
Ch. 17 Unnerving

Michael took Maggie into base camp and then ran to his bo staff and then ran back to the field. He knew Maggie would explain the situation to the others. He just hoped nobody else was out.

Michael quickly made it to the cow again and saw that the walker was eating the intestines and other organs that had been previously ripped out. The cow also seems to have died now.

Michael let the walker eat and made sure that there were no walkers to sneak attack him as he killed this walker.

Not seeing any he wen behind it and bashed its skull in one swing. It seemed to look like the walker Carl had ended, but shorter. Maybe it was a relative. Or they just died the same way.

Rick, Tdog, Glen, Andrea, Dale and Maggie came running over.

"Michael! Are you ok? Are there any more?" Rick calls out as he approaches with his hand on his revolver as its holsters

"I'm good. And I haven't seen or heard any more in this area" Michael doesn't face them because he is scanning the area again. Damn walkers not making any sounds randomly. They're usually loud...unless they're alone? Theories for later.

"Alright. We aren't gonna go searching for walkers in the dark. We need people to guard the camp in shifts from now on. We take turns staying awake in pairs"

Rick states. Mostly to himself, trying to organize his thoughts and allow others to make adjustments before he tells the others.

"We should have been doing that. Nobody should ever be alone with the apocalypse going on. We shouldn't take any risks by leaving people alone" Michael adds in.

Maggie runs next to Michael. "Isn't Daryl alone?" She says.

"Yeah, he's down the field a ways in that direction" Rick points towards where Daryls tent is set up, they can't see it currently. "I'll go bring him back with me"

"I'll tag along. Maggie, go back with the others, I'll see you soon" He hugs her and then follows after Rick.

Daryl is sleeping in his tent when Rick and Michael get near. Rick goes to the tent while Michael checks the surroundings.

"Daryl, wake up!" Rick whisper shouts.

"What ya want!? I'm sleepin!"

"Walkers almost got Michael and Maggie when they were in the fields. It ain't safe to be alone. Me and Michael are here to bring you back"

"Give me a minute" There is shuffling from the tent. Probably Daryl getting dressed or putting shoes on.

Michael is checking the area when he gets to the back of the tent. He sees something in the distance. "Rick! I see somethin in the distance. It ain't movin! It's freakin me the fuck out!" Michael whisper shouts.

Michael makes sure there aren't walkers near him and looks back to the figure standing in the distance. Except, now it's not there. Michael felt a chill go down his spine. And it's not the ones Maggie gives him.

Michael runs around the tent to see Rick standing there revolver drawn pointing towards the field. Daryl is climbing out of the tent and grabs his crossbow and extra arrows.

"The hell did you see? How far away?" Daryl asked as he wiped his face with his hand to get the sleep off of it.

"It ain't there anymore!" Michael states, very disturbed by that fact.

"What?" Rick asks, still scanning the area around them.

"I saw it, I scanned the area around me, I looked back where it had been. And it wasn't there anymore!"

"Are you sure you saw something?" Rick asked.

"I'm not going to go confirm if I saw something there or not! It was just one shadow in the distance! I'm freaked out and would not complain if we went back to base camp!"

"Alright. I don't want to be out here in the dark either. You ready Daryl?"

"Yeah, let's get movin" Daryl says as he puts the crossbow over his shoulder and they jog back to camp.

Michael could not get away fast enough. It could have been a walker, but where had it gone in a split second. Even a human would have trouble disappearing that fast. Maybe he was seeing things, but it looked real. It just stood there, not moving. It could have been facing them or the opposite direction as them.

He was ready to go to the prison tomorrow, but they still had about a week before they left. And then another week at least of travel. Not to mention the walkers they will have to clear from the prison itself.

They make it back to where all the tents are and everyone is gathered around a fire in the fire pit.

Rick explains that walkers were spotted in the field and one was taken down. He didn't want people hunting walkers in the dark. And that there would be people taking shifts for night watch duty. People would always have someone with them. And he wasn't gonna take no for an answer. Daryl had his panties in a twist over it but Rick wasn't gonna back down from this one. People were worried. But Rick told them that this is why they needed to leave. Someone could have died tonight. But they couldn't leave yet. They did decide to leave within the week.

Hershel said he would also leave showing Maggie, Beth, Patricia and Rick. He said it while looking at Michael in the eyes. Michael nodded when he saw Hershel looking at him. Everyone went inside the house for the night. Two people were watching the front door while another two watched the back. Michael and Maggie decided to take the first shift for the back. They sat down next to each other. Maggie had her head on his shoulder as they cuddled together.

"I saw a silhouette of a person when Rick and I went to get Daryl. But I took my eyes off it for a second. And then it disappeared. I don't think it was my mind playing tricks on me. But it disappeared so fast. One moment it was there out in the open. The next it was nowhere to be seen-"

"Ok ok ok! I don't think you're crazy but you're gonna freak me out more than you are"

"Wow Maggie. I never said I thought I was crazy. Are you trying to say something?"

"That's not what I meant. But seriously, that's freaky. I'm glad you made it back"

"I'll always make it back to you. It may not be immediately if I get lost or separated from you. But I'll find you"

"How do you know. How can you be so sure?"

"Fate brought us together. It was a miracle that I met you. I believe that fate will bring us together. But I don't plan on testing fate. So I won't tempt it either"

"Y'know. I didn't take you for a superstitious man when I first met you"

"You saw me as a man?"

"I'd have to be blind" Maggie runs her hands down Michael's abs under his shirt.

"Good thing you aren't" they laughed quietly. They enjoyed their small back and forwards.

The night went on and eventually they got tagged out and someone took the watch. Maggie took Michael to her room and they slept on her bed. No funny business this time.

Alright, you caught them. Maybe a little. Michael was spooning Maggie and couldn't help it. It wasn't his fault he had such a woman in his arms. He was surprised it didn't happen sooner like when they were snuggling together by the back door.

Maggie teased him but they both agreed that it was too late. Well, Michael wouldn't have turned it down but that's neither here nor there.

They enjoyed being able to fall asleep together. Michael felt like her body perfectly fit against his. He felt so complete.

"Love you"

"Love you back"

They both fell asleep and didn't wake up until 9 am which is pretty late for them. But they weren't complaining. They just laid there in each other's embrace.

1362 words

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