
The Walking Dead: Resurrection / TWDR

[Warning: The following events are true. They occur in an alternate world. Any object or place that matches your world is purely coincidental. You're warned] A virus has suddenly emerged transforming people into Zombies. In just 2 months, the Earth's population has decreased by more than 90%, most services such as water, electricity and others stopped working because there were no people working to keep them running. An apocalypse hit the Earth like in a movie, but no one expected that those zombie movies or comics that they watch on television for fun and entertainment, would come true today. What would you do if you woke up in a world dominated by zombies? The Walking Dead fanfic. Since the first season with a new character. Those who did not see the series do not worry, you will understand this fanfic. P.D: I like the Zombie theme.

Dark19 · TV
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23 Chs

Andrea love and past

The lashes faintly tremble, but close again, but then abruptly reopen as if remembering something important. Andrea wakes up because she almost forgot to go to her own store to sleep. Something normal if you think about what happened tonight.

But the dream that Andrea enjoyed was the most comfortable of her life. Like the comfort of that luxurious king bed that she once tried but was too expensive for her. She would have to spend half her salary to buy that bed.

Although she Andrea had a lot of money, she could not spend half of all that she had saved for a piece of furniture. But she now understands that sleeping comfort is essential for humans. She feels energized now.

Originally Andrea just had to bring Daniel a blanket and leave moments later, but one thing led to another and now they are dating. It may sound rushed but she felt very natural.

Andrea covers her face ashamed and with a happy heart, overflowing with vitality, maybe it is love? That cannot be because they still do not know each other well.

Andrea slowly rises from Daniel's comfortable embrace unwillingly because he felt so good. She doesn't know if what she's doing is okay, due to her age differences or that they don't know much about each other yet, but she is happy now and she wants to maintain that happiness.

She covers Daniel with the blanket again carefully so as not to wake him or catch a cold from sleeping in the clothes that God brought him into the world, naked.

Andrea dresses her clothes again awkwardly, although her mind is full of energy, her body is a little numb. She had never done something like that and she liked it.

She feels heavy and uncomfortable from sweat and other fluids from last night. Her clothes stick to her body but she still wears them, she cannot walk naked.

It is still night, although due to the dim white light on the horizon that announces the soon arrival of the sun. Dawn is near and almost everyone will wake up at that time. Andrea should take a shower.

-Ah, how cute-

Andrea looks at Daniel sleeping through the light coming from the front glass of the truck and smiles involuntarily. He no longer looks like that domineering boy from last night, just like a young man who has lost everything and is helpless.

Andrea leans close to his head, kissed him on the forehead, walks back and gently opens the truck door so as not to wake him up.

Andrea gets out of the truck fixing her clothes so she doesn't look suspicious. The air outside is fresh and smells of the forest. Andrea feels cool because inside the truck it was warm, outside it is relatively colder. But just a little bit, the weather in this season is mostly hot, so it is not good to be long in the strong sun when it appears.

Andrea walks with shaky steps toward her tent, grabs her legs to control herself, and walks again. But just a few steps later she stops to rest, her legs still haven't recovered from last night's action, she was intense and she felt good. Andrea blushes at the thought of that, the cool wind pink her slightly sensitive skin making her shiver as she stands.

While she rests for a moment, she looks around. She doesn't think a Walker appears suddenly but it's better to be a little vigilant.

This forest has some cans tied with ropes as a warning system. But they can appear from everywhere. Although in this camp they never appeared until now. The forest is very large and is far from the city, very few people entered the forest unless necessary.

Andrea does not want to worry Amy but it is certain that she will ask her what she did last night, she will make up an excuse. Or she could tell him the truth, but she thinks it's better for Amy to meet Daniel and then better accept her relationship.

That reminds her in a funny way how her mother questioned her for coming at dawn when she was a bad teenager, now she seems to go back to her teenage days. Andrea chuckles at that funny memory.

But she soon feels homesick remembering her parents, whom she will never see again. She has Amy as her family and that's what matters. There is also Daniel, but they still don't know each other well so she can't hastily call him part of her family.

She now she began to live love as she could not do it in her school days. During her middle school, high school, or college, she was more interested in studying and being better at what she does.

Andrea was and is a very hard-working woman, since she was a teenager she worked to pay for her studies and help her parents. With that money she earned, she even bought Amy gifts, although she did not attend her celebrations for her work or simply forgot about it. Andrea's memory is not the best.

The fruits of Andrea's efforts paid off and she managed to become the best lawyer. She was paid a lot of money with which she helped her parents improve her living standards. Andrea also grew a lot as a person, gaining confidence. Objective thinking. Quick response to problems. Use words in her favor and more.

But she also lost virtues, due to her excellent work, she is often stubborn, she does not listen to others. She is not sociable. She gets depressed when there is something that she cannot understand. She lost her interest in many things. Her logical thinking does not let her do things that she considers dangerous.

But Andrea was not very worried that something bad would happen to Amy, her little sister, because they were surrounded by other families, if a family is attacked they will be alerted immediately. Also, she left Amy her gun to defend herself against her, but there was still the possibility that something would happen.

Andrea promises herself not to spend another night sleeping away from her sister, or she couldn't forgive herself if something happened to her and she wasn't there. She doesn't want to lose someone loved by her again, or her heart couldn't take it anymore.

Andrea remembers that until now she only had two boyfriends, not counting Daniel, because she always focused on studying, doing her work, she was not interested in love, she rejected many men, and even women.

But as she got older she wanted to experience it too, and she had a relationship with a colleague from the legal profession. It was a bad experience for her, not only did it end quickly, it also hurt a lot, she ended her relationship with that man shortly after. She didn't mind that he begged her to continue this painful relationship.

Years later, she decided to give a second chance to a man who had been courting her for a year now. But almost the same problem happened, that man only cared about himself and Andrea suffered, in addition to the fact that she learned that this man only loved her for her money, which she accumulated with years of hard work.

Andrea is a perspective woman, she can judge the behavior of people to know if they are trustworthy, that is why she realized it shortly after starting that relationship. The downside is that her perception only works for her sometimes, not when she wants to.

Is this a sixth sense like in those science fiction movies? Andrea doubts it.

In the present, almost 8 years after her last relationship, Andrea met Daniel in a strange way. But she was attracted to him, as if there was something different about him that other men did not have. Daniel gained her trust and decided to give her a chance, wishing she was not like other men or she would rather not believe in any man anymore.

But he did not make her suffer and instead pleased her and cared for her like a treasure. Now Daniel is something she wants to take care of.

Andrea wants to spend more time with Daniel, so she can understand him better and make sure he's the one, she doesn't want to find out late that he only played with her.

Although she Andrea did not know that she was only creating an excuse to visit Daniel more.


Walking a bit more after a little break, now a bit more recovered from smelling the fresh air, Andrea turns her head a little to look at the truck and then leaves.

But something unexpected happened.

Carol sees Andrea get out of the truck while she fixes her clothes and hair a little, imagining what happened there inside her, her eyes and her mouth widen in surprise.

She got up to get some water, she was thirsty, when she was walking back to her tent. She did not want to leave her daughter alone for a long time. But she saw Andrea and approached to greet her, finding strange from where she walked out, the truck in which Daniel sleeps.

Carol comes closer, feels doubts, smells a little and feels the strong smell of man in her, what she did was evident. She opens her mouth and eyes wide. But Andrea is fast, with a swift movement, she manages to cover Carol's mouth with her right hand and makes a sign for silence. Carol nods to tell him that she understands, won't yell or speak loudly.

-Andrea ... I can't believe it, what happened? -

Carol speaks in a low voice on this silent night so as not to be heard. But in the end her curiosity overpowers her, she can't help but ask Andrea what she most wants to know.

After all Daniel is a young man the age of Andrea's younger sister, it is rare that Andrea sees him as a man. But remembering his handsome face, tall with a shapely body, she couldn't deny that he is attractive and could also fall into her hands if he forces her.

Carol shakes her sinful thoughts out of her head and waits for Andrea's response. She is a faithful follower of the Lord God, so she must not think about things of the devil.

-Well… we were just attracted to each other, he felt natural and he was so dominant that my heart started to beat faster. One thing led to another and he ended up in her bed. Do not ask more please-

Andrea covers her face in shame. Although Carol is her best friend since she came here and they met, she can't tell him everything.

Carol's mouth is open, she wanted to ask for details, but she closed her mouth when Andrea asked her, with that embarrassed face, not to ask her.

Carol imagined that Daniel must have been very good to make her friend always sensible, sometimes moody and sometimes cold, into a woman ashamed and shy as a girl in love with her.

-Okay, I won't ask, just tell me how good he felt-

Carol felt envious of Andrea now, but she sighed and she felt happy for her friend that she found some happiness. But she doesn't think that will last long. She cannot allow Daniel, a handsome young man, to stay with Andrea who is already older.

-It's something I will never forget-

Andrea now has a satisfied smile and feels more relaxed talking about it with her best friend.

-You should clean yourself, that smell of man is very strong and not only I can notice it-

Andrea nods, she already felt it.

-Can I ask you a little favor? I want to wash my clothes and Daniel's in the lake, but it would be great if you could help me so that he doesn't look too suspicious-

If he does the laundry later, then Daniel will wake up and have no clothes to wear. Thoughts of him are slowly turning into those of a considerate bride.

-Of course, bring the clothes and we wash them, anyway we have to wash the clothes of the others later too-

Carol nods her head and gives Andrea a smile, she will clearly help her friend.

-Thank you, I'll pay you this favor sometime-

Andrea wants to hug Carol but she realizes that she is dirty and walks away from her with a slightly awkward smile.

Carol watches her return to the truck with a funny smile, she is happy to have a friend like Andrea. Andrea feels the same as Carol.

Andrea got back into the truck gently so as not to wake Daniel up. She grabbed her clothes, removed all the things in her pockets, and then took it away. She smells clothes a little, smells like Daniel, gets turned on, pushes him away because he's dangerous.

-Good morning Aunt Andrea-

Andrea hangs out with Carol, that she brought her daughter because she got up not seeing her mother. Sophia's face is a bit sleepy, she looks cute even though she is 14 years old and turning into a woman.

-Good morning Sophia, with your mother we will go to wash some clothes, do you want to join us and then I will prepare breakfast for you? -

Andrea is a bit far from Sophia, she doesn't want her to smell her and feel something strange. If she is not wrong, Sophia has not had a boyfriend, so she should not recognize the smell on her body, but she better be safe.

-Okay Aunt Andrea, I like your meals-

Sophia nods her head happily, she is a very pretty girl who loves her aunt Andrea hers. Although she calls him Aunt Andrea, she is not actually her real aunt, but since she is the best friend of her mother, she calls her that. They carry each other.

-Then I'll be back, I'll take a quick shower-

Andrea hands Daniel's clothes to Carol, then to her tent to see Amy and find a change of clothes.

Meanwhile, Carol was a little taken aback by having Daniel's clothes in her hands, imagining what happened tonight. She makes her feel strange.

-Who are these clothes mommy? -

Sophia asks puzzled, she thought it was from her aunt Andrea hers, but now that she takes a good look at it it is men's clothing.

-This ... this is from ... -

Carol doesn't know what to say to him, her mind is not working right now.

In the end she manages to convince Sophia that it is only clothes that they have to wash, without allowing her daughter to ask any more questions, she took her to the lake.

Shophia occasionally looks at the clothes her mother is wearing as they walk to the lake to wash them. Those clothes are from Daniel, the new member of the group along with that older gentleman Rick. Sophia remembers Daniel's handsome face getting out of the red sports car and is a bit embarrassed, but she wonders why her aunt Andrea has all of these clothes, including Daniel's underwear.

Sophia is a very pure girl that her mother took care of her a lot since she was little without letting her interact with children, her mind does not think badly of anyone.


No one was up because he was very early. The sun could already be seen on the horizon very faintly, the light is projected faintly on the earth so Andrea does not need to use her flashlight.

Andrea goes to get a change of clothes from her tent, she opens it slowly so as not to wake Amy. But she finds her awake, changing her clothes, something many men wish to see, this young woman with attractive curves, pearly white skin and her pretty face.

-Where have you been?. I didn't find you when I fell asleep last night or when I woke up this morning-

Amy is half asleep, making it hard for her to remember, or so she pretends.

-Good morning first miss. Last night I fell asleep a little late, I had to do some more activities. And now I got up before you, you know that the biological clock woke me up very early because of my previous job. Although lately I'm getting used to-

Andrea did not get nervous and responded naturally, mixing truths and lies. That's how she is, usually all the time she is cold-minded and she thinks things through before saying them.

Amy, hearing the lies of her sister, remembers last night's activities.
