
The Wandering Desert Alantian Child

HadesVictorDemon · Sci-fi
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42 Chs

Knocking Solves Things But Not Always

Hades pulls the key stone for door lock opening the doors stepping In noticed the light was off assumed his room may not be in yet say "hello anyone in here", as he get around the kitchen netty and bathroom hall way in to the main area their was a table with something on it.

Hades looking at what ever it was thinking in his head "it look lumpy" he goes to the nearest wall flips the light switch, before was a welcome room mate plate of cupcakes and a tea pot and the lumpy object appearedly was Rennook who was sleeping face down with alcohol on the table "she was so cute when she slept he thought".

Hades grab pick her up cradle style set her over on her bunk then tucked her in, by this time Hades clean up the table and put the left over away over in the kitchen netty.

Hades takes a plate of cupcakes cakes over to the table with himself and some of that tea that was made and starts eating and sip the tea, he pulls out a slip of parchment paper for his homeroom and class and started going over them homeroom and role call earlier then ever before.

Hades cleanup the mess then started unpacking his stuff and then started putting it away then climbed up on the top bunk an headed of to sleep.