
The Walking Dead: Reborn as Leon Kennedy

In a world ravaged by the undead, one man stands tall amidst the chaos. Meet Leon, a survivor like no other, armed not only with his skills and determination but also with a secret weapon: memories of The Walking Dead show. As he navigates through the horrors of the apocalypse, Leon's mind is filled with vivid images and strategic insights drawn from the beloved TV series. He knows that in this brutal new reality, the greatest threat lies not in the hordes of the undead but in the darkness that resides within humanity. With unwavering resolve, Leon uses his knowledge to forge a powerful society, a sanctuary amidst the ruins, where the weak are protected and hope thrives. Drawing inspiration from the show, he understands that survival is not just about physical strength, but about unity, trust, and the indomitable spirit of the human race. ----- [Why It Was Canceled] ----- Update: Failed experiment of mine testing the utilization of ChatGPT in producing and writing a novel. The consensus was that ChatGPT wrote each chapter as though it was the end of the story, cramming in lines right at the end about hope and humanity and all that junk. This brings up another point, without even bringing it up the AI seemed more inclined to spread positive morals and messages unprompted. As noted by some readers, the constant spewing of such subjects ended up feeling too artificial. On a side note, I attempted feeding in one of my drafts for a different novel without prompting the AI to do too much to it other than editing and optimizing it and the results were relatively positive. It kept most plot points and refined them with minor tweaks, like the addition of vivid descriptions and detailed character processes. Never did it feel like the AI was hijacking the story as it didn't try forcing in ideals of hope and morals, instead like intended, it only edited and optimized my story. Consensus, ChatGPT is ideal for editing a story and not creating one from scratch. Even feeding in the AI an outline to follow doesn't exactly work as the AI ends up hijacking the story to come up with some vague ending or continuation that leans on positivity and hope thanks to its procedure to stay away from dark topics. Only very minor mistakes were made by the AI in editing, like how it sometimes confused he/she or that it rarely gets confused as to whether the story is in first person or third. Nothing too serious that can't be cleaned up by Grammarly or a careful rereading to make sure everything's alright.

_Hachiroku_ · TV
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

「Shadows of the Past」

Challenge is still on folks~! Remember, 100 stones by Sunday and you'll get 2 extra chapters next week on Monday, which makes it 7 according to my every weekday schedule!


The sedan continued its journey through the desolate landscape, the sound of its engine providing a steady backdrop to the conversation between Rick and Leon. As they drove, curiosity tugged at Rick, compelling him to learn more about the enigmatic man beside him.

"You mentioned you were a police officer like me," Rick began, his voice laced with genuine interest. "Where were you stationed?"

Leon's expression remained composed as he met Rick's gaze. "Raccoon City," he replied matter-of-factly.

Rick's brow furrowed in confusion. "Raccoon City? I've never heard of it before."

A slight smile played at the corners of Leon's lips, a mix of amusement and unease dancing in his eyes. He waved his hand dismissively. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, I guess."

Rick sensed there was more to the story, but he respected Leon's guarded response. He didn't press further, silently acknowledging that some wounds were better left unexplored.

As they continued their journey, Rick's attention turned to the scenery outside the car window. Recognition dawned on his face as they approached a familiar route. "We're going to the King County Sheriff's Office," Rick exclaimed.

Leon nodded, acknowledging Rick's observation. "Guns, we have plenty back at camp," he explained. "But it's the ammunition that we're really struggling with. We'll need a substantial supply if we're going to train people on how to use them effectively."

Rick couldn't help but be impressed by Leon's foresight and practicality. The man had a strategic mindset, considering the long-term needs of their group amidst the chaos. A sprout of admiration began to take root within Rick, recognizing the value of Leon's contributions to their survival.

As the car came to a stop in the parking lot of the Sheriff's Office, Rick's gaze lingered on the familiar building, a testament to his former life. Memories flashed before his eyes—of the camaraderie among colleagues, the responsibilities of maintaining law and order, and the sense of purpose that came with the badge.

"This place holds a lot of memories," Rick remarked, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

Leon stepped out of the car, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of caution and determination. "It's time to make new memories and secure the resources we need," he replied, his tone resolute.

Together, Rick and Leon entered the Sheriff's Office, their steps echoing in the empty corridors. The remnants of their past lives lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of a world that had been lost. Yet, within the confines of these walls, they sought not just supplies but a symbol of hope—a way to protect themselves and those they cared about.

As they delved deeper into the Sheriff's Office, their journey into the shadows of the past intertwined with their pursuit of a future worth fighting for.

The echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the empty halls of the Sheriff's Office as Rick and Leon meticulously ensured that every corner of the building was vacant. It was only when they were certain that they were alone that Rick broached another question, his curiosity piqued.

"How come Shane never decided to loot this place while I was out cold?" Rick inquired, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Leon's gaze met Rick's, a hint of sternness in his expression. "Shane's been preoccupied with taking care of the people at camp," Leon replied, his voice firm. "I have him constantly surveying the grounds to ensure our safety. On top of that, he's been teaching survival skills to some of the camp members and dealing with internal matters. When I first joined the camp, I brought supplies from my department, so we've been relying on those since the outbreak. There wasn't a pressing need to risk a trip into town unless it was absolutely necessary."

Rick nodded, absorbing the explanation with a sense of understanding and pride. He had always admired Shane's dedication and resourcefulness, and it comforted him to know that his best friend had taken on such important responsibilities during his absence.

Together, Rick and Leon methodically looted each room of the Sheriff's Office, taking only what they deemed essential. Medical supplies, clothing, uniforms, boots, firearms, ammunition, melee weapons, walkie-talkies, body armor, and a few MREs were carefully collected and loaded into the trunk of the sedan and the back seats. Leon even managed to salvage a gallon of water from a water cooler dispenser, recognizing the value of such a precious resource.

Once their loot was secured, they settled back into the car. Rick's eagerness to reunite with his family and Shane pulsed through him, and he couldn't help but ask, "Are we heading to the camp now?"

However, Leon's response veered slightly from Rick's expectations. "Just one more stop," Leon replied cryptically, his tone hinting at an underlying purpose.

Rick's brows furrowed in curiosity, a mix of anticipation and intrigue building within him. With a nod of agreement, he settled back into his seat as Leon ignited the engine, propelling them forward on their final detour.

As the car rumbled along the desolate roads, Rick's mind buzzed with questions. He yearned to see his loved ones, to embrace his family and reunite with his best friend. Yet, the mystery of this "one more stop" gnawed at his thoughts, fueling a mixture of curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

The world outside the car window seemed to stretch endlessly, a vast expanse of uncertainty and danger. But Rick had learned to trust in the company he kept, finding solace in the companionship and resilience that Leon had demonstrated thus far.


A tense standoff lingered in the air as Rick and Leon found themselves at the mercy of the unknown voice behind them. Uncertainty weighed heavily on their shoulders, the click of the gun serving as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in this post-apocalyptic world.

Rick's mind raced, searching for a way to defuse the situation and protect both himself and Leon. Meanwhile, Leon sported a mischievous smile, an expression that Rick couldn't decipher. He had to trust in Leon's instincts, even though the circumstances seemed dire.

The voice demanded answers, accusing Rick and Leon of wandering the streets, potentially attracting danger and endangering the neighborhood. Rick held his breath, ready to respond, but it was Leon who broke the silence with his characteristic snark.

"We're not just wandering," Leon retorted, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "We're looking for a man like you."

Rick's eyes widened in surprise at Leon's unexpected response. The tension in the air shifted, curiosity replacing the initial hostility. As the mysterious voice demanded an explanation, Rick tried to find the right words, stumbling slightly in his attempt to diffuse the situation.

Leon, quick-witted and always ready with a quip, attempted to lighten the mood. "Ah, um, to recruit you," he chuckled, his tone almost comical. "Sorry if that sounded a bit off-putting."

Rick watched intently, realizing that Leon had a way of disarming people, even in the direst circumstances.

Amidst the tense standoff, a new voice emerged, younger and filled with innocence."Dad, I don't think these are bad guys," It belonged to a boy named Duane, who seemed to be accompanying the older voice, presumably his father. Rick's heart softened at the sound, recognizing the vulnerability in the child's tone.

The older voice, still cautious, remained skeptical. The gun aimed at Rick and Leon wavered, uncertainty evident in the face of the unexpected encounter.

Rick seized the moment, using his words as a lifeline. "We have guns, ammunition, and food," he offered, his voice calm and genuine. "You're welcome to take anything you need. We were just looking for someone..."

The weight of the silence that followed felt palpable, but slowly, the tension began to dissipate. The voice's grip on the gun loosened, its hostility yielding to a cautious curiosity.

"We've been surviving on our own for a while now," the voice finally spoke, its tone tinged with weariness. "But times are tough, and it's getting harder to find supplies. We've been cautious, maybe too cautious."

Rick nodded, understanding the struggles that came with survival in a world turned upside down. "We're survivors too," he said softly, his voice resonating with empathy. "And we've learned that sometimes, survival means finding strength in numbers, in helping one another."

The voice's gaze wavered, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through the hardened exterior. Slowly, he lowered the gun, a gesture of tentative trust.

"Names Rick," he introduced himself, extending a hand in a gesture of goodwill.

The voice hesitated for a moment before responding, "Morgan. And this is my son, Duane."

With a handshake, the bond of shared hardship began to form. Rick, Leon, Morgan, and Duane stood in that desolate neighborhood, their paths converging in a twist of fate.

The fading daylight gave way to the encroaching night, casting an eerie glow on the desolate streets as Rick, Leon, Morgan, and Duane made their way to the house where Morgan and his son had sought refuge. The air grew heavy with anticipation as they stepped inside, seeking solace and respite from the dangers that awaited outside.

As the door creaked shut, shutting out the outside world, the interior of the house was bathed in the warm glow of flickering candles and lanterns. The dimly lit living room became their sanctuary, a small haven amidst the chaos.

Three sleeping bags lay on the floor, their simple presence a reminder of the shared struggle for survival. Rick and Leon observed their surroundings, their eyes taking in the makeshift defenses that shielded them from prying eyes and the relentless darkness.

Gathered around a worn wooden table, the four weary survivors bowed their heads, their hands clasped together, as Morgan led them in a prayer of gratitude and protection. Their voices mingled in solemn unison, seeking solace and guidance in a world where faith had been tested.

With the prayer concluded, they sat down to share a meager meal, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on their faces. It was a moment of respite, a chance to replenish their bodies and share their stories, to find solace in one another's presence.

Rick, hesitant at first, opened up about his harrowing experience, recounting his awakening in the hospital, the desolation that greeted him, and the longing to reunite with his family. His voice carried a mixture of gratitude and pain, the weight of his journey etched in every word.

Leon followed suit, recounting his days as a police officer in Raccoon City before its downfall. He spoke of the chaos and the horrors he had witnessed, a glimpse into a world consumed by darkness. His voice held a somber determination, a testament to his resilience in the face of adversity.

Morgan's gaze turned distant as he spoke of his late wife, his voice laced with grief. He described the agonizing ordeal of watching her succumb to the fever that followed a walker's bite, the helplessness he felt as he fought to save her, and the heart-wrenching moment when he had to let go.

Duane, his young face marked by the weight of loss, listened intently, his eyes reflecting a mixture of innocence and the harsh reality that had stripped away his childhood. His small voice chimed in with intermittent questions, seeking understanding in a world that defied comprehension.

As the night wore on, their shared experiences forged a bond between them, a connection born out of shared pain and resilience. They were no longer just individuals struggling to survive; they were a makeshift family, bound by a common purpose.

In the warmth of that candlelit room, they found solace in each other's presence. The tales they shared served as a reminder that they were not alone, that despite the darkness that enveloped their world, there was still a glimmer of humanity that shone through.

And as the night grew deeper, they sought comfort in the embrace of sleep, finding fleeting moments of peace amidst the uncertainty. In that simple house, surrounded by boarded windows and flickering flames, they drifted off into dreams, their spirits intertwined by the unyielding will to endure.

Little did they know that the night held secrets of its own, that the darkness carried whispers of approaching danger. But for now, they rested, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of unity and hope, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead when the morning light once again broke through the barricades of their sanctuary.

----------「Author's Corner」----------

Challenge is still on folks~! Remember, 100 stones by Sunday and you'll get 2 extra chapters next week, which makes it 7 according to my every weekday schedule!

PS: I only left for a month and this new mobile UI is awful! I have to click through so much just to see my notifications for what I've written.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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