
The Wandering Adventurer

Waking up in an unknown land full of wonderful landscapes and horrifying beasts, Osirus decided to see all sights and fight all monsters! He would push away his previous life of monotony and fully embrace his new one!

TheForgottenDrift · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Jungle - Lake

Waking up to warm golden light shining through the canopy, the duo felt as refreshed as one could be after sleeping in a cold cave in a forest full of dangers. After storing a few bits of cooked snake meat in whatever pockets they could find, they left the cave, deciding to just go where fate took them since neither of them really had any specific goal.

Reinhardt wanted to eventually kill Lord Invon, as well as any one who wanted to stop him, however he wasn't anywhere near that level yet, while Osirus also wanted Lord Invon dead, it wasn't his top priority, instead, all he wanted to do is explore.

Thus, they had no actual direction or location to head for, although, that wasn't to say they had no drive, because they certainly did.

After a short discussion, they decided to continue through the jungle, not that they had much choice since, yesterday Osirus wasn't really in the right state to have kept track of where he walked.

Furthermore they both benefited by killing creatures, and this jungle was full of them.

Traversing the thick foliage and killing a few creatures, Reinhardt's sharp senses suddenly picked up an extremely weak smell; he wouldn't have even noticed it if it wasn't so different compared to the usual smell of the vegetation.


Osirus immediately paused, his attention raised to the max, his eyes scanning every inch of greenery around him, but even after standing still for over 100 seconds, nothing happened, however he didn't believe Reinhardt's were incorrect, thus he stood completely still.

But even Reinhardt started to second guess himself, he knew just how weak of a smell it was,, the only reason he stopped was because he felt it carried a feeling of danger, 'Maybe the wind carried it over? Tha- Wait! There it is agi-'

"Get down!"

Grabbing Reinhardt, Osirus threw him to the ground while dropping himself, "Swish.", an extremely quiet sound appeared above them, followed by, "Agh.", a painful sensation erupted from Osirus's back, checking it with his hand, he felt a warm liquid; it was blood.

Spinning his head around, he searched, but before he could see what attacked him, it disappeared into the thick foliage without a moment of hesitation.

"Shit. What was that?", Reinhardt, still slightly shocked at the sudden change, stood up, swiping the dirt off what was left of his clothes, however seeing the almost 30cm long gash across Osirus's body, he immediately turned serious, whatever they were facing was capable of serious damage.

He knew just how tough Osirus's body was, although it might not compare to the current him, it certainly took an extremely sharp object for it to only take a glancing strike to cause so much damage, thus he stayed alert.

As the one who took the attack, Osirus was much more alert, using the pain and adrenaline to keep his brain fully awake.

However, even after staying on high alert for more than 10 minutes, it didn't attack again, even Reinhardt wasn't able to catch its scent, nor was Osirus {Threat Detection} activated, but they couldn't stay still as they were forced to move forward, even though they wouldn't be as prepared while walking.

After walking for a few more hours and killing a few weaker creatures, the mysterious flash still hasn't come back, furthermore, the duo couldn't stay on high alert for much longer as their minds were already starting to show signs of fatigue.

Thus after relaxing their guard slightly, they continued forward, Osirus's wound having already stopped bleeding due to his decent cultivation.

After traversing the jungle for another hour, they finally came across a change in scenery.

Instead of thousands of trees layering on top of each stopping one from seeing further than 10m, the scene before them was much different, a vast lake spread across the horizon, surrounding by a bowl shape line of trees, its crystalline water reflected the golden rays of the sun, making it glisten like liquid diamonds. It was a breath-taking sight.

Osirus glanced at Reinhardt while Reinhardt glanced at Osirus, no words had to be spoken for the message to be sent, without a moment's hesitation, the 2 ran forward, their speed faster than the average human's eye could follow.


The duo canon balled into the water, disturbing its tranquil waters, spreading out ripples that could be felt for miles in the calm like.

Deep within the lake, an eye larger than Osirus slowly opened, sensing the disturbance in its home.

The duo frolicked in the water, the cool, refreshing water calmed their minds, their tense bodies ever so slightly relaxing for the first time in the last couple of days.

"Ahh. That's nice.", "It certainly is."

Soon the once translucent lake beginning gaining a hint of red and brown, the days of blood and dirt slowly being wiped from their bodies, revealing just how muscular they were, but that wasn't all, the hundreds of scars scattered across their skin were revealed, a testament to just how much they had both been through.

Without them realising, the duo swam quite far into the lake, to the point that even with the crystal clear waters, its true depth could be seen.

"Ay Reinhardt, I say we stay here for a bit, what do you think?"


"Reinhardt? Huh? Where did you g-."

An alarm had barely been set off inside his mind before he felt a slippery, mushy thing slip around his leg before pulling him down into the depths of the lake. He tried to open his mouth to shout, however it was soon filled with water.

If one were to look at the lake from above, its calm waters had returned, however it was that calmness that would cause one to feel uncomfortable, afterall it was a lake, the perfect place for the many creatures of the jungle to quench their thirst, yet not a single soul was in sight.

Below the peaceful waters was anything but that, a figure struggling while plummeting downwards, however no matter what he tried, Osirus couldn't break free of the slippery tentacle, his movements were significantly slowed by the water.

Furthermore his {Fire Ball} couldn't even ignite while {Metal Sphere} was too difficult to move in the water, and his only hope, {Guardian Golem}, quickly failed him as he watched Guardy rapidly sink, even faster than him with its immense weight.

Calming down, he looked for anything that could help, but instead he saw Reinhardt going through a similar situation, however unlike him, who had calmed down, Reinhardt wasn't ready to give up as he clawed at the tentacle, using his monstrous strength , to tear chunks off, however it was just too massive for him to cause any serious damage.

Catching his eye Osirus was able to tell him to calm down and wait to see what would happen, since it was pointless to struggle and would only lower their chances, furthermore, at their level they were able to hold their breath for at least 30 minutes just by using the Mana within their cells before they would be weakened.

Both of them stayed still, conserving their strength for whatever was attached to these insanely tough and long tentacles.

Having gone through a few dangerous situations by now, Osirus was able to stay pretty calm, or at least calmer than the average person could, however, feeling the increasing water pressure as they travelled deeper into the lake was enough to cause a ripple in that calmness.

And after sinking for another minute, that calmness had all but disappeared as the powerful force pushing into him from all sides increased even further, looking up, he wasn't even able to see the surface.

Just as he was about to start struggling once more, his descent finally slowed, eventually coming to a stop.

"Why Are You Here."

A voice, filled with unfathomable depth, spoke from the darkness, every syllable increasing the pressure surrounding Osirus, crushing him.

Looking towards the origin of the voice, the duo were greeted with nothing but endless water, no matter how hard they tried to focus, nothing changed.


It sounded once again, the pressure increasing a step further.

Osirus noticed that this time, the voice carried a sense of threat, he knew that if he didn't answer, he would stay within these infinite waters forever, however no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to speak.


A realisation came with the voice, Osirus was able to sense Mana begin to move around him, but something was different about this Mana compared to his, it was on a completely different level, both in density or purity.

Just that was enough for him to realise that this creatures' {Mana Cultivation} was way beyond his own.

The Mana continued to condense and move, until it did something he thought impossible, an air bubble expanded around his head, allowing him to breath even while 100s of metres under water.

The reason he wasn't able to create a {Fire Ball}, was because it was practically impossible to find that special substance in the water, that he discovered was called the Fire Element, and use it to create a ball of fire.

Yet this creature had managed to do just that, although with the Air Element instead, such a level of precision and accuracy required an incredible affinity with the Air Element, furthermore, this thing was able to do it within a moment's notice and with ease.

All of this just increased the extreme caution he already had.

"Now Speak."

This time, the voice wouldn't take silence as an option, the pressure had increased to the point Osirs felt his bones creaking and bending, however he could only grit his teeth and speak through the pain.

"We are not here for any trouble. We didn't know this lake belonged to you."

"That Was Not My Question. Why Are You Here."

"Agh!", the pressure had reached an unbearable point, even though he hadn't even seen his foe, he was nearing death, nonetheless, he resisted best he could, and spoke.

"W-we came t-to the la-lake to clean our-ourselves."

"You Dare Use My Home To Clean Your Ape Bodies!"

The voice carried a sense of anger and spite as it spoke, 'Ape', picking up on this, Osirus fought through the pain and thought, joining different theories before speaking up.

"W-we a-are n-."


"We are not apes!"


The unbearable pressure that had already caused his bones to begin to fracture, vanished in an instant.

"Hah. Hah. Hah.", both Reinhardt and Osirus could finally breathe, if it wasn't because they were floating in water, they would have collapsed to their knees.

With his lungs not being crushed, Osirus was able to speak much easier, "We are humans, not apes."

"Hmm, You Don't Have Fur Like Those Blasted Apes."

It didn't take a genius to realise this creature hated apes, Osirus assumed they were the same ones he had faced before, thus he tried to use this to his advantage.

"Do the apes you're talking about have red fur?"

"Hmm, If I Remember Correctly, One Of Those Bastards Did Have Red Fur. How Did You Know?", even just mentioning the apes caused anger to rise in the abyssal creature's heart, causing the pressure to involuntary increase.

"Because we fought with them recently."

"Hmm? But You Are Too Weak To Fight Those Apes. Unless…Interesting. They Must Have Fallen From Grace Over The Past Few Centuries. Anyway, Did You Make Sure to End Their Pitiful Lives"

With a smile, Osirus answered, "Naturally."

"Good. Good."

Deciding to take advantage of the improving situation, Osirus followed up with the most important question, "Could you let us live, we promise to never come here again. And we will make sure to kill as many apes as possible."

"Hmm. I Guess You Can, So Long As You Kill The Apes."

Relief took over Osirus and Reinhardt's body, although not for long.