
The Walking Dead, Jack's Adventure

Jack's journey in TWD I wrote this story 2 years ago and I can't believe I wrote this, but I thought maybe some people would like to make fun of it. I had some great laughs reading some of the comments.

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Chapter 13

Andrea POV(3rd)

When Andrea and Michonne arrived at the settlement. They were brought to an infirmary, and the doctor made a check up on her and gave some medicine to her. They waited for a while in the room and then a man came in, he was 5"9 and had short brown hair. When he came in the guards greeted him, "Hello Govenor", Michonne said, "We want our weapons". The Govenor said, "Sure. On your way out the front gate", Andrea said, "You have kept us locked up in this room", he said, "Do you see any bars on the windows. Your being cared for". Andrea replied, "Under Guard", he said, "To protect our people, we don't know you".

Then they talked some more and he lead them to see the settlement, he said, "Welcome to Woodbury". When Andrea saw it, she was surprised at how quiet it was, they walked over and saw the main gate and guards. She saw how the guards had automatic weapons and there was a big light to see walkers coming at night. The Governor then brought them to their room and they slept through the night. In the morning they were showed around and saw all the people. Then later they had breakfast with the Govenor and his friend Milton and talked. After breakfast, Andrea and Michonne walked around, Michonne said she didn't trust them. Later that day the Govenor left and came back a while later with military vehicles and gave a speech.

Jack POV

After dinner last night, the girls and I went into the watch tower and slept. In the morning, I got up and dressed into black jeans, black t-shirt, my weapons, then my trench coat. I left quietly so I wouldn't wake up the girls, I went out to the field and saw Hershel starting his garden and Rick was getting firewood with Glen and Daryl.

I told Rick I was going on a run, I went inside Cellblock C to check up on everyone and get some supplies. I went outside to a car and left through the front gate, I drove to where Woodbury is because I know in the show she survives with Michonne. So I hope I can find her there, I drove their as fast as I could and bought some gas from the system incase I needed it. When I got there I hopped out the car, then I ran toward the gate and jumped onto it. I heard the noise of a party in the distance, I ran over and I saw Andrea with a cup of lemonade, Michonne wasn't very far from her.

I walked over to her, people noticed me and started to back away because they were scared. Michonne noticed me walking toward Andrea and went in front of her. I said, "Hey, my beautiful angel. Miss me?, How's my baby", Andrea turned around, then saw me, ran towards, and gave me a big hug. Andrea said, "I thought I'd never see you again", I stroked her hair gently, then said, "I have been looking for you, angel. I have somewhere safe for us, we can be happy there". She said, "Really, let's go. This is my friend Michonne", I said, "Hello Michonne and thank you for keeping her safe. You can come if you want".

Michonne replied, "Sure, you seem more trustworthy and stronger than these people". After she said that, we walked over to the main gate. There were a couple men standing there, with automatic rifles, one of them I recognized as the Govenor. They were standing in our way, I said, "Move or I will just kill you all". They moved when I used a small amount of my bloodlust, which paralyzed them for a second and cold sweat quickly covered their backs. Michonne looked surprised that they moved so easily and looked at me strangely but just shrugged it off.

I looked back and said, "Let's go angel", then we got in my car and drove back to the prison. Along the way, I made sure that no one from Woodbury was following us. When we got there Glen was at the gate and he opened it for us. We drove to the courtyard, then we got out of the car. We walked into Cellblock C, when we arrived, we heard a woman screaming. We quickened our pace, the noise was coming from a cell. In it Lori was on the bed with Hershel and Beth helping her.

I walked into the cell Lori was in. I went in the doorway and saw a dead Lori on the bed, Beth was holding the baby. The baby was quietly crying, while Rick was on his knees crying in grief and sorrow. I walked over to him and patted him on the back. Then I said, " Chin up man, you got kids to take care of and the group has your back". I walked over to Beth and looked at the baby, it was a girl. She had a patch of blonde hair on the top of her head, blue eyes, and white skin.

I took out my knife and and stabbed Lori in the nape of her skull. Then I gently grabbed the baby girl from Beth and walked out of the cell. I quickly walked out of the cell and called for carl, Sophia, and Sam. They all came out of a cell upstairs, they all looked nervous. Probably caused by the screaming of Lori. They walked up to me and looked at the baby, I said, " Carl, what shall you name your baby sister". He looked up at me and said, "Really, can I?", I said, " Of course, but no goofy names". He looked down but then immediately cheered up and said, "Then how does Judith sound". I looked at him and said, "That's a nice name.", then I looked at the baby in my arms and said, "From now on your name is Judith".

I go back to be with Andrea but as soon as I arrived, her water broke. I swiftly carried her to one of the cells nearby. Hershel came along with us, Beth, Maggie, Carol, Michonne, and Amy followed from behind. Hershel said, "Wait outside Jack, I'll take care of her". Amy walked me out of the cell and reassured me, "Everything will be okay". So I walk out and I go towards Sam and see her looking at Judith. Rick seems to be doing better, being surrounded by kids can make anyone happy.