
Chapter 102 "Why Me?"

Avery P.O.V

I know Hehe. I giggled under my breath. What I did to the guys was wrong. But look what they did to me. I could count and name on my fingers what they did to me. Okay. They were so awful to me. I didn t want to think about it now. Or I will cry. I don t want them to see my tears and I promise myself I will try not cry over them anymore.

They were so cruel at times they would trip me and threw food at me. They would call me Miss, Piggy. I just run away and cry from being embarrassed because of their cruel jokes and hateful words in front of the whole student body.

That what they get for treating me like shit when I was nothing to them before they find out I was their mate.

After I left them all hard and piss off. I went back to my locker and got my fifth period Math class textbooks. Once I grab them and shut my locker. I started to turn around when I ran into Duke Conaway.

Why God! This is not my day I thought in my head.