
The Wandering Adventurer

Waking up in an unknown land full of wonderful landscapes and horrifying beasts, Osirus decided to see all sights and fight all monsters! He would push away his previous life of monotony and fully embrace his new one!

TheForgottenDrift · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Invon City - Fight

Osirus watched from afar Lord Invon shot forward, the 2 entering a drawn out battle, Reinhardt on the offensive and Lord Invon on the defensive, clearly Reinhardt had the upper hand but Lord Invon speed was just a step faster allowing him to dodge the majority of blows.

However, having to be at his top speed to dodge every attack drained him rapidly, furthermore the mental drain of narrowly dodging a fatal blow repeatedly was tiring his mind, whereas Reinhardt seemed just as furious and powerful as before.

As Osirus carefully watched the battle as best he could as it was an entirely different level than what he is used to, he realised something shocking, after every missed attack, Reinhardt's crimson blood aura would grow, his rage intensifying and his strength increasing.

After another 5 minutes of fighting, his strength and specifically his speed had increased by 30%, and it only continued to increase, and Lord Invon also noticed this to his shock, but there was nothing he could do in the face of this monster.

What surprised Osirus after seeing Lord Invon falling further and further into life-threatening danger, was that he didn't once look at Sir Elijah for help. If Osirus could tell how strong he was, Lord Invon certainly could, yet he didn't.

'Could it be because of his pride? Or, something else?'

Osirus thoughts were distracted as Reinhardt landed another blow.

His mighty fist covered in deep crimson runes moved too fast for Lord Invon to dodge, "Boom!", a shockwave was unleashed as the fist connected with Lord Invons chest, causing it to cave in before he fired off like a cannonball.


Lord Invon collided with his palace, however this time it was once too many, massive cracks spread from where he had landed, before connecting to the other craters, the cracks increasing in size as they spread across the entirety of the palace.

Eventually the infrastructure couldn't withstand the damage and the once mighty City Palace collapsed into ruins.

Osirus witnessed Sir Elijah pick up Ethan before jumping of, his speed wasn't anything impressive, even he could jump faster, however he didn't take that as a show of weakness, thus he stayed where he was and carried on observing, only if Sir Elijah made a move against Reinhardt would he try his best to stop or mediate the situation.

Lord Invon didn't even have time to care about his palace before he was attacked once again, this time, Reinhardt didn't give him time to recover.

Lord Invon hurriedly deflected and narrowly avoided 10s of blows, each miss disintegrating the rubble behind and each defection causing shockwaves to spread outwards, unfortunately each collision injured him further and further, after the 15th deflection, he felt his forearm bones crack and shatter.

He could only watch in horror as Reinhardt's fist rapidly approached his arms, before going straight past them and colliding with his face, "Boom!".

His nose shattered and face bleeding, Lord Invon's body was fired backwards, smashing through the collapsed palace, the Ebony Stone acting as chalk as it crushed into dust as he flew through it.


By now, the city guards had heard the commotion and hurriedly arrived, the 30 odd guards bringing forth a powerful momentum, however the moment they saw their lord being punched through his broken palace, their might dwindled into nothing, shock and fear covering their face.


Osirus was watching Reinhardt stand still after punching Lord Invon, he noticed that steam had begun to rise from his body, his skin turning pinkish as his mouth released laboured breaths. He was getting tired.

However Lord Invon didn't know this as he felt immense pain in his face as he lay in the rubble, his whole body ached and he felt that a few of his bones were fractured, let alone his arms that swung limp at his side, that final blow had truly put them out of action, it was unlikely they would ever heal properly, even if his family helped him, which was unlikely.

Thinking of his family, he looked atop one of the roofs, where his 'butler' and son stood, a self-deprecating smile appearing on his broken face, although he liked to act arrogant and powerful, he knew that he could only do that in his small little city at the border of the Desolate Edge.

However, that wouldn't mean he would let himself be killed by a puny mercenary who happened to come across some unknown power, "Ptoo. Well done! You've truly pushed me to my limit. Now die!".

Hearing Lord Invon, Reinhardt ignored his exhaustion as he began walking towards Lord Invon, planning to end this fight once and for all.

Suddenly, Osirus felt an immense concentration of Mana form around Lord Invon, his left arm beginning to glow blue as more and more Mana concentrated around it, its weak, limp nature disappearing as it seemed his arm healed in an instant.

Reinhardt felt a sense of crisis build in his heart, increasing his anger further as he began to pick up speed, eventually breaking into a jog, then sprint. At the same time he pulled back his right arm as the crimson glow began to flow towards it, the other runes around his body lost their lustre as the ones on his right arm began to shine with palpable wrath.

Blue Mana continuously flowed into Lord Invons left arm as he stood up, and began to sprint towards Reinhardt.

Like 2 comets, one blue and one red, they rocketed towards each other, as they neared, Osirus felt an overwhelming sense of danger erupted in his mind as he rapidly backed away, making sure to warn the guards who had frozen in shock.

"Run! Get away now!"

They awakened from their disbelief as they realised what would happen when the 2 comets collided, "Run!", all sense of formation vanished as they hurriedly ran away as fast as they could.

Osirus glanced back to see the 2 orbs of light collide, "Booom!", a cataclysmic explosion erupted, the crimson and azure colours smashing into each other as they fought for supremacy for but an instant before they exploded backwards, like 2 opposing sides of a magnet.

However Osirus had no more time to look as he only had Boulder to rely on, acting fast, he got the Golem to hug him with its back facing the blast.

Just as its arms wrapped around him, he felt an unparalleled force smash into Boulder before rippling through his body, the Golems force absorption not enough to entirely negate the attack as he felt his organs displace, forcing blood through his throat and out his mouth.

He travelled at a speed he couldn't hope to reach on his own as he smashed through building after building his armour never standing a chance as it was destroyed in an instant, luckily the buildings were not made out of Ebony Stone otherwise he probably would have been turned into paste, although that wasn't to say he was unharmed.

Ungodly pain he had never experienced in his life assaulted his mind, almost causing him to fall into unconsciousness, the only thing that stopped it was when he smashed through another wall and was hit by another wave of pain.

His skin had torn all over and he felt multiple bones bend and fracture, luckily none of them broke entirely but that was only because Boulder was taking the force of the blow every now and then as they spun.

Eventually, after travelling for over 20m and destroying 4 houses did he come to a stop, "Aghh.", slowly pushing away the collapsed stone that had fallen onto him with the help of Boulder, Osirus's body was revealed, the entire top half of his armour had disappeared, showing off his chiselled chest covered in cuts and wounds.

Blood continuously poured across his body and onto the only armour that was left, the bottom half of his Dark Armour had stayed relatively undamaged except for a few dents and scratches as Boulder's short body had mostly covered that area.

Climbing out of the destroyed house his eyes widened in shock, "Holy shit…", a 20m circle around the centre had been razed to the ground, no building was able to face the force of that collision, creating a massive crater devoid of anything.

However, looking closely, Osirus noticed 2 figures at the very centre of the destruction, using the little strength he had as well as support from Boulder, he walked down to the unconscious Reinhardt.

Arriving next to him, he noticed his previous crimson aura and runes had disappeared, his body was covered in cuts and lacerations, however the most injured part was his right arm, you could barely even see skin as all that was left was blood and cuts.


Osirus took a step back as an old man appeared before him, Sir Elijah didn't even have a speck of dust on his suit even in the face of such a mighty explosion, this only increased Osirus's caution as he was constantly on guard in case the old man attacked.

However, seeing Osirus's cautions, Sir Elijah spoke, "Don't worry, I'm not going to avenge this useless child. He needs to face adversity to grow. Anyway, it would be below me to face someone so weak."

Osirus stayed silent as he went to pick up the injured Reinhardt before beginning to walk away, as he did, the old man spoke once more, "It's a shame your friend was born in such a backwater place, he could have become something with his interesting talent. Anyway, I doubt I'll see you ever again with your pitiful strength."

The entire time Osirus stayed silent, just continuing to walk away, don't get it wrong, he was also pissed off, although not as much as Reinhardt, he still wished to kill Lord Invon, and seeing how injured he was, he almost couldn't stop himself if it wasn't for that old man.

Although the old man wasn't trying to be arrogant, just that he was truly way above Osirus, every word attacked Osirus's heart and made it grow resolute, he had an ungodly advantage yet he was still extremely weak, even in this 'backwater place'. If he truly wanted to explore this new world, he would have to grow stronger, stronger than anyone else.

Thus he stayed silent as he walked away, a new resolve building in his heart, maybe he would one day grow strong enough to experience the wonders of this universe, or maybe he would die having lived a useless life like he had in his past, he didn't know, but he would sure as hell aim for the first one.

No-one stopped him from leaving, nor could they considering Boulder could still fight with a strength beyond any else in the city, apart from Sir Elijah, if that was even his actual name.

Not wanting to stay in this city any longer, he carried Reinhardt out of the city and into the wilderness, aiming for no location in specific, he began to walk.

Osirus didn't realise it, but the blood that had continuously trickled from his body began to change its path, defying gravity and slowly slithering towards Reinhardt before being absorbed into his body.