
The War ending

2 fraternal twins from the country Japan just so happen to be the sons to the king of hell. With their father using all means possible to bring them over to the side of evil, against the final war in history, secrets unravel as battle against humans, gods, devils and much more fight for order

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Final Exam

Kean seeing his father bloodied and his body taken over by a lookalike is filled with undeniable rage. He clenched his fist and bites his lips looking down before unconscious releasing his spiritual pressure but quickly comporting himself.

He looks the lookalike in the eye and says "Leviathan, I'll kill you both of us. Even if I die trying even if it takes me years, months, decades or even centuries. I'll…no we will do it!!, and I can live that long because I'm a.."

".Devil",Kean says in a low voice.

Leviathan smirks and says "Well then why don't you tell that to your own brother".

As the ground below him swallows him in he lands on one knee in the Babylon castle where he sees Kinea looking down at him but with blood red eyes and an ominous aura.

"Kean, tell me. How do you plan to save us?", The Kinea lookalike asks.

"Save us?…What do you mean?",Kean replies.

Kinea holds Kean's collar bringing into his straight eye view shouting "Don't give me that crap! We both know it we…we've been hiding the sadness behind a wall, we have no true home and have targets at our back. In how way are we even remotely safe for as all we know the ones protecting us could just be trying to use us for their selfish intentions!!!, so my brother how do you plan to save us?!!".

"We'll fight, fight ,fight, fight and fight until we have our freedom",Kean replies.

"And if I'm the cause, will you fight me",Kinea asks.

"Then I'll kill you,brother", Kean replies.

"And if you're the cause should I fight you?", Kinea asks.

"Of course", Kean replies.

Kinea then takes his hands off him and says "Good answer".

The floor opens and Kean is swallowed in through which is back at the domain of the spirit tree. As Hera pulls him out but she falls under the weight, she shares a short embrace with his unconscious body before carrying him and teleporting them back to the second division.

24th April,3000

Kean wakes up to see Hera sitting on a chair beside him sleeping and using his bed as a pillow. He sees this and laughs thinking to himself (she really is a nice person).

Caicos enters the room, she looks at him and says "Devil, why do you seem happy to see her. You better not try anything"

As she begins walking away Kean says "Listen, bitch if you were to try shit with me, my brother or my friends. I won't hesitate to kill you for as far as I know you wreak of blood".

She stops for a second looks back at him but this time she smiles before walking away.

Until Hera wakes up and sees Kean awake, her face begins to get red and she covers her face back with the blanket.

But Kean smiles gets up and says "I'm going off to train but thanks again for looking after me".

As he leaves the room, she raises her head up and smiles.

Later that day

Kean is training on his own in the training area when he shoots an energy blast but it's not a normal blast rather it's purple fire. It hits the wall and those leaving a large crater in it.

"Ah a new ability, yes!!", Kean says as he jumps for joy.

(This is probably one of the things the spirit tree gave me, an affinity to fire)he thought.

Hera then calls for a meeting as everyone gathers in the living room. "The final exam will be on the 28th and I know you all have trained very hard for it. It will be a team battle in a dungeon in which the two teams will start at two different ends and will face two bosses each until they get to the final boss, in which both teams will have to face the same boss the team that kills it first wins", Hera explains.

Back at the first division they are explaining the same subject.

"There will be no captains present and no weapons that boost your actual body but normal weapons will be allowed. If you ever find yourself at a point you cannot go on maybe due to injury you will be given a remote button before hand, press it and you'll be teleported away. Now with all said and done I advise you to go train until the day of the event, dismissed", Theodore says.

As Kinea and Kean both walk towards their respective training areas they both want to get one over on themselves as they go train awaiting the day of the exam.

The king and Tolo arrive and are stationed in a vip lounge where they watch the battle along with the remaining five captains of the UN, with it also being visible to all the kingdom by a almost tv but with no material parts and is powered by spiritual energy.

"Tolo, be on guard this isn't our kingdom anything could go south at any moment so be careful ",King Logan orders.

"Do you believe there will be an attack?", Tolo questions.

"I've got a gut feeling, but anyhow let's try and enjoy ourselves", he answers while changing his mood back to normal.

The dungeon is made of bricks and is in the shape of a tall tower in which there are two doors starting at opposite sides. As Kinea and Kean's team are in opposite sides as they're about to start their captains brief them one last time.

"Good job, all of you for your cooperation until now you've really shown you are capable fighters and I hope our team can win this event. Good luck.",captain Theodore says before walking away.

"Thank you all for your help and commitment in missions and training and I know for sure your…no our team will win this", captain Hera says before walking away.

And the countdown begins 3…2…1…0.

The doors fling open and the exam begins.