
The Wandering Void

[ Read after checking the NOTES please!!! ] Suffered till the age of 15, Michael hated his life. He just wanted to die. He however never could commit suicide. His destiny was different however. But the pain he endured wasn't something, a 15 year old could ever think of. Even in suffering, he never said anything. He only wanted everything to stop. . . . However even after dying, he could still sense things. He couldn't see, speak or move. All he could sense was his consciousness was still there. He waited for minutes, hours, days, and years thinking he will forget everything and cease to exist. However in that long silence and darkness, he saw a light... It changed his whole life from 'beginning' to his 'present' and 'future'. But, he had another role, which he didn't even thought to be possible. He will find himself in a journey to learn the secrets of universes and realities. But during, this time, he will also learn of another existence, which existed even before the birth of the human called Micheal. **************************************************** [ NOTES ] : • There are some very sensitive contents in some chapters. So, if you are weak to it, just ignore them. But, they are necessary to understand the story. • I know, this is very slow. But I too have some problems in my life. I can't just focus on writing a book. So whenever I get free, I will write more in advance so that, I won't be late in uploading a new chapter. • Also, I didn't want to write a story with incest for the first time! But after started writing, it was necessary. I hope to change some things though in the future! • Images and cover is from AI Generator. • I was planning to write a long novel at first. But changed my decision due to some problems. So this novel will probably be short. Currently I am planning to write each volume with hundred chapters. I don't know how many volumes will there be though. For now, I'll do my best! • If there's news, I will notify you all through this page or comments. • Thank you for reading! **************************************************** ADDITIONAL TAGS : • Action • Romance • Harem • Twins • Cousins • Incest (Not really but the truth will only be shown later.) • R-18 • Fantasy • Academy • Yandere • Handsome Protagonist • Intelligent Protagonist • Fetishes • Taming • Master - Servant relationship • Teacher - Student relationship • Cute & Beautiful Heroines • Calm Personality • Ruthless Protagonist(against enemies) • Kind Protagonists(for loved ones) • Isekai • System • Overpowered Mc • Smut • Fantasy races • Weak to Strong • Demons • Elves • Monsters • Vampires • Werewolves • Dragons • Spirits • New Species • Fantasy creatures • Cultivation world (future) • Magic world • Different worlds • Reincarnation • Fast progression • Slow Story

Mad_Crazer · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter - 90 [ Ancient History! ]

Entering the castle, he felt amazed at the design and decorations. The whole floor was painted white while the walls and roof were grey. The whole place looked ancient.

Walking through the long hallway, between massive pillars, Adam was once again amazed by this scene. As the entire castle was large which made it harder to reach the centre, Adam flew towards there.

Upon reaching the place, he looked around to see nothing but massive empty hall. But suddenly sensing something, he snapped his neck to the other direction to see a floating and moving fog.

(As I thought... You could sense me huh...) There was an ancient and old, but harmonious voice accompanying the fog. Unsurprised by the entity's voice, Adam asked, "Are you the one who asked for help...?"

If it had face, there would have been a surprised face blankly staring at Adam. But since it was just fog, he couldn't tell.

(Once again, I am surprised you could hear that.... It's been so long since someone who can hear me and understand me came here....)


(Why do you seems uncomfortable..?)

"Hm..? Ah, it's not that I am uncomfortable. It's just, since I couldn't see your face, I was wondering how do you look like...."

(I see... Unfortunately, I am unable to do so even if I want to...)

Nodding his head, Adam asked, "So, why were you calling for help..? From what I can see, you are strong enough to escape from here....or not huh..."

He halfway stopped his question as he looked at the fog for answers. From what he can see, that fog was it's sealed form. In other words, even though it can use it's whole strength, it is sealed so that it can't use that strength against the tomb.

(You were able to see through that as well....)

Nodding his head, Adam asked, "So, you want me to unseal you..?"

(If you can, of course....)

"If I try, there's a chance that I can do it. But before that, why don't you explain everything to me..?"

(Very well.... Where should I start..? May be from the beginning huh....)






In the past, there existed a person who was loved by the whole world and magic. At the start, he was the only living being in this world. He had omnipotent power, he was immortal, he had wealth, he had almost everything. But he lacked something. It was emotions.

Or rather, he had them. But due to a unknown reason, he lost them. He was all alone. So, he created some beings called, Humans, Demons, Vampires, Dragons, Demi-humans, monsters.

After creating them, he let them live on the only continent in the world. He found his first emotion, which was happiness. He was happy. He disguised himself and came down to enjoy his life. One day, he was in the human country. Other day, he was in the demon country. Each day he enjoyed them.

But one day, something happened. All types of non humans like, demon, vampires, fought with humans and demi-humans. And it was for a simple problem to know who is superior. When he saw this, He found different emotions. Anger, Helplessness, Regret. Thus he stopped the fight by dividing the land into Five. They are the continents.

One for Humans, One for Vampires, One for Dragons, one for Demons, One for demi-humans. Monsters are allowed to live in every continent as wherever they lived, they will attack everyone.

After being shocked by the supernatural phenomenphenomenon of division of the continents, each race became more cautious.

Satisfied by the result, he returned to his enjoyment. But it didn't last long as the demons began waging war against other races after gaining enough knowledge to build ships. An all out war between humans and demons came first.

But it didn't last that long as he showered his wrath on the world by creating an immensely powerful and cruel beings named Apostles. They obeyed his order and murdered the humans and demons. Only a few of them were left alive.

Feeling mercy, he called back the apostles and forgave the beings of the world. After that, there was never a war. A thousands of year passed by without any problems.

One day, one of the apostles went against it's creator and wreaked havoc in the world. For some reason, that apostles gained more power and complete control over almost uncountable number of apostles. He had freedom to do things unlike his other counterparts. He led the apostles and ordered them around killing everything that went his way.

Hearing this news, their creator became wrathful again. This time, since it was his fault, he created some beings that held power comparable to that of him and named them Guardians.

The newly born Guardian's soul's were linked to the world itself. Thus, even if they want to hurt anyone on this world, they would be hurting themselves. On his orders, the Guardians killed almost all the apostles. Only the leader was left. But he used an unknown power and defeated all of the Guardians and Sealed them deep underground guarded by strong monsters.

As he was about to destroy everything around him, the creator descended and fought him. But the heretic apostle had already gained enough strength to rival the creator. As a result, he was able to escape narrowly. The creator was who had already used his whole strength fell to a deep slumber.

But before he fell, he used an advanced knowledge and created a barrier around the whole world. Thanks to that, the heretic Apostle wasn't able to return here. He tried again and again. But he was defeated in the end. He wasn't strong enough to break that barrier. That's why he decided to wait..... for the right time to come...






"Hmm... So if my guess is right, you are one of this Guardians. And the Apostle is somehow related with the recent appearance of Devils..?"

(Your first guess is right. I am indeed one of the Guardians. As for your second guess, I am not sure what is devils are, so I can't say for sure...)

Nodding his head, Adam presented a 3D image of the devil he fought in Vampire Kingdom.

(Oh? What's this..? An unknown ancient magic..? I am surprised that you know something I don't have any knowledge of.)

Shaking his head Adam said, "Forget about magic. This here is one of the guys I fought a little while ago. Although I am not sure about their relation with this apostle, I can say for sure that they aren't from this world."

(So you believe in the existence of other worlds..? Either way, this thing doesn't look like it does have a relation with the heretic. Unless I can see or sense their aura, it's impossible to say...)

Hearing this, he suddenly remembered that he now can use their energy. He quickly channeled the DEnergy through his body.

Sensing this change, the Guardian asked in a serious tone,

(You! This energy! It is the same as that time! How can you use it..!? Could it be... You are a enemy as well..!?)

"No... Actually..... "

He explained everything. After hearing it, the Guardian calmed down and asked in disbelief,

(What kind of being are you..? You can actually use their energy which can even destroy our entire world!)

"Like I said, I don't hold any Ill will to this world. After all, my family is also in this world."

(I see.... Forgive me then... So, he already begun to move...)

"Just to know, how strong I need to be in order to fight against it..?"


(Your talent is very good. In fact, I don't think there existed anyone with your strength at such an age in the past. But, your strength is nowhere enough. I can say that, you are one level lower than me. If I wanted to, I can destroy you easily.)

Thinking after a little while, he asked, "So what level of strength do I need to fight it..?"

(If you just want to fight him like equal, then you need to get stronger by two whole levels from your current strength. As for winning, I guess you already know..?)

Nodding his head, Adam was in deep thought.

'So, there is such a future. I thought I am strong. But even if I unify with Cel, I still can only fight against something with power similar to this guardian.'

"So, what level are you now..?"

(Hm..? If I have to say, I guess I am at a level lower than God level..?)

"So, you are a Demi-god level huh.."

"Do you know how to surpass my current self..?"

(You need to have a part of divinity in you or blessings of a God to become a Half God or Demi-god. You can forget about the blessings as the creator is still in slumber. Besides him, there is no other Gods in this world. So the only path you can take is, to have divinity. It is also a hard process.)

This time Adam was feeling a little worried. He didn't care about the world. He only wanted to protect it because of his family. Now there is a big chance for the world destruction.

'I guess I will do what I can...'

"Thank you for telling me this. Now, for unsealing you, I have to ask, will you promise not to hurt anyone without any reason..?"

(I promise. I mean, I can't do it even if I wanted to....)

"Very well. You have to wait though... I have to check...."

Saying so, he walked towards where the fog led him. In the centre of the hall, there was big magic circle like drawing. As he reached it, it shone with a pale blue color and dimmed.

Using his Eyes of Omniscience he saw that it was actually a sealing Curse. In fact, it wasn't sealing their body but sealing their consciousness.

"Hmm... This thing is used to seal your soul, not body. In other words, your body is fine. Now that's left is to unseal it."

Saying so, he touched the ground and scanned through the entire castle. Under the sealing circle, there was a glowing bundle. Although it was glowing, it's luster was decreased by seconds.

As this was a curse inflicted by a God level being, it's hard for Adam to do it. But he quickly remembered something, and used it.

"Anti-Magic Barrier."

The circle on the ground shattered with a glass breaking sound.


"I see... Thanks to the apostle only using Magic to seal you, I was able to destroy it. If he had used Divinity, may be it would have been impossible."

(Hmm... I feel more comfortable but, I don't think I am still free...)

Smiling, he used mental electric signals to lead the soul to where he and the Guardian was waiting.

"So where is your body..?"

(It's here...)

"I know that. I am asking where is it in the castle..?"

(No. The whole castle itself is my body...)

Adam blinked and sighed before letting the soul or rather, the physical consciousness enter the castle walls.

Then the fog suddenly disappeared and the whole castle began to shake. Knowing what is happening, Adam quickly flew towards the entrance where Ruby and Adriel was waiting....