleu without looking up, his mind lost in his schedule.

-I can help you around if you need. My name is Siam.

A hand intervened with his eyes, placed above the schedule. Eleu had no other than to look up and be polite, shaking her hand.

-E, Ele, Eleu… -He answered blushing once he saw how attractive she was.

She quickly shook his hand and grabbed him by the shoulder, I think you and I are going to the same lesson, we were missing you last week you know?

"Week?" That was a Heimisch word, he thought. In the spirit realm, they counted time as sun cycles since time passed differently there. A week could be between five to ten days according to the energy fluctuations of the portal. It was just easier to mention cycles and counting using the sun. 

His technical mind got lost, not realising that this time, he would be sharing lessons with some of the Heimisch kids who arrived before they were sixteen. 

In Linker, everybody crossing the portal was forced to take a quick course to be at ease with the spirits. No weapons allowed, no money from the other side, no disturbing spirits. 

Your space is not yours; it is theirs, and all spirits must be respected, or you would risk being kicked out of the city back to the human realm through the portal.

The list of rules was extensive, but most people never had an issue with them since living in communion with the spirits was pretty fun and fulfilling.

If the parents approved their kid's wish to join the Union, all of them would have to swear loyalty to the Ithar's Union and have no negative records both from the collective mind and from the humans who crossed before them.

It was a bit complex and extensive, but it was a great way of making sure your family would be well-supplied through your life there.

-Then, to combat training we are going! -Exclaimed the red-haired girl guiding him around the halls with a smile on her face.

Eleu knew exactly where the place was, but just to make friends, he let himself walk with her and listened to every explanation of each room in their way. It felt as if she was the only one who never knew who he was. All the teachers, workers, soldiers and commanders in the place grew up seeing him around. Helping him not get in trouble.

-Is nice for you to join us Eleu. -Said Coach Tore. -Get your training chain and find a partner.

Eleu looked around, many young people were there, and this time, he knew any of them. None of his friends around the city were in the trainee program this year.

-I'll help you out, we're learning a new technique today.

Siam was extremely nice, and even though she looked a bit nerdy, her moves with the chain were scary and incredibly powerful.

-You know the rules, no skills are allowed. Use your physical abilities only. -Said Coach Tore from the other side of the classroom.

-Last week we learned the arm thrust and the arm dismounting. -Explained Siam catching him up on what he was missing.

The time passed flying for them, they had tons of fun and even though some of the techniques were extremely familiar or already taught by his dad, Eleu practised from cero to not cause unwanted attention.

-Okay everybody, circle around. -Called the teacher. -It is time to test your skills in real life. Whether you are a mithiar or not, the chain is your friend, and we do not want injuries.

-Does that mean we can use our skills now?- Asked a big black-haired boy at the back of the group. 

-Yes. -Replied the teacher, getting some whispers and small laughs from the guys near the boy.

-That is Tedar. He is such a bully. He came with me on the boat to the portal and kept talking about how gifted he was. -Whispered Siam to Eleu's ear.

Eleu stopped for a second, Tedar was "gifted" even though he was coming from outside the spirit realm. That was probably impossible.

-First… maybe let's try Marves and Loie.

Marves stood up, a blonde girl looking confident, holding her chain while telling herself to breathe slow and ease her nerves, against one of Tedar's friends, a darker-skinned guy, tall and attractive, but lacking muscles and way too fond of his appeal.

-Please, not on the face Marves, girls love it. -Said Loie with a mocking tone to bother his opponent.

In the past, Coach Tore would have never allowed any mocking around the training rooms, but maybe the fact war was coming pushed him to pressure the students. Somehow, Eleu trusted he made the match for a reason.

Both stood face to face and waited for the signal. The first one leaving the square or getting hit two times would be out. Everybody knew the rules, and somehow, it was noticeable that some of them had already battled each other last week.

The match began quickly. Loie used his chain as a whip, trying to hit Marves in any way possible, The sound of the whip against the floor mats was scarier than people would imagine. Marves on the other hand was untouchable, all hits were missing and she was gracefully moving around, eyes closed, a quirked smile on her face.

"I thought you could do more Loie", said the teacher trying to push him harder. Some small spirits were curious and floating around the room, watching the match between the two trainees.

With a sharp use of her chain, Marves avoided another whip and hit Loie on the left cheek, making him bleed a bit.

-Hey! I said not on the face! -His strength intensified making him lose control of the chain and ultimately, whipping his own back.

-You are out Loie. -Said Coach Tore trying not to laugh. -Next match, Siam and George.

George stood up, a skinny kid with glasses looking afraid of the world. He was definitely not the type of kid who would get the rank high enough to pass the trainee program.

Siam on the other hand was happy to battle him. "You got this George, don't hold back", she said trying to cheer him up.

The battle started with Siam making the first move, hitting the floor near him on purpose, trying to make him see that he could avoid being hit. She was failing her whips to help him out. He reached his chain and with an embarrassing gasp threw it forward against his opponent.

Siam got hit by the chain, which meant his opponent had nothing to defend himself. The class bullies laughed at him, screaming stupid words and trying to bring him down.

-I'm sorry! -Said George feeling guilty for hitting her.

-Is okay, keep going, you are doing great!. -Answered Siam, still hoping to help him.

Coach Tore was moved by the effort but needed to rush things up.

-I see what you are doing Siam. This won't look good on your rank though. -He said looking at her with a tricky face.

Siam understood quickly. With a speedy move, she wrapped George's arm with her chain, pulled him over her body and dropped him on the floor like a bag of dirty clothes.

-I'm sorry, are you ok George? -She asked lending a hand to help him up. He wasn't, he was frightened and shocked by how easy that move was for her.

-And maybe let's see something different, Tedar and Eleu, for example. -Said Coach Tore curiously looking at Eleu's seat.

A rush of adrenaline moved through his body, making him wish Tedar would be harmful at this. Thanks to Siam, he knew Tedar was a Mithiar, a person gifted by the spirits like his mom. He knew that he would have to seek the flaws of his skills to win the battle.

They both took the position, and Tedar looked at his opponent, mocking him with his arms and making silly movements to attract his attention while scanning the room. Marves was sitting on the right of him, and as soon as Tedar saw her, his focus changed completely.

"Go", said the teacher giving the signal to begin.

By the time this match was happening, half of the training rooms were filled with students and spirits checking on this match from the open halls; maybe the new trainees didn't know who Eleu was, but seeing the fresh blood and the kind of talents trainees might possess was always fun for everybody.

Eleu attacked first, trying to whip him in the stomach, but failed, then he tried his face, failed, his arm… it was impossible to hit him. There was something odd about Tedar. He was moving while trying to keep somebody else in sight. On the corner of his eye, Marves.

Eleu quickly understood the assignment, Tedar was a hyper-empath. He heard of certain people able to mimic the talents of others and would adopt the skills and feelings of those around them by simply watching. It was a unique gift, copying and replicating exactly their movements.

Eleu had a chance if he would distract him and push him away from Marves. Since she could predict the future, he could also predict all his movements as long as his energy was close by.

It took multiple crazy whips and right-left steps but after a minute, Tedar was as far as possible from Marves and his eyes had Eleu always in front of him. As his skills began failing to replicate Marves' talents due to the distance from her, the first whip hit him on the arm.

-Oh, you're going to regret that! -A complete shift occurred inside Tedar, who went into berserker mode and whipped around trying to hit Eleu at all costs. Clearly, that guy never liked losing. Eleu avoided as max as possible, trying to put distance, waiting for him to tire, but he was relentless, and he was getting closer again to Marves.

"Blind him with my energy." Said a voice inside of Eleu. "Genius idea!" He thought, hoping she heard his reply.

He took a big breath and focused on replicating what he did at the Committee, a cascade of colours surrounded Eleu's aura. It was so bright that even those who were not gifted could see it. Tedar's face was perplexed. He didn't know from whom and how to copy a skill anymore. The sight of the aura reflecting colours like a crystal left him speechless. 

A second hit to the centre of his chin came through while he was considering his choices.

-We have a winner! -Exclaimed Coach Tore, way more excited than he should have been.

Everybody in the room cheered for Eleu. That match would be discussed around the entire building for a dozen cycles. 

-Wait, you are a Mithiar? You should have told me before! -Exclaimed Siam putting her arm over his shoulder. -Let's go eat! All this kicking ass made me super hungry! George, wanna join us?

Eleu couldn't go around sharing what he knew about himself since he could barely understand it and he had been attacked twice due to it, but it felt like a giant victory seeing the bullies walk away without a victory while people were cheering him up and congratulating him as he left the room.

-My mom says that those with unique skills are considered Lithiars. -Said George walking with them around the hall.

Eleu knew the terms, but since they were mostly used in Linker by the Heimisch people. He wasn't used to the rumours that surrounded them.

-But you used the term Mythiar. Could you explain the differences to me? -Asked George blushing a bit.

An open book-looking spirit jumped into the conversation, ready to educate kids along the halls.

"The first Heimisch loved putting titles to explain things easily. In this case, they based their knowledge of gifts based on how big they were". Kept saying the floating book while using his tiny arms to move through the pages.  "The Sithiars, those with smaller gifts such as cunning or seeing auras are the most common type. Then, the Mithiars, those who properly have one of the five primary gifts, such as talking with the dead, manipulating energies, or seeing the future at will… and then, the most uncommon type, the Lithiars, those with unique abilities that are really distinctive, you are most welcomed." Finished the book closing himself and floating away.

"Ah!" He exclaimed coming back and scaring Siam. "And of course, the Itharblend, the chosen ones by the superior spirits with a range of gifts far beyond everything seen before. Enjoy your day, and visit the library!"

-That was weird -Laughed Siam still looking back in case he would come by with another unannounced lesson.

-Did you see Marves? They say she might become a Lithiar for the seers. She can see the immediate future by the age of sixteen! -Gossiped one girl across the halls.

The squared dining hall was loud and always crowded, with extensive areas and many food options according to season. The trainees on the lower floor were always controlled by a couple of union educators and workers standing around them, making sure they were on time for their lessons. On the second floor with a perfect view of each table below them, the Mithiars and Lithiars who ranked by the age of nineteen and were already having assignments from Commanders and Second in line.

According to the last reports, less than sixty per cent of them would pass their training, and even though any person with the proper training could join the Union, most of the Sithiars and non-gifted would usually drop out due to the disadvantage compared to their classmates.

There was no shame in not joining the ranks of the union. At the end of the day, the education around each capital was excellent and focused on being of service to those around them. Most times, the most talented trainees would directly work at one of the capitals, under the direction of the Itharblend without necessarily being a part of the union.

For whatever reason, that day, Eleu felt watched from all angles of the dining hall. There was no way of counting the number of times he heard his name, got a compliment about his battle or caught a spirit below the table trying to get close to him. It didn't matter, he just wanted to make his parents proud and learn more about his newest friend, the lovely and scary Siam.

-So… where are you from Siam? -Asked nicely while putting some rice and beans in his mouth trying to look appealing.

-My parents are originally from one of the islands far away from the portal. We came by boat, following the rumours of a better life.

George was in awe of her. She was nice, pretty, smart, humble and a fierce opponent on the battlefield. His crush on her was beyond compare.

Unfortunately, their conversation got interrupted by a first-year trainee that looked familiar.

-Rumours say that you defeated my brother in unfair combat. -Claimed while throwing the plates off the table. -Can you defeat me as well?

The familiar look made sense instantly. He shared similar ugliness with Tedar. A group of people surrounded them quickly, ready to see another battle.

The room's noise elevated to a new level and cheers from the bullies broke the stability it had before. Eleu felt a rush of fear through his system, mixed with excitement to test how far Equa could bring him.

-Get down. You might hurt yourself -Stated Siam standing up slowly.

"That is enough." Demanded a genie-looking spirit trespassing the table and cutting the tension with his telepathy. 

-Or what, are you going to hurt me? -Said the rude bully. 

The spirit accepted the challenge. With something similar to a breath, it started pulling purple energy from selected students, like chains connecting them to his ethereal body. 

The bully laughed looking around looking for the approval of his friends, but their faces were no longer looking like individuals having fun, instead, they were telling him to stop playing and cut the situation with their hands.

Tedar's brother no longer seemed confident about the challenge, but he started it, and his ego would make him finish it. He kicked against the spirit, intending to make his energy fade away. 

To the surprise of everyone, the genie grabbed his leg, corporeal and with a renewed strength that was breaking the laws of the realm. He used his arms to flip the student's leg in place, making him spin and fall on the table, turning him into the laughing stock for everybody watching.

"Lesson one, never argue against a spirit, especially when there are mediums nearby". Everybody enjoyed the scene. First and second-year trainees had no clue what was happening, but the bully challenged an odd visitor, Taentrum's new leader, placed in charge in the absence of the Medium's Itharblend.

Looking from the second floor, Leora showed an almost hidden smile knowing her son was being taken care of during his first training day.

The now purple genie said goodbye with a blink of an eye and a reverential movement towards Eleu and his newly found friends.

"It was a pleasure meeting you." He muttered exclusively to Eleu while floating away to the second floor. 

The bell announcing the end of the lunch break rang around the hall, forcing everybody to return to their schedules. His next lessons? Heimisch history and Ithar Guidance.