
The Spiritual Guidance System

Third POV

Somewhere in the vast valley, where the grassy meadows looks like land of jade and the mountains stood tall and fearsome like the jaw of a mighty dragon, a swirling vortex of brightly colored had been seen surrounding a young male with black hair that white tips. He looked around fourteen years old with a rather lanky built. Unknown to the young youth, various of changes has happened within his soul.

[Ding! Consciousness has been formed from excess Spiritual Essence in the dimension. Now looking for a host for survival]....

[Ding! Has encountered an spiritual being who is currently absorbing Spiritual Essence]....

[Ding! Has confirmed that the being has become an anomaly upon absorbing Spiritual Essence].....

[Ding! Has found a suitable host, will now assimilate with host's soul for survival... currently unable to communicate to host].....

[Ding! You have absorbed a large amount of spiritual essence].....

[Ding! You have absorbed a large amount of Heaven and Earth energies].....

[Ding! You have made contact with a powerful Soul Flame of a divine being, now in the process of purifying flame. Now using Spiritual Essence and Heaven and Earth energies for purification process].....

[Ding! Purification process has been completed. Will now take 40% of Purified Soul Flame for self-improvement while the rest of the 60% will be processed for Host's benefit]....

[Ding! Excess energies used in the purification process has started to corrupt the Host. Precautionary Measures against danger has been initiated, now using 10% of Purified Soul Flame to purify the Host]....

[Ding! Purification Process has been successful].....

[Ding! Host has become a pure being of spiritual essence. Host will now transfer to a higher realm due to the natural law of existence]....

[Ding! Transfer has been successful. Host has entered the Ancestral Jade Garden Realm. Will now assimilate with host's memories for self-improvement]....

[Ding! Has confirmed host's identity. Host's was formerly known as Qi Wusheng, a young adult thay has died in a car accident. Was adopted by an old couple-]....

[Ding! WARNING! Host's current soul is unstable. Cannot currently hold memories from past life. Must use 5% of Soul Flame to wipe the host's memories].....

[Ding! Memory Wipe has been successful. Due to soul being unstable, host's knowledge and small amount of memories from past life, includibg personality, still remains]...

[Ding! Host's soul has stabilize. Host will regain consciousness in exactly five minutes]...

[Ding! To protect the Host from danger, will now use 20% of Soul Flame to create protective armor. Will use designs from host's memories to create armor, due to the host having a weird dissatisfaction towards plain clothing]

The flames started to swirl and slither around the user like a snake. Slowly, it spread all over his body, transforming into a set of clothes. A black tunic and pants with a pair of boots and gloves, all of which had bright red designs. A small spark suddenly entered the youth's eye, causing him to flinch.

[Ding! Excess Soul Flame has made contact with the host's eye, initiating mutation]

First POV

I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my eye, which made me I wake up in pain. It hurt so bad that, it felt like something stabbed my eye with a knife "Gah!!!!!" I screamed in pain.

[Ding! Host has been inflicted pain from the mutation, causing host to forcibly wake up]

"What?!" I exclaimed in surprise, seeing a floating screen "Is this the infamous system I've read about in fiction novels?!" I asked

[Ding! Host is correct. According to Host's memories, I am indeed the system you have read about in fiction novels]

My jaw dropped as another screen appeared. Who knew that I was also going to become one of those MCs one day! Feeling a little excited, I asked "Can you show me my status?" Then a transparent screen popped up in front of me out of nowhere.

[Name] None

[Titles] Qi Wusheng (Formerly)

[Race] Wandering Spirit

[Grade] Lower D

[Cultivation] None

[EXP] 0/1000

[HP] 1000/1000



"STR" = 3

"DEX" = 5

"CON" = 5

"MIND" = 3

"SOUL" = 5

"LUCK" = 4


Spiritual Amalgamation Soul Flame

Spectral Eye of Soul Flame

Based on the games I've played, I think I know how the stats in the system works:

The STR represents Strength or my body's physical ability. It shows how strong I am and how much physical damage I can deal to my opponent.

DEX shows Dexterity. This shows how fast I can move and how high my of evasion rate is. It also shows how fast I can do skills.

CON is constitution, basically my physical defense and resistances. If my CON is high, then I'm basically a lot healthy.

MIND represents my intelligence and mental ability. It also enables me defend against mental attacks. But the fact that it's one of my lowest stats sort of irritates me.

As for SOUL, I think it represents my spiritual strength and resistances. So basically, If I have high soul strength, I'll be able to deal a lot of damage to spiritual beings and resist most of their attacks.

And finally, Luck. I don't know much about it but I think it represents my chances of critical hits or stuff like that.

"I have no name? I guess you will lose it once you die huh" I said in contemplation. However, I grew excited as a thought occurred to me. It gives out the feeling of rebirth and starting over, as if I stepped on a path to new beginnings. Then a screen changed:

[Would host like to rename himself?]

Two buttons appeared underneath, one said "yes and other had "no". Without hesistation, I pressed "yes". Then the screen was replaced with a keyboard. I excitedly typed in my new name:

[Host has renamed himself as Qisheng. Will host name the system?]

I started celebrating a bit and let out a fangir- I mean a fanboy scream. However, my celebration was cut short by a louder sound. It was a shrill screech that was so loud that I think that it may have carried killing intent. Mostly because it made feel chill that went straight to my bones. I looked around in panic and I heard the sound again but a bit lower than before.

Moving through the forest, I slowly went to the direction where it came from. I know, a idiotic decision but I was curious. As I got closer, I was... disappointed really.

What I saw was actually a huge black butterfly with red patterns on its wings. I was expecting a huge, scary monster to be honest. Although I was a but glad that it wasn't. As I got near, I so dead wrong about the butterfly not being scary. Because, I saw a lot of corpses near it, most of them were mauled. Others were so mostly gore that if it wasn't for the fact that it was human shaped, I would've thought to be a small mass of flesh, bones and blood.

However, the butterfly also seems to be injured as it had a lot of gashes. It was starting to lose color, becoming a bit grey. But as I got near, it screeched and then lunged at me. By instinct, I held out my hand in defense and a swirling vortex of flames shot out from my palm. The butterfly was then consumed by the flame.

[Ding! Host has instinctively released Soul Flame. Host created skill, Fire Palm. Would Host like to rename?]

I frowned at the name "Fire Palm? Seriously? That's a heck of a boring name" I said in irritation "Change it to Flaming Yang Soul Palm"

[Ding! Host has changed skill name to Flaming Yang Soul Palm]

[flaming Yang Soul Palm

Rank: Peak D


A soul-based palm technique that unleashes a powerful flame that burns that foes, affecting mostly the soul. Requires use of the yang energy or soul flame]

The butterfly let out a powerful screech that made me froze on the spot. But as I looked at it, a screen popped up.

[Name: Black Blood Butterfly

Race: Blood Insect Spirit Monster

Rank: D


A Spirit monster that emits poisonous dust to its victims that induce drowsiness. When the foe is asleep, it will then devour them by drinking their blood. When attacked, they will savagely maul their foes. They are well known for being the followers of a Rank A butterfly spirit monsters.]

That's a nice feature. I can see the description of the target like in RPGs. Although I wanted to appreciate the fact that I've been living a dream, the butterfly lunged at me once more. I used Flaming Yang Soul Palm again and pushed it back. It screeched loudly as its wings started to burn and then released a glittering purplish cloud. I immediately avoided it as much I could as started to spread. Then, it flapped it wings. causing the wind to blow the dust towards me. I used Flaming Yang Soul Palm to burn away the dust but then, the butterfly spread its wings as it went towards me.

Sorry for taking so long. I had a bit of a writer's block and I've been really busy with school and stuff. But don't worry, I'll continue writing this novel.

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