
The Walking Dead, Jack's Adventure

Jack's journey in TWD I wrote this story 2 years ago and I can't believe I wrote this, but I thought maybe some people would like to make fun of it. I had some great laughs reading some of the comments.

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Chapter 4

Then I went back to the tent, when I went inside Amy was laying on a sleeping bag, with her legs wide open, touching herself. I threw off my towel and kneeled in between her legs. I teased her pussy with my cock for a minute, then finally pushed it inside of her pussy. It was really tight, so tight that I had to push it in harder, making her wince in pain, then I looked at her pussy and I saw a little blood come out of her pussy. Then asked, "Your a virgin?", she said, "Yes, I had never found the right man. I was afraid that if I told you, you wouldn't be interested anymore".

I said in her ear, "You should have told me, I would have been gentler. I guess that means your my woman now. I will keep you safe just stay close to me, I will slaughter a hoard to protect you". She blushed, then I slowly continued to push my cock into her. Once I touched her womb she shuddered, I stayed still for a while to let her get used to my size. Then I moved in and out causing her to moan quietly, she rapped her arms and legs around me. After 10 minutes I came inside of her and then started moving again, I came inside her 5 times.

When I was going to start my sixth time Andrea came in and saw us fucking. She came up to us and said with a smile, "Damn Jack, you have a lot of stamina, mind if I join?", then she took off her clothes and layed down next to Amy. She was older so she looked like a sexy milf, her tits were bigger than Amy's and her ass was rounder. I said, " Sure, if you think you can handle it". Then I finally took my cock out of Amy, when I took the tip out, her pussy made a popping sound. When my cock was finally out, some of the cum I put inside Amy came dripping out mixed with her virgin blood.

Then I slowly brought my cock to Andrea's pussy, I slid my cock in slowly, her pussy wasn't as tight as Amy, but her pussy was sopping wet inside. I pushed in, all the way to her womb and then pulled out to my tip, I fucked her harder and faster than Amy. I fucked her harder and harder and she let out a loud moan of pleasure. It's a good thing the tent was further away from camp. After 8 minutes I came inside her pussy, we continued 6 more times.

We finally finished when it was starting to get dark, I washed myself with a wet washcloth, I went over to Amy and Andrea and helped them wash themselves. After washing, we got dressed, Amy gave me boxers, a gray v-neck, and some black sweatpants. When I was done dressing, you could see the scars covering my chest, long slash woulds scars, stab wounds scars, and bullet wound scars. I looked at Amy and Andrea, they both had tight blue jeans and a t-shirt on. I put on my black boots, grabbed my glock 16, mags, knife and grenade. I placed the grenade in my left pocket, I put the pistol in my right waist, pistol mags in my right pocket, I tucked my knife in the left side of my waist. Then we left together, we went towards the center of the camp, there was a big bonfire with people sitting around it eating their food. We sat down near Rick and his family, we talked for a while and ate. Rick told us about Shane beating Jeff up for hitting Carol. I just kept silent and made a note that Shane is already unstable.

Halfway through dinner Amy got up and went to the RV to go to the bathroom. A minute later she came out and said, "Where's the toilet paper", before any one could react I took out my glock, aimed at the walker about to bite Amy and shot, I hit the walker in the head. Everyone looked at me then looked where I shot and saw Amy standing there with a shocked expression and a walker with a shot to the head, laying at her feet. Then they all shouted, "Walkers", I shouted, "Don't panic, women and and children go to the RV, men grab your weapons and defend the RV".

Then we killed all the walkers, it was pretty easy considering we had the guns from the police station, everyone was mentally exhausted and scared. Amy was still in shock, so I went to her and kissed her passionately and said, "You don't have to be afraid because I will always keep you safe", she then came out of her stupor. Then Amy, Andrea, and I went back to the tent and slept together.