
The Walking Dead: Story of Charlus Bohannon

Charlus Bohannon is a US Marshal. Because of his advanced Instinct, he finds himself in North Carolina when the world ends. He changes fate by saving an Aussie Actress, who leads him to King County, Georgia. Where Charlus will be taken on journey led by his family gift, the divine gut. I do not own the walking dead.

D_Blackwell · TV
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13 Chs

Finding Tilly

"Tilly!" Jimmy shouted as he was about to take off for the cabin.

Bohannon snatched him up and pulled him down to hide. "Boy, what the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't a game. These dead folks will eat you, and people will shoot you dead."

Bohannon held him against the tree and used him to stand himself up. Bohannon had his weapon in the high and ready position as he approached the cabin quietly.

One step at a time, he stepped up onto the porch and opened the door. As the trio enters the hose, the sound of faints sobs could be heard.

Bohannon stopped and pointed towards the source of the sobs. The trio fanned out and was ready to kill. As they rounded the kitchen from both sides, Sasha recoiled and gagged. Jimmy dropped his rifle, walked into the kitchen like a ghost.

A young woman was holding a little girl, crying her eyes out.

"T-tilly…" Jimmy muttered as he made it to the young woman's side. She looked up, and jimmy brushed her curly ginger hair aside to show her lightly freckled face and deep emerald green eyes that were red and puffy.

"Jimmy?" she asked as if the person in front of her was a mirage.

"It's me, Tilly," he replied as he pulled her into his embrace. Tilly cried some more and kept apologizing.

Over her shoulder, Jimmy looked at the lifeless body of his younger sister in Tilly's lap.

Bohannon walked over, split the siblings. He had noticed something that Jimmy hadn't.

"Boy, it ain't over yet."

"Huh?" Jimmy replied.

"Tilly, when did your sister die?" Bohannon asked.

Tilly continued to weep. Jimmy looked over and saw two bite marks on his younger sister. She was dead. There was no head wound.

Pah! Bohannon slapped Tilly. Shocking the poor girl.

"Tilly. Listen to me. When did your sister die? We're scratched orbit?"

"I. I don't remember," Tilly answers both questions.

Bohannon nodded. "Jimmy, it's time you learned. Take care of your people. We'll wait outside."

Bohannon didn't say more and just walked out with Sasha in tow. The couple stood by a tree as Bohannon rolled up a cigarillo and waited.


Back in town, Glenn and Adelaide find a bar. The place was dusty and abandoned. The moment the doors opened, the musk of the bar wafted past their nose. For the most part, the place was reasonably untouched. The bottles were still behind the bar, and the beer kegs were still attached to the taps.

"Hey, check the back. There should be crates and some food back there. It looks like this place hasn't been touch since the world went to shit." Said Adelaide.

"I got it," Glenn replied as he went to the back and found creates of alcohol, sacks of peanuts, and canned foods.

Glenn chuckled. "This town is awesome."

"Too bad there's a herd here. Bohannon always said to haul ass and never spend too much time near herds."

"Well, how do you know if you're near a herd?"

"A map. You mark the sighting. Herds and Hordes. Kill every straggler you see. Because that one can bite many. Or can meet up with another and then another and eventually become a heard."

"You know a lot about them."

"It's Bohannon. That man is special. Quick-witted with impeccable judgment."

"Hey. I've meant to ask you something."

"Well, go ahead and ask." Adelaide tittered.

"Do you know where Bohannon is from, anything about him?"

Adelaide raises an eyebrow. "That's an odd question… But I know a bit. All we did was talk sometimes."

Glenn's mind began to race. "So, where is he from?"

"Meridian, Mississippi. Born and grew up there." Adelaide replied.

"Adelaide…." Glenn gave Adelaide weird vibes.

"Glenn?" she asked.

"I think Bohannon is in town. Apparently, he's out right now with Beth's boyfriend."

Adelaide smiled. "Is that right?"

"Yes, I think we should ask for his help. If Sophia is out there, a Marshall can find her."

"No. If Bohannon is meant to deal with this, then he'll show up and offer. Do me a favor, and don't tell anyone about Bohannon."

"But he can find Sophie." Glenn protested

Bam! Adelaide smacked the bar top, startling Glenn. It was the first time he had ever seen her vent her frustration. "And what if I sent that farmer's daughter out there to look for Sophia. How would that make you feel, Glenn?"

"I get it."

"Good, now forget about Bohannon. Let's get packed up and get out of here."


Bohannon was driving in silence. Sasha to his left with Jimmy and Tilly in the back seat. Things were smooth sailing like a California road trip.

Then it happened. Bohannon slammed on his breaks. Rubber burnt on the asphalt emitting a faint white smoke around the screeching tires.

"Holy shit!"

"Bohannon… What do we do."

"Well, you're no Adelaide, and we're babysitting two kids. This is the only road into town, and we need to tell the Greene's about this shit."

"We can leave Bohannon. They survived just fine without us."

"Damn, Californian. They gave us food and a roof. At least we can warn them and give them back their people."

"Bohannon! There's two fucking herds in front of us. There is no way through this!" Sasha voiced her frustration and woke Jimmy and Tilly.

The moment Tilly saw the walkers, She screamed her heart out.

"Hold on!" Bohannon barked as he put the truck in reverse and peeled out in the opposite direction.

"Bohannon, where are we going?"

"Around!" he replied.


Unfortunately, when Bohannon took the crew 'around.' They wound up running out of gas, fighting their way through the woods. Finally making it back home.

When they returned, the Greene farm was destroyed and surrounded by dead folk.

"Well, it has been a while," Jimmy said.

"No shit, Jimmy," Bohannon replied. "That's what happens when you lose the damn map!"

Jimmy scratched his head. Bohannon took a deep breath. "We need a truck, then we'll stop by the Johansson house and get our shit and a nice night of sleep."

"Is the house even safe?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, my gut feels alright. Jimmy, You stay with the ladies, and I'll head in town to find us some wheels" Bohannon then moved to handle his business.

Sometime later, Bohannon's group was loading up what they could from the Johansson farmstead. Mostly the weapons, food, and water. In the truck, they packed blankets and warm clothes for the winter.

When they set out on the road, Bohannon had a feeling that he had to find Old Man Greene. He felt a hard winter coming, but nowhere compared to the seasons that followed.

"Hey...You alright?" Sasha asked

"We need to find the old man, there's something in the wind, and that old man is in the thick of it." Bohannon put the truck in gear and began to follow his gut in search of Old Man Greene.