
New record?

Do you think he will establish a new record?

The records of magical sensitivities are the highest scores ever recorded for the mana cube test. If 52 minutes inside the latter granted Endric a score of 52%, others throughout history have exceeded this value, and by much.

The best example was Zackael, the father of Endric.

He is one of the few people to have lasted more than 90 minutes in the mana cube. To be more precise, he remained in it for 92 minutes, granting himself a magical sensitivity of 92% in the process.

Zackael's score, however, is not the current record. Indeed, he was never close to holding this title since, according to the archives, the founder and first patriarch of the Windsor family had a magical sensitivity of 95%. A result long considered impossible to beat and whose veracity has been questioned more than once.

However, it was matched, 25 years ago by Merlin Windsor, the third born of the siblings to which Mickael, Zackael, and Axelle belonged. The establishment of a new record was thus a subject on which it was difficult to speculate. Axelle would never have broached the subject if it were any other child undergoing this evaluation.

Adall was born to a father whose talent with the sword silenced everyone in a family where the various members slept and woke up thinking about magic. His mother was also not lacking in prestige. She was one of the most powerful magicians of her generation and a half-elf. This made her a very rare and highly qualified existence that everyone would dream of having in their lineage.

But all of this pales in comparison to the fact that, just like at Merlin's birth, a fluctuation in ambient mana was detected by all individuals with keen perception when Adall uttered his first cries. A coincidence? Perhaps! But it was enough to justify Axelle's question.

When Zackael heard his sister's voice, he knew the time had come for him to bring to life a dialogue he had imagined over and over in recent weeks. He was among those who noticed the mana fluctuation at Adall's birth, so he had no doubt this child was exceptional. That's why, under his sister's teasing, he was willing to wager one of his vacation homes on the outcome of the magic circuit evaluation.

Zackael envisioned a thousand and one responses to Axelle's question. But before he could finally settle on one, it was Mickael who responded to the inquiry.

"I would like to see him beat Merlin's record, but at the same time, I wonder if it wouldn't be better if he didn't. After all, it would amount to becoming a more significant danger in the eyes of many people."

Merlin's childhood is not a recent memory, but his elder brothers haven't forgotten how many times he narrowly escaped death under assassination attempts by the family's enemies. Indeed, possessing a magical sensitivity of 95% was a guarantee of reaching the 10th circle under the leadership of a family as powerful as the Windsors.

Magicians of the 10th circle are rare, and martial artists with strength equivalent to theirs are even rarer. For superpowers that can be counted on one person's fingers, the more a family possesses, the less rosy the future looks for others. And with the difficulty of getting rid of these entities, their fully realized potential, any sensible person would understand that it is preferable to eliminate these individuals from the opposing camp while they are still young.

Mickael's response was that of a father concerned for his child.

"We are the most powerful family in the world, and Adall is our future. We are competent enough to ensure that nothing happens to my nephew. So, don't worry about his safety, Mickael."

This time, it was Zackael who spoke up, and he was not wrong to utter such words following his brother's statement. The Windsors were powerful enough to keep an exceptional child safe until he grew up. Despite a few extreme situations, they had succeeded in doing so in Merlin's case.

Axelle had originally asked this question to tease Zackael, but ultimately, the resulting discussion served only to console her other brother.

While the siblings were in the midst of exchanging opinions on the power of their family and their position in the world, Adall was experiencing his first pressures from the cube, but it was a sensation he could easily endure.

His aunt had explained to him that he would be automatically ejected from the space he was in if his body could no longer handle the atmosphere. So, he was hardly concerned about the few prickles he felt on his skin.

He even took the opportunity to try to memorize the sensation of mana as his nanny had advised him before the start of his journey.

So, a few more tens of minutes passed.

Adall had now completed his 90th minute inside the cube.

The pressure had since increased by several levels, but it was still manageable for the young man.