
The war of 2400

Chapter I

In 2400 the world was divided into 4 countries with a large territory. But the country Akands wanted the territory of Perin, so they started a war by invading the cities of Perin. A boy named Ace finished college and he wanted to be a robotic engineer but he was called to go fight in the war after training for soldiers. He lived with his family in the E city of Perin, Ace spended most of the time building tech. He didn't want to go to war, because he was very afraid of dying. When he said goodbye, his family cried a lot, especially his sisters. He had two twin sisters that he loved very much, he couldn't cry in front of them so he said: - I promise I'll come back for you to see when the war is over - but he was almost certain that he was going to die in the middle of the war. When he left the house he waved his hand to say goodbye but when he turned around he couldn't stand it and started crying. The training center was difficult, he was weak and thin, so there were other men making fun of him. 6 months passed and he wasn't so fearful anymore, at least it didn't seem like it because he hid his fears. - You are about to go to war, send a message to your families before you die, said the lieutenant. Everyone was scared, the lieutenant saw the fear in the soldiers' faces. -THEY ARE SCARED?- -NO SIR! When they were in the room, he sent a message to his parents that could have been a goodbye. When he receives a message from his parents saying that one of his sisters, Victoria, had been in an accident, she was in the hospital in serious condition as she had been run over. At that moment he starts crying because he can't do anything, he can't leave that building. He couldn't sleep well that night, he could only cry. The only thing he thought was that she couldn't die, she was only 12 years old. The only thing he could do was pray.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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