
Chapter 5

The sun was about done setting, and they had made their way out of the alley, without discussing the questionable event. Taking the rout to the grocery shop behind the alley, in the market square, after leaving the alley, they walked side by side, while keeping a bit of an awkward silence, unsure of what to talk about, before they made a brief stop beside the shop.

One which grant a view to watch what was remain of the sunset, on the request of the lady. In relief to had made it this far, with little to no actual problems.

"Well… We are here… In the kingdom that thrives on all forms of commercial goods, and it's known for its radiant... Welcome to the Radiant kingdom" she said, with a hint of sadness welcoming him to the kingdom, after the sun was done setting, as they stood beside one another, facing the direction of the sunset. Believing it was about time for goodbyes.

"The market square? Isn't that at the center of the kingdom?"

"Yes it is, we're currently not far from the main square of the market... Surprising, huh? That's just one of the benefits, of using the secret path… It helps cut the average time, if not more, one would use in making it to the kingdom center"

"That's quite something... Am impressed" the wanderer responded acknowledging her claim, while comprehending her words, as they savour what remained of the view of the sky after the sunset, as that of each other company.

Believing it was because the secret path was straight, with the absent of turns. Therefore cutting the time one would use in making one, he comprehended her words, but felt that was not the only factor to be considered. Taking account her walking speed, which seemed faster than that of an able body man.

Noting that, he believed that was a factor that shouldn't be overlooked, and that's probably what made it possible to make it within the kingdom in less than an hour. Amused by the thought of her radiant not being the only thing that seems to be above normal for her, his thirst of curiosity about her increased. Making him ecstatic. Longing to know more about her, as he feast his eyes on her radiant.

"However, if you don't mind me asking… Could you please keep everything a secret…? I mean...." she said with a rather low and gentle voice, it was like she was whispering to his ears, while twiddling her thumbs, as they stood behind one another, while he gaze at her, but cut her at midsentence.

"There is no need to worry about that, I understand how big a deal it is... However I must say the market is a bit more than I imagined… And it's so packed, it's overwhelming"

"But it'll be night soon… And with this much crowd, it won't be wise for a lady not to be without an escort, especially one with your radiant"

"So, what do you say about me being your escort for tonight? You could consider it, a way of me showing my gratitude, for all you've done… I hope you won't deny me such, after all you did say I should stay close…"

"But if you feel the need to say no, it's understandable, however you should note that stalking will be the only other option" he responded calming her nerves, as to keeping the secret path secret, while requesting to be her escort with courtesy, not giving her much of an option, being aware of the hint of sadness in her words of welcome, while making his clear intent to still spend time with her, in a creepy sort of way.

She felt confused by his words. Knowing he was probably saying it out of concern and with good intentions, but the way he phrased it, made him sound more like a creep, than a gentleman, which made her question his intent. But she couldn't help but feel somewhat moved by his words, glad that their time spent won't end so soon, after getting to the kingdom.

"Normally, I don't entertain such offers, but the evening is a bit too fine to stroll alone… And you'll probably be arrested stalking… So I guess, I don't have much of a choice, but to accept your offer... Since I did say I'll protect you"

"Am glad we could see eye to eye on the issue… But a simple yes or yes would have been fine, but then again, who am I to correct one of your radiant…"

"Enough with the flattery, let's go the whole market awaits" she responded pulling his arm, excited as she began the start of their stroll and tour, while cutting him at midsentence.

After pulling him to kick start their walk, they strolled for a bit, making few stops around the shops, not buying much of anything. Just checking the attractive items and snacks around, as she gave him a brief tour of the market square, as the noise of transactions and sales were still at their peak, and the thirst for profit was craved by all, even as the day sails off shore of the kingdom.

While trying to savor the moment, she craved for unknown reason. She stall time, prolonging her stay in the market, as she dragged him around, telling him the names of the places they've been, as that of their current stop, while neglecting the consequences of her stay outside, as that of an introduction to each other.

Momentarily, as they were strolling and making detours, around the market square, a knight whom seem to be running around the market square spotted her. Recognizing the style and pattern of her cape, as that of the markings on the edge of her cape, he became excited and relief. He was about to walk towards her, cutting through the crowds, when he noticed she was with someone.

He couldn't make out the face of the person, or who it was amongst the crowds. But they seemed awfully close, due to how she was dragging him around like she was a guide, giving a grand tour of the kingdom to her betroth, which was surprising, since he knew she was not engage. And he had never seen her close to the opposite sex.

At that moment, he wasn't sure of what to do, and didn't want to intrude, but he knew it was only going to bring trouble, if the other knights gain sight of her with someone at the moment.

Shortly, when the evening sky was getting darker, the heat of the day had gone to rest, and the air was cool. The market was noisy, as some of the people around was about to wrap up their sales. Transactions were being concluded, and the atmosphere was filled with warmth, as the lady and the wanderer was finally about to head out of the market square, concluding their tour.

They walked towards one of the exit of the market square, about to take a path that would lead them to some of the prestigious nobles residents, not too far from the Radiant kingdom palace, when the knight finally reached out, after observing them from afar, and pondering on his course of action for a while.

"Hey, My Lady! Please, wait up!" the knight yelled, as he rushed towards her, trying to break through the busy crowd leaving the market. Acting on impulse, upon seeing her about to leave the market square, while he was still not sure of what to do, as he tried concealing her present in the market, by not calling out her name, so as to not draw attention. With hope his voice would reach her.

The noise of the market was a bit down, since some of the transaction were being concluded. They were walking towards the exit of the market square, when the lady heard the knight's voice amongst the crowd. Recognizing it to be one she was familiar with, she turned, looking around to place a face to the one calling out, if the voice was that of who she think it to be, as they walked. She made quick twists and turns looking back as the voice echoed around.

"Are you searching for something?"

"Oh! I was just looking out for a familiar face… I thought I heard a familiar voice called out just now…" she replied uncertain, as she explained the cause of her action, while thinking it might just be in her head, answering his question, as they made a stop, amongst the crowd exiting the market.

"I see…" he said trying to confirm her claim by sensing, if anyone was heading their way, amongst the crowd.

"We could move to the side, the view is a bit clearer there, and less crowded, if someone is calling out, you should be able to see the person, with ease from there… And same will be for the person" he suggested, believing, if the person had spotted her, and was reaching out, standing at a less crowded position should make it easy for both parties to see the other.

"I guess that's true, a better view could help… but, I could just be hearing things, due to the noise of the market and all"

"It's a possibility, but you won't know, if you don't confirm it... But then again, you could be right... it could be the voice of someone you miss, that's playing in your head" he said teasing her, as he stall time to confirm her suspicion.

"What? No! No way… You're just misinterpreting things"

"It's understandable for a lady to crave someone… You are at that age, after all, so , you don't need to be ashamed about it… but just try not to make it a thing, okay"

"Quit saying things like that… it's disgusting, I'll have you know that his just like an elder brother to me… it will be weird thinking of him in that way, you perv"

"You're the perv… I never specified or mentioned how you should or shouldn't think about him… All I said was it's understandable for a lady to crave someone… you're the one with a dirty mind, thinking of perverted things"

"Why you! Meanie"

"Not a mature thing to say… But cute nonetheless, lady perv" he commented, with a smile to her childish response, while trying to buy more time to confirm, an energy that was making its way through the busy crowd, as they bicker.

If the person he sensed, making its way through the crowd towards them, was the same, as the one she heard called out. Knowing the risk of things, but estimating this to be the perfect opportunity to know, if the group from before were linked to the people around the kingdom, or close to her, since he could sense a similar trace of energy flow from the person to that of the group they escaped from in the forest.

Knowing such energy flow was common amongst family, comrades or apprentices, especially military personnel, due to them having same training routines. Although each kingdom and individual has its own unique signature to it, as that of the person to the group, but the pattern of his energy regulation flow, around his body was almost identical to theirs, and that made it hard to believe it was just coincident.

Although, he didn't jump to any conclusions, since he believed, it was just a lead, and concluding on anything this early would only shrink the scope of things. Depriving him of essential information and possibly diverting him from the actual roots of the situation, which in turn, prevented him from sharing his findings with the lady.

To gauge the flow of his energy to the group, he chose to first grade the person's personality by taking a look at his energy when the person was within view, since it pose little to no risk, because he doubt they could do anything to harm her openly, even if the person was in league with the group they escaped from, due to witnesses.

And because he sensed no malice from the energy of the person, which made him curious of what the group they escaped from were playing at, while a bit curious of who she was, as she stood clueless of what he had come to observe with her innocent, but yet radiant face, while pouting.

He widen the range of his senses out of caution. Checking if there were others around with same energy flow, to better ascertain the situation on ground, but got a bit whelmed by the flow of malice around certain parts of the kingdom. It seemed like pure hatred had taken root in the hearts of some of the citizens in certain regions.

Although, the malicious energy was far from their location, and most of the people in the market were relatively hyped. With the sales and transactions going, with little to no sense of malice, but he could sense few were in haste, and there were disturbing trace of standard energy. Heading toward the market square, which made him wonder what was going on, but he chose to ignore it, since he thought it was probably none of his business.

"My lady!" the knight yelled few lengths from the lady as he ran towards her.

Before she could turn to look, the knight had close few distance separating him from her, he was less than 10 feet away from her. The wanderer sensed no hostility from him, but could see his energy flow was clearly similar to that of the group from the forest, which made him believe the group they escaped from, were disguising. And were probably knights of the kingdom or rogue knights.

"A knight, huh? Now that's interesting… I guess this place might not be as boring as I imagined… I'll leave her in his care for now" the wanderer thought, amused by how the event was unfolding. Knowing sticking around would probably not be in his favor, due to personal reasons, which led to him taking his leave before the knight could make out his face or present beside her, while she was distracted by the knight's present. Unaware the wanderer had blend into the crowd, leaving her side to keep watch from a preferred distance.