
The War God Reincarnation

A player who persevered to reach the middle just to be bought down again, In a world where Vr games ruled the world, God's Fantasy Online Made its way to the world Our MC Mark who died because of an accident saving a girl had been bought back to the past. Clenched your fist and steel your heart, this one will bring you to World of Gods. ================================ Im still thinking on what to put here Check out my other Work Emperor of Arts

LordMark · Video Games
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60 Chs


After Mark finished eating, he went home all of his class were in mornings(A/N: im shitty in school so).

before Mark went home, he stooped at the nearby store and bought 2 bottles of Super Nutrient F which is very pricey, Humanity has progressed so much Super Nutrients were the the very best energy drink that have been made this era.(A/N: Yup i copied it need to make him healthy boii)

Super Nutrients have also class the higher the class is the higher the nutrients it can even cure wounds and replenish loss blood F was the lowest class while the S class caused a billion, in Mark's past life he only got to drink C class which already caused him a lot.(A/N: should i use USD for currency? let me know!)

Mark was already fortunate to have bought 2 F class Super Nutrients, the reason he bought Super Nutrient because he felt his body was not progressing anymore he felt stiff and was having too much burdens right now especially mentally.

After that he went home, a few minutes later Mark got home, he didn't immediately logged into the game he first drank a bottle of Supreme Nutrient F, he felt warm and his muscles were loosening it was a pleasant feeling,Mark stored the other one on the refrigerator.

Mark stretched for little bit and then logged back in to the game, Mark was at the village he first met up with Ryuzaki and Joshua and both gave them their Savage Armor.

After that Mark went to the Auction house were most of the valuables were being sold, this was one of the most popular places in the game, many players use the auction house to sell off the precious items they have acquired.

Mark went in and like normal it was packed, he went to the side and took a seat he opened the Auction house panel and placed the remaining savage armor he got he set the price at 200 copper coins/2 silvers.

After Mark placed the Savage Armors he stood up and went to meet up with the other two.

A little while later...

Savage Armor(Common)



Requirements: Guardian, Warrior, and Swordsman

"A common item!" A player exclaimed in shock

Most of the players item right now was still trash,so a common rank item appearing will ofcourse make a commotion.

Another person also saw this and was shocked, who was this who sold off an common item does he have a screw loose on his head?, Many players have seen this some contacted their guilds while some started bidding.

Few minutes later the Auction House was full Players were like sardines packed together, and the Savage Armor bid has already reached 5 silvers.

"6 Silvers This will be owned by the Fierce Lions" A man roared who was desperate on getting the Savage Armor

"Like hell we are scared! 5 silver and 50 coppers we the Alpha Crows will take it".

Another one roared.

Their fight continued in the end the Chograt got the Armor one of the famous guilds the final bid was 7 silvers and 60 coppers.

Many felt disappointed the armor was huge boost the guilds right now, dungeons may not be open yet but the armor can make their players stronger making their grinding easier when everyone was leaving a "Aaaaah"player shouted which caught the attention of everyone.

When they turned they saw the guy was covering his mouth looking at the auction list,they followed his eyes,their eyes widened and their jaws reached the floor another Savage Armor came out, when they got out of their dazed state they all rushed and bid like there is no tommorow in their minds "maybe this will be the last item or maybe there is more" but they didn't risk it and bid with all they got fearing there will be no item anymore.

Mark and his party was now fighting monsters in the fields.

Swift Fox(Common)

Level 4

HP: 200/600

as their name said they were fast they may be fast but their defense was low but because of their speed it was hard to hit them, they were so agile, Joshua and Ryuzaki were having a hard time they cant hit them Joshua was still defending Ryuzaki and finally manage to kill one, they felt accomplished but when they look at Mark who was fighting 3 Swift foxes, they felt shame but when they looked at Mark their eyes were shining his moves were beautiful and precise, Mark had already killed 2 Swift foxes.

He felt his mind was clear and he can control his body more easily, he easily defeated the last fox and continued their quest, After 4 hours they have finished their quest they all sat and rested on a tree.

"Bro, can you teach me some sword techniques" Joshua asked to Mark, his eyes were looking at Mark seriously he was resolute on learning sword, he felt something when he was watching Mark use his sword it was like a fairy to him.

Mark smiled and agreed he made Joshua stood up and told him do some moves he will be telling him, Joshua nodded and followed his instructions Mark told him that there will be 20 moves at first joshua felt it was relatively easy also same with the 2nd move but when he reached the 3rd move he felt heavy it was like he was carrying something at his back with much effort he finished the 3rd move but when he tried to do the 4th move his body felt shocked and collapsed to the ground.

Mark just looked at him and smiled, he then turned to Ryuzaki,

Ryuzaki felt Mark's gaze and he turned to him Mark suddenly said "Want me to teach you a movement technique?".

Ryuzaki was happy but when he again saw Joshua state, he sighed and accepted,he knew how precious techniques are they can only be taught by Masters.

Ryuzaki's also had 20 moves he will do what will Mark tell him but unlike Joshua, Ryuzaki collapsed at the 2nd move, Joshua also stood up again "Mark sensei lets continue!" Joshua said excitedly he really felt that one.(A/N: i just used sensei just to feel good ya feel me?)

"F*ck off" Mark yelled in reply

Hello guys thank you for reading

Shout out to ZonicZ and Zthu for the ideas

And thank you for the powerstones and please leave some reviews and be free to pint out my mistakes this was my first time making this and was still unexperienced

LordMarkcreators' thoughts