

Rita woke up in the abandoned section of her school, not knowing how she got there . as time passes she found out that she was no longer alive. with the help of her ghost friend, a boy who can see ghosts, a creepy girl ,a young officer and an exorcist Rita wanders the prefecture to find out what happened to her and who took her life

KOGURE · Others
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25 Chs


As Ryner got to his classroom he immediately sat down and rested his head on his desk. Today was one of the strangest days of my life. Who would have thought that they'd ever encounter a real life exorcist in there lifetime Ryner said to himself as he was clearly stressed and overwhelmed by the information he received. Ryner then begin to gather his thoughts on all the information he had learnt about Rita.

Rita Holt, a girl who attended Martin's Technical high school died five years ago. Her body was never found at the crime scene only her clothes tainted with blood and a young man's corpse. I found her bag in the old school building and a love letter that she wrote to Charles five years ago . Then we found out that she wasn't exactly dead , her soul was extracted from her body through some form of a ritual. So now I'll have to find where the Cultists are keeping her body, who even are they? And a way to put her soul back into her body Ryner said to himself.

Though if I want Rita to go back to normal I'll have to put my own life at risk , what should I do? What exactly is Rita to me? Is she worth me risking my life Ryner asked himself. Rita who was clearly now in a good mood floated about in the classroom singing. I feel really weird, I bet this is how being nauseous feels like when you're a ghost said Liam . That damn exorcist almost killed me I'll definitely get even with him one day said Liam.

Then there's him, Liam, a ghost who has no recollection of his past, the only thing we know about him is the fact that he knew Rita and he was first seen in the old school building. I don't know why but for some reason I feel as though he is somehow connected to all this in some way or he's hiding some important info about all this Ryner said to himself.

Liam, you look like you are going back to normal said Rita as she smiled at Liam. Define normal, if you mean going back to being a ghost then yes I guess so said Liam. As for the information that the exorcist gave us , do you really believe that its true? It is kinda hard to believe that five years has passed since you were regarded as dead but somehow you are still alive despite being ghost and let's not forget about the fact that your body has somehow been preserved for five years now, all of this seems really absurd and crazy said Liam.

Even though all this may seem impossible and absurd, there is a chance that I can return to the way that I use to be five years ago. I can get to talk to mom and dad again and hangout with Diana and my other close friends. So though it may seem impossible I can't help but believe in what Jack Crow said, I believe every single word, I want to live again said Rita.

And you will, once we figure out the exact location of these Cultists said Ryner. Ryner... Said Rita as she looked at Ryner with tears in her eyes. Listen, initially I was just supposed to get you to pass on, I didn't know that I was gonna get into a situation with exorcists and Cultists. If I'm being honest I'm scared and very anxious about going through with all this because my life will be at risk for you. Ever since this morning I had been asking myself this question over and over again . Are you worth me risking myself said Ryner as he held his head down. What are you trying to say ? Asked Rita. I don't know if i- , before Ryner could finish his statement he felt the warmth of someone's breath on the back of his neck.

Hello Ryner , it's been a while said the person. Immediately Ryner recognized the voice and jumped out of his seat. Shimoya!! How have you been? Asked Ryner as he tried to maintain his composure. I've seen better days and since you actually remembered my name I'm somewhat touched said Shimoya as she placed her hands on Ryner's desk and sat down. So what do you want? Asked Ryner awkwardly. Well, nothing much, I just came over to ask about your ghost friends said Shimoya. What exactly are you up to, walking around with ghosts, are you being haunted? Asked Shimoya curiously.

There was a surprised look on Ryner's face. She's still pulling at straws just act normal whispered Rita. This again ,ghosts ? why are you so interested in them anyways? asked Ryner. Ghosts are just a myth, stories that we were told when we were kids said Ryner as he tried using logic to convince Shimoya.

Shimoya then proceeded to reach into her pocket and placed some photos on Ryner's desk. So how do you explain this then said Shimoya as she looked Ryner in the eyes. It's amazing what old cameras can capture in this day and age said Shimoya as a creepy smile forms on her face. No way!! These are pictures of me but Rita and Liam are both visible in them, she has been stalking me ever since the day she found me in the old school building Ryner said to himself as he was clearly creeped out by Shimoya stalking him and the fact that she got footage proof of Rita and Liam.

So is it true then? can you really talk to ghosts? Asked Shimoya. She already knows so trying to deny it now would not make any sense, plus telling her wouldn't change a damn thing Ryner said to himself. And what if it's true that I can see ghosts? Why is that so important for you to know? Asked Ryner. Its important because I had been searching for someone like you for a very long time said Shimoya. There is something that I want you to do for...

Suddenly Ryner's phone started ringing. He looked at his phone and saw that it was officer Charlotte Buchanan calling so he looked at Rita, Shimoya and Liam and then answered the call.

Ryner , I'm glad that you picked up said Charlotte. What happened ? Asked Ryner. I went through all the case files and found the one about Rita five years ago, as we already know her death was unclear and her body was never found. I also found out the name of the guy who's body was found on the crime scene, his name is Liam Bloomfield said Charlotte.

No way, I was right, the guy's corpse that was found on the scene five years is actually Liam said Ryner as he dropped his phone due to the shocking news.