
The Wandering Blade

Alex awakened in a dark forest, Without the burdens of his past he forges out into this new world meeting friend lovers and enemies his goal is to live a full life with all the pains and happiness that comes with it

Drury2016 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter one: The Beginning Of The End

Bright red blood dripped from the knife in the boy's hand. The boy was young, about 16yr old, holding the blade as he shook in fear. The boy's name was Alex; he was a skinny but tall boy, already standing at 6 feet but just like a bean pole. He would've been considered handsome with his dark blue eyes, black hair, and sharp features if it wasn't due to the horrendous living condition. Boy's life can be boiled down to two words, Living death. He and his family lived in a cheap small apartment on the outskirts of Albany, new york. While he always suffered under his father's abuse and violence throughout his childhood. It worsened after his sister was born and their mother died. His father delved deeper into drugs and alcohol, leaving him a 6-year-old to fend for his family and raise his sister. He did better than expected; he stole her food, fought, and robbed to meet her need. He gave her what she deserved as best as possible while protecting her from his father's rage. That's when the drinking began, the violence, and now this.

The boy looked down at the man clutching his gut with a look of rage in his eye. The boy shivered in fear as he raised his blade; the man was his father, an old violent drunk. The boy's eyes flickered over to his sister crouching on the ground. He came home from a five-day bender screaming and raging about his lack of money. He blamed them for his lack of funds, forgetting that he lost his fourth job this year due to being drunk. Then he started to attack his sister, beating her and blaming her for losing their mother.

How could he be expected to stand still and watch? If he attacked him, he would have taken it and laid there as he vented his rage, but his younger sister, how could he allow it? He grabbed the kitchen knife and rushed forward, slamming the blade into his gut. His father was a big man, and the knife was small. His father stared at him with bloodshot eyes before roaring in rage. He rushed at him, grabbing the boy by his throat and lifting him in the air. He squeezed down, cutting off the air to his lungs. The boy's eyes bulged as he started to kick the air; He felt a crushing pain in his throat he tried to gasp for air. He struggled fiercely, only realizing he still had the knife in his hand.

Looking into his father's eyes, he only sees rage and hatred. Taking a pitiful breath, he stabbed the blade into his neck and pulled it back out as blood spurted all over him and the kitchen; his father grabbed his throat as blood flowed out. Falling to the ground, his head slammed into the ground. His eyes flashed white as he lay there. His father thrashed around the kitchen before falling to the ground, with only a gurgling sound begin heard. As he lay there struggling for breath, he felt his sister run over and hold his head, shedding tears. His only regret is leaving her alone in this cold world. The world slowly grew darker. He smiled at his sister, hoping she could live a good life as he died.


Alex gasped for breath-taking in deep air as he shot up. He grasped at his throat, feeling the lack of pain as he breathed deeply. Alex was in shock. He remembered the pain, his mom crying, and he remembered dying. But how is he still alive? He looked around at his environment seeing only a pure white void around him; his thoughts were jumbled as he stood up. Looking at the void, he slowly started to walk forward. The fear that gripped his heart was tremendous, but like the fear he felt every time he heard his father's voice, he kept going, for fear was an everyday experience to him. As he walked forward, he heard a voice speak out to him. "Child, what are you doing here." the voice was soft, silk, and flowing like a whispering waterfall.

Alex freezes as he slowly looks behind him and stares at the woman. She was beautiful beyond mortal comprehension, wearing a white and gold dress that flowed down he long body, her hand clasped in front of her. She had flowing white hair, a heart-shaped face, and blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires combined with her alabaster skin. No one was as beautiful as her, and an aura of purity and light shone off her. Alex felt his legs give out as she dropped to his knees. He closed his eyes as a tear escaped and slid down his face. He handled all the horrible things he had done in the past to survive and provide for his family. The people he hurt and the friends he betrayed; he saw all of it fade in her light and the pain and sadness that coerced through his vain faded. He cried before this goddess as she forgave all his sins by being near her.

"Why is a mortal here, Isis?" another voice sounded as light as windchimes on a summer evening. As Alex looked at her, he saw the opposite of the woman before him. If she were to be described as light and virtuous, she would be as darkness and sin. Black hair as dark as a moonless night flowing down to her waist, Ruby's red piercing eyes as sharp as diamonds, she whore a sheer fabric dress revealing all her curves but hiding the sensitive parts with the hourglass figure. It created a stark contrast to Isis. And when he looked at her, he felt all his sins burning his flesh, brutal memories of the pain he inflicted on others, and the hurt he caused their families. His father wasn't the first life he took, and he felt their sorrow and regret as the feeling clashed in Alex's body. He gasped and spurted out blood before passing back out.

Isis looked at her sister and shook her head. "Kali, How could you do that to the poor soul." Isis walked over to Alex and waved her hand; his body slowly lifted off the ground and rested on a pedestal that formed underneath him. The soul was young, not one that had gone through many lives, but a fresh soul just birthed in the universe. But the number of scars that plagued them was horrifying to her eyes. A soul that just saw its first cycle had more scars than a soul who went through thousands. The pain he must have suffered was tremendous. It was no wonder to her that he cried at the sight of her aura ad coughed out the blood at the sight of her sisters.

"What a tortured soul, don't you agree?" Kali said as she moved next to the boy . she laid her hand on the body, and images flashed through her mind revealing his entire life. She grimaced and nodded. He lived a hard life for one so young and fresh; many older souls would've fallen and shattered under the abuse and pressure he had to bear. She taped the body, destroying the physical manifestation and reforming it back to its proper shape, a small white ball of energy slowly floating up in front of them. The new form allowed the oil to retain its self-awareness. Isis looked at her sister and smiled lightly.

"For such a tortured being, it still has a lot of energy. Should we allow it to go to the well of reincarnation?" she asked her sister, smiling as the orb jumped up and down on the pedestal. As her sister was about to respond, the soul leaped up and tapped her forehead. Intent and memory flashed into isis's mind, which made her frown. "You want us to protect your sister? Hmm, I see no problems with that little soul. You have shown us something interesting." she smiled as she waved her hand, casting a tiny blessing on the soul's sister. The gift will allow her to live a happy and peaceful life. Her sister gave a malicious smile.

"You know what else we should do, Isis?" she looked her sister in the eye and transferred a thought to her. Her sister looked shocked but nodded, smiling at the exciting development. These two sisters have helped their father tend to the multiverse for eons. At the same time, there have been exciting events like the birth of the first gods, monsters, demons, and all races. They never created change themselves, even if it was just a small one; they only helped maintain it. So Isis and Kali smiled and started to make plans.

"Well, keep his personality and basic knowledge but erase his memories wouldn't want him to be dragged down by personal baggage on his new journey," Kali said, flicking her wrist as a tiny wisp of smoke seeped from the soul's body.

"yes, and increase his aptitude for magic if he trained in combat. But, what race should he be?" Isis asked as she pushed s swirling sphere into the soul.

Kali thought of it; she didn't want him to die of old age cause that would be a short time for them. So a mixed race is preferable, which can handle both of their power from the soul. A dhampir would be perfect. It can house are aspects easily and have a long life span. She smiled at Isis. "a dhampir would be perfect."

Isis looked at her sister and thought about it; with her aspect of life energy and kali of death, it would be. Plus, their body's natural condition would allow them to be semi-immortal. But they are outcasted and hunted by humans and vampires for their dangerous potential, him even more so. While normal dhampirs have a weakness to the sun and light, and their healing is hampered by silver and blessed weapons. He would have none of those. He would have all the strengths of a vampire and none of their weakness, and he would be closer to the original progenitor of the vampire species. The only aspect he would share with his fellow is their need for intense training to unlock their potential and the vampiric third and murderous rage. It would be their best choice. She looks at kali and nods in agreement. "Let us do it!" as she says, they place both hands over the soul, slowly forming a new body.

He was about 6'3", and while not skinny, he was of average build; he had pale white skin and sharp features. His face was of a handsome man with some robust features like his cheekbones and shin, and his hair was midnight black with streaks of white. His eyes were the most startling feature. The left eye was a sapphire blue, and the right was ruby red. They looked down at the creation and smiled. Kali looked a little lower and chuckled, "I shall give him one gift." she flicked her hand, allowing something to be elongated and broader. Then, chuckling to themselves, they dressed him in simple black clothes and a cloak. When they were done with that, they opened the portal.

They planned to send him to a world called Xulia, a colossal world roughly 11 times bigger than earth and populated by many races and creatures, separated by eight continents and a vast assortment of large islands scattered across the two oceans. They placed him in a forest that boarded the Half-elf kingdom and the human nations.