

Henry's pov:

As usual I sleep in my cell in cell block D away from the other prisoners I really don't like them except Axel and Oscar they may be in here aswell but if you get to know them their good people they just got into the wrong crowd or a bad path the others Tomas, Andrew, big tiny I don't like them at all not cuase they give me a bad vibe but also tomas is the only one that has a gun the others followed him out of fear of being killed since their is no one around to stop him I did the opposite I left to another cell block leaving the others alone Ohh yeah and also I know about the outbreak that happend ten months ago almost a year when this place was abandoned the dead coming to life and waiting to kill you yeah unlike the others am aware of the world's current state the yards full of the dead and I can't do anything about it's just wake up eat the food from the prisons cafeteria sleep and start over.

As I woke from my nap I heard gun shots from the outside that's new as here voices from the outside usually it's the monster's moaning but I here actual talking as the gun shoots get closer I stand up and go down the stairs to check it out as I go outside I see a group of people with a pregnant lady a kid and an old man and guns which I put my hands up as they all point their guns at me aswell as the kid with a cow boys hat. I raise my hands knowing to not provoke them or I get a bullet to the head, one them steps forward I think he's the leader he says ''whats your name and how many people and walkers have u killed and why..''

I don't know what to say so I told him my name is Henry poll and I've never killed no one but I don't think they trust me so they told me to stay in a cell until they comeback I forgot to tell about the others but I think they can handle it as rick and others explore the prison the pregnant lady the kid and 2 girls stay behind I lean on the rails just thinking but then one of the girls ask ''Whats your name'' I said henry yours she said ''maggie and what your in here for henry" curiously asking I say "wrongfully accused of killing my wife" the others looked shocked they weren't expecting that response the pregnant lady ask " what was her name" I say dawn... I paused and I loved her with all my heart got married young parents didn't approve and we had struggles at first but it got better bought a hoome had good jobs dawn was pursing her dreams of being a architect and me a gun trainer all by the age of 19 but I don't know what happend I arrived home and saw dawn in the floor with her throat split open I didn't know what to do i was on my knees for hours until the cops arrived I don't know who called but I was set up dawn was killed in cold blood."

Cops never found out who it was so I was the main suspect couldn't do anything didn't have a lawyer yeah so. "Where you guys coming from" I said the pregnant lady's name is Lori says Atlanta all I do is nod then I ask. "is that your son the kid" Lori says " yeah his name is Carl" I say hey kid how you doing with all this growing up in this world I mean can't be easy can't it" carl says " none of your business" hey says Lori I ignore what carl said and then I see the other girl blond I say and you what's your name she says Beth am Maggie's sister our dad's the old man you saw Oh OK as I was gonna say more we were interrupted by rick who is coming inside with the old man who no longer has a foot