Reborn into a new world he knew how things usually went according to the web novels. He trained for seventeen years. How to fight hand to hand, use all kinds of weapons, survive in the wild and much more. But to his glee and his surprise nothing has happened, and it's just been a good ol boring life. Until Now. [This novel is dark. Anyone under 18 or easily offended have been warned.]
Damon slammed his fist into the alarm clock that he had grown to despise.
How he wished that there would come a day where he no longer had to rise to the sound of an alarm in his ear.
Sitting up he looked around his dimly lit room with the sunlight peeking around the closed blinds.
On his wall hung a few animals that he had hunted along with a few of the bows he had been gifted by his uncle Richard.
"It's still hard to believe," Damon mumbled while wiping the sleep from his eyes.
It had been seventeen years since his rebirth into this new world.
It hadn't been perfect by any means. His father and his stepmom had died five years ago in a car crash and he never knew his birth mother. Since then he's just lived with his uncle Rich and his step sister Cassie.
But still he couldn't complain. Life was a marvelous thing and eventually his would be over so he wanted to create as many memories as he could before his eternal slumber.
You would think dying once he would be less afraid but it was the opposite. He would do anything to stay alive for as long as he could, who knew if he'd be reborn again or not.
Standing up and stretching his body he felt strong and rested, his lean muscular body was full of energy.
Damon put on his clothes for the day before walking into the bathroom that was connected to his room.
He was actually living in a big studio apartment in Atlanta with his uncle and Cassie but most of the time his uncle wasn't home so it was usually just him and Cassie living there.
His uncle was deep in the military, like black ops type military. Doing missions that would never reach the light of day.
Even he wasn't supposed to know but his uncle Rich trusted him more then anyone.
Looking in the mirror Damon saw himself and once again felt a little creeped out by looking exactly like the character Paul from the movie Dune in his last life.
But after seventeen years he had grown somewhat used to it.
After getting cleaned up and brushing his teeth he walked into the wide open area of the studio apartment.
The whole studio was black wood floors and brown leather couches with a huge kitchen with a fancy granite island.
The apartment was on the third floor of a massive building and the security was tight using biometric scanners for entry.
Damon was pretty sure the government was paying for this place for his uncle considering his status and the dangers of his job.
Grabbing the tv remote he pointed it at the massive tv that hung on the brick wall and turned it on before switching to the news and starting breakfast.
"Flu season took on a whole new look last fall." Damon heard the tv and looked up to see the news headline.
[New flu-like virus spreading]
Damon zoned out a little as his paranoia started kicking in.
Damon had always been a little paranoid in this life growing up. After all, who gets reborn into a new world just to live a normal life?
So growing up he always expected aliens to attack or for huge portals to appear all around the world.
But it never happened so eventually he began to just relax a little.
But lately, he had noticed some rumors of some weird new flu going around and people disappearing more often.
As of right now, he wasn't worried but his paranoia would definitely be on alert in the coming future.
In his last life an insane disease had spread around the world after it escaped a Chinese lab killing millions of people.
Unfortunately, this mistake or maybe it wasn't a mistake but either way it was the catalyst to the beginning of World War V.
"Jeez, do you need to watch the news this loud in the morning old man?" A snarky voice sounded as Damon saw his step sister Cassie come around the corner wearing black jeans and a black crop top showing off a sliver of her toned stomach.
His step-sister Cassie looked exactly like Viola from Chaos walking with her blonde hair and hazel eyes.
She was definitely a beautiful girl and he was reminded of that daily at school when he had to fight off the horde of horny teenage boys at school trying to get to her through him.
They were both 17 and in their senior year of high school and went to the same school.
"And you're burning the toast," Cassie said as she took a whiff of air, taking the burnt toast from the toaster and waving it at him before throwing it in the trash with an exaggerated flair.
"At least I can cook eggs and bacon without burning the place down," Damon said before placing two plates full of food on the kitchen table.
He saw Cassie flinch as she remembered the time she had almost caught the place on fire learning how to cook eggs and bacon.
'Who knew you couldn't put out a bacon grease fire with water?'
"I thought we agreed to never speak of that?" Cassie said while eating her eggs with a frown.
"Hmm I don't remember that." Damon lied before they both washed their plates and went to the elevator in their room before going down to the garage where Damon hopped in his rusty pickup truck.
Cassie on the other hand hopped into her white Honda accord as she always said that his pickup truck was a piece of junk.
They both sped out of the underground garage and into the city streets of Atlanta toward school.
Damon, 5 years ago
Ever since Damon had been reborn he had always been scared something might happen so he wanted to be prepared.
Throughout his years he learned multiple fighting techniques and self-defense lessons from his uncle.
He learned knife combat and how to use guns as well as how to survive in the wilderness on his own.
As well as many other useful survival tactics.
Today his uncle has decided to take him out to hunt.
And right now he was looking at a momma deer and her two little babies as they rested out in an open field of grass.
"The deer is an animal of prey, but here it is out in the open relaxing.
A person, no matter who they are, will always eventually let down their guard.
It might take days, weeks, months, or even years but eventually they will."
Damon listened to his uncle's words while still looking at the family of deer through his binoculars.
He started to realize his uncle wasn't talking about deer anymore.
"And when they let down their guard for even a second, there will always be someone waiting to take advantage."
Damon flinched as three quick shots rang out and saw the mother deer and her two babies slump to the ground, dead.
"The moment you let down your guard, you lose everything."
His uncle's words burned themselves into Damon's mind as he stared at the dead family of deer that had just one second ago been a happy family relaxing and playing in the grass, now painted red.