
The Walking Dead, Jack's Adventure

Jack's journey in TWD I wrote this story 2 years ago and I can't believe I wrote this, but I thought maybe some people would like to make fun of it. I had some great laughs reading some of the comments.

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Chapter 7

I came back to the farm in Otis's truck, got out of the truck with the medical equipment. People came out of the house and saw me bloodied. I went to Rick handed him the equipment, then sat down, I looked at Maggie and asked. "You got some pliers I can borrow". She quickly went inside, then came back and handed me the pliers. I took off my blood soaked shirt and took the pliers that were in my right hand and dug it deep into my left shoulder. I searched inside for a while, before pulling them out, there was a brass bullet in the pliers. I then set down the pliers and lay down, I said, "Take care off the kid. I will be fine with some rest".

I then closed my eyes, after an hour Hershel came out and told Rick of his success. The looked to me and asked, "Where's Otis", I replied, "We got cornered by the walkers, so we had to jump out of a 3rd story window. Shane and I only twisted our ankle but Otis broke his left leg. So we helped him, but as we were leaving, the walkers were getting closer and closer, so Shane shot him, then shot me in the shoulder and stomach, the bullet went straight through. Then took the equipment, when he was about to finish me off, I rushed him and stabbed my knife through his throat but I didn't have the strength to pull it out. I grabbed the equipment and came back". He looked at me and knew I wasn't lying to him, then he came over and stitched my wounds. He was surprised that I didn't show any pain or anger that Shane betrayed me, then he asked, "Don't you feel the pain of me stitching you, and why are you not mad at what Shane did?". I replied, "I have had worst pain, pain is only temporary. About Shane, I knew he was going to be trouble, but I left alone because of Rick".

Hershel was shocked when he heard what I said, and so was his family, even my own group looked shocked. Hershel then asked, "How could you just leave him alone, and how can you kill so ruthlessly", I just said, "I want people to trust me but also fear me, but only a little".

Then I got up and sat on a rocking chair and grabbed the guitar, and asked Hershel, "Got any whiskey". Everyone looked at me and laughed because I had changed the subject so quickly and naturally. So he went inside and after a couple minutes came out with a bottle of whiskey and 2 glasses. I took the bottle the poured myself a drink, I took a swig then started to play and sing my own style of "Hurt by Johnny Cash". Everyone was shocked by the song, when I finished, I drank the rest of the glass.

Then I stood up, I was a little wobbly but Amy and Andrea came and helped me. We walked to the RV, I took off my clothes and sat down on a stool, then they helped me wash. They helped me put on some clothes, I was now wearing a yellow v-neck and gray pants. We went inside the RV and lay on the bed, after a while we fell asleep.

When I woke up Amy and Andrea were not next to me, I got out of bed, stood up and walked to the table. I sat down, took out my pistol, then took it apart and cleaned it. When I finished, I took out the 4 empty mags from my inventory and filled them, then put them in my left pocket. I unsheathed Yami and cleaned her. I put the pistol on my right waist and Yami on the left. I grabbed my backpack and put it on.

I then left the RV and saw people doing chores, I walked to the house and visited Carl for a couple minutes. He already looked way better than he did yesterday. I walked out of the house and over to Amy and Andrea, they were cooking, I said, "How are you my beautiful ladies?". They said, "We feel great". Then I said, "I'm going on a run, Do you want anything?", Amy said, "Some chocolate please, honey", Andrea said, "Some pretzels and a coke please, darling". I said, "Okay, I will get them", then I went around asking the group if they needed anything.

Lori came to me with a list, I looked at it, then said, "You need to tell Rick about being pregnant and about Shane, he will understand. Might yell a little though". She looked shocked, then asked, "How did you know about Shane?", I said, "You can hide from most but not me, I have seen more shit than you could imagine", then I walked away.

I overheard Rick talking to Daryl and Merle about teaching people how to shoot a gun, and give lessons. Daryl had gotten closer to Rick recently after hearing what Shane did. He would never doubt me as I have never lied before for any reason.

Then Maggie came up to me and said, "Hey handsome, Want some company?", I said, "Who woudn't want such a beautiful woman to join them". Making her blush, she was wearing a pink shirt, tight blue jeans, and cowgirl boots. 'I'm glad she doesn't blame me for Otis's death', then we got ready to leave.