
Journey Period II: A new companion?

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

Hans stared at the mountains from afar, and back towards the very far plains and forest that spread to the south widely.

"So far, nothing interesting is happening, and no monsters are around to test another spell I wanted to create. What a drag...." Hans spoke, grumbling as he rubbed his nape and yawned.

It must have been due to his curse that no monster approached him when they saw his face, but he knew he'd been actively suppressing it for a very long while now.

"Right, passing through the fields and going around the Lower Jaw seems to be the easiest path to take." Hans spoke, before he shook his head. "But I'll gladly take a shortcut."

Hans was confident that because of his draconic physique and incredible magic power he would be able to take the shortcut in stride and arrive towards Gol DeSilva earlier.

The good thing about it is that he could get more supplies and equipment for his journey until he decided to settle down somewhere in this world.

He began to crouch down, and with his backpack held tightly and muscles tightened, and leaped forwards, reaching speeds up to 300 Miles per hour. And due to having enough experience from all of his fights from while he was merely a caveman.... or caveboy, he knew how to run at speeds exceeding his current state without tripping hard enough to make a trench out of his face and eat dirt.

There should be times where walking is just optional, after all. When going through a few kilometers, Hans jumped upwards to 50 meters in the air, then landing on a rocky slope on a mountain.

It was at this moment that he began to move upwards by hopping from one rock to another. Up the young dragon goes, until he reached the top of a mountain.

"Heh! Never expected mountain climbing to feel this good!" He spoke, hopping down to the ground only to land on something. "Eh?"

He glanced at what he landed on, and looked suprised at the moment. He landed near the snout of a sleeping dragon, and it's eyes had just opened, revealing an angry beast who had just woken up.

Hans immediately hopped backwards, evading a claw that would most likely wound him and launch him to the spiky rocks nearby.

"Feisty, aren't you?" Hans spoke, crouching on the ground and staring at the juvenile red dragon, letting it rise up while it glared down at him with teeth shown.

The red dragon growled, before roaring loudly towards Hans, making him flinch slightly and grimacing due to the stench the dragon's mouth was giving him.

Then, a sudden realization appeared in his head. He hasn't really tested out his new spell, right?

Immediately, he began to try finding something from his backpack, all while evading the attacks from a raging juvenile dragon.

"Hup! You're too slow!" Hans yelled with a grin on his face, seemingly enjoying what was going on around him, even Almanfi, who was preparing to attack the dragon from above found it quite strange for a child to act like this.

Though he did figure it out that because he was a child he would probably do exactly that, curiosity sparked out inside him about what the young dragon tribe child was about to take out.

To his confusion, the child had took out a paper and started to read it while the juvenile dragon inhaled large amounts of air, prepared to breath out fire.

And breath out fire, it did.

Almanfi almost took action and tried to protect Hans, but he had a feeling something was up with him so the familiar stood his ground.

The flames of the dragon had engulfed Hans for a long while, until the dragon stopped to take a long breather, believing that no insect were around.

Once it made sure nobody was around, it was surprised when Hans suddenly was on it's forehead, again.

Hans knelt down and put his open palms on the scaly forehead as mana suddenly began to emit out if him.

"O' brethren of mine, thou mind, body and soul whom hast been remodelled to this pathetic form, let this foolish dragon restore thou own self to reality. Wake up, pitiful servant of mine! [Dragon God's Authority]!" Hans spoke with clear authority, even if the dragon began to thrash around, almost slamming him on the ceiling nearby.

Then suddenly, the dragon's eyes were empty for a moment, before it regained it's senses. Confused, it shook it's head, wondering what just happened.

Hans hopped away from the dragon, letting it do what it wanted for a while.

"Did it work?" He asked to himself, scratching his chin to wonder what the dragon would do.

Suddenly, the juvenile dragon lowered itself to him, as if it looked like it had surrendered to him like a defeated puppy.

Then, the juvenile dragon started mumbling shyly, as if it wanted to make a long speech of apology to Hans.

And the Dragon God, not really understanding what he was even saying, just scratched his head before feeling very annoyed.

"If you keep mumbling like that, I'll turn you into my dinner. So please be silent."

With one threat, the juvenile dragon shut his maw while Hans sighed.

"So what should I call you now? Kyle? Bob? No, too overused. I'll just call you...." He rubbed the back of his ear to begin thinking more clearly. ".... Buddy! From now on, you will now be named Buddy, sounds good, huh?"

The juvenile dragon, now named Buddy, grumbled in compliance. He already has a name, but now he has a new one and has to wield this name until his death.

That is the command of his god. He shouldn't disobey it.

Hans immediately hopped on Buddy's back, and asked him to go fly up and to the east, in which the dragon complied to without question, all while Almanfi hid away from him for a while.

This moment was a milestone for Hans, allowing him to expand his knowledge about his own craft, too.

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]


{ At the same time.... }

Back inside the Boreas Greyrat's manor, a red haired teenager rested her head on the base of the wooden desk, staring at the window with a distant look.

Beside her was a paper that had just gained some writings, all for a certain silver-haired, golden eyed boy whom she just interacted with for an entire month, or maybe more than just that.

Elfrieda straightened her back after wearing glasses that were just beside her, then began writing on a piece of paper.

"It's been a whole week since you left me, Hans...." She whispered, "..... And ever since then, I felt quite lonely most of the time. Big sister Aria is away once again, and gossip all around the town and the manor is becoming more unbearable each passing day."

Her expression slowly became that of longing when her eyes focused on the outside sky, but she focused back down towards the paper she had been writing on with determination burning deep into her eyes.

"I'm planning to leave the Boreas house to search for you, Hans. So maybe we can be together again, though..... Am I still weak? Of course, you probably left me alone because I'm just weak. Therefore, I'm going to become stronger! I need to hold away that plan for a while, until then, I'll become the strongest warrior this world has ever seen