
The War of the Primals

Born as the heir to the world's most powerful family of magicians, with a talent for magic that rivals that of the gods, Adall knew happiness only to have it forcibly ripped away from him shortly thereafter. Overnight, he would be banished from his family and condemned to a pathetic life of wandering. Or so it was supposed to happen... How did he become so powerful? Why am I unable to inflict even the slightest injury on him, even using my most powerful spells? Why must I lose to someone I could have killed with a mere murderous intent not long ago? His new calling will be to instill fear and despair in the hearts of his enemies.

Alb22 · War
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126 Chs

A News That Shakes the World III

Different reactions could be observed upon reading the news about Adall's magical potential.

Family members were generally happy, but some among them were angry that the information hadn't been better controlled.

However, on the side of the family's enemies, one sentiment was unanimous.


They feared the power the Windsors would possess if this child, now dubbed a 'monster', grew up.

He was destined from birth to lead the family. So, what would happen if during his reign, he decided to expand his territory to neighboring nations not already under his control? Would they be able to stop him?

Even though the answers to these questions could only be left to their imagination for now, none of them wanted to wait to find out what the future held when it would already be too late.

Some of them were therefore willing to pave the way for an alliance with other long-time enemies to deal with the 'Adall' problem before revisiting the old quarrels between them.

Thus, in a luxurious room serving as a throne room, one crowned head could be seen addressing another through a long-distance communication device.

It projected a holographic image of the other party.

'Did you read the news? Brat!'

The one who spoke first was the leader of the Xetrarian Empire, an overweight man in his sixties known as Lecxus Dannaticus. His arrogant attitude was directed towards William Cross, the Emperor of Athea. He was a slender man with the face of someone in his early thirties at most. He had inherited his emperor throne two years earlier following his father's death. His young age and lack of experience in governing an empire were the reasons why Emperor Lecxus referred to him as a brat.

A dark look and a heavy silence followed Emperor Lecxus's words. The silence was so thick that his advisors had to whisper in his ear, suggesting he show a little more respect to his interlocutor to facilitate the discussion. So, he spoke again.

"If I recall correctly, isn't this the first time we've talked since your coronation? Then, accept my congratulations, Ga-, I mean Emperor William Grey. So, have you heard the news this morning?"

"If you're referring to Adall Windsor's magical potential test, then yes, I have indeed read it."

"Then you must understand the need for us to stick together to nip this problem in the bud."

"Hmm... I will consider your proposal and inform you of my decision later. If that's all you have to say... Then, I'll take my leave for now."

William's response to the alliance proposal was not what Lecxus expected.

("He should have jumped at the opportunity! Is it because of his inexperience? Does he not understand the threat that this boy, Adall, poses to all of us? Is he upset about my lack of consideration for him at the beginning of our conversation? I can't let the discussion end like this. I need a scapegoat for when my plan to assassinate the boy is revealed, and he's the perfect candidate to play that role.")

"Don't leave so soon, Emperor William. At least take the time to listen to my plan to get rid of the boy. Remember that your empire will be the first to be attacked if the Windsors decide to expand their territory boundaries again."

"I am well aware of the geographical situation of my empire, Emperor Lecxus. You don't need to remind me. However, I refuse to collaborate in the assassination of a ten-year-old boy, especially not if it's part of a plan concocted by you. So, you don't need to wait for my answer, you already have it."

''Tsk... You're just a fool like your father. Rest assured that this hand I extended to you and that you rejected will turn against you from today onwards...''

William didn't wait any longer to order the communication to be cut off. He wasn't born yesterday. The moment he learned that Emperor Lecxus was trying to contact him, he had already guessed the subject of their discussion.

He also knew that this glutton would never work for the common good. One only needed to observe the number of Xetrarian refugees who had settled in Athea's territory due to the endless civil wars and the precariousness of life in that empire.

''Did you record the communication?''

''Yes, my Lord!''

William had asked the magicians under his command to record his communication with Emperor Lecxus, which he would use as evidence of his innocence if the latter still tried to involve him in his plans without his consent.

These two emperors were naturally not the only leaders discussing the issue of Adall.

Far from it, on another continent, a meeting was organized between the Queen of the Fairies and the Queen of the Elves to discuss the measures to be taken for the future in light of this news that was shaking the world.

The same situation was observed among the giants, dwarves, and beastmen, with their various tribal chiefs hastily gathering for a special assembly.

Not to mention the population who had made Adall an excellent topic of conversation over drinks, to say the least, this day was long and rich in discussion.