
The Walking Dead, Jack's Adventure

Jack's journey in TWD I wrote this story 2 years ago and I can't believe I wrote this, but I thought maybe some people would like to make fun of it. I had some great laughs reading some of the comments.

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Chapter 10

I heard Rick saying he was going to get Hershel and Glen was going with him. While Maggie and I brought Beth to her room, I laid her on the bed and let her sleep. Then I said, "I'm sorry Maggie, I didn't mean for your family to go into shock. I just needed them to understand, because they aren't safe unless they know what is happening in the world". She said, "I know you wouldn't do that, and I'm not mad at what you did. I will support you, no matter what, just be more careful next time". I said, "Ok, I promise, my angel", then I gave her a quick kiss.

I left the room to give Maggie some time with her sister. I went outside, Amy was doing her laundry, I went over to her and said, "Rest my angel, I will do this for you, don't work too much". She then went to the RV to rest, I finished washing the laundry, which made people smile, because they know how protective I am of my family.

I went inside the RV and saw my beautiful angels sleeping on the bed. Andrea is visibly pregnant now, with a slight bulge. I grabbed a chair and watched them sleep. They both had happy faces, so it must be a good dream. I watched them for an hour then I went over to the table. I reloaded the clip I used for the walkers I killed, then I grabbed Yami and put her in my inventory. I bought a bottle of scotch from the system, then I drank it slowly. I stopped at around half a bottle, I went outside and spent time with Sam. She had learned how to shoot as well as Carl and Sophia, along with Gonzales children, she was passionate about trying new things.

I left Sam to play and talk, then I went back inside the house. I walked up to Beth's room to see her and Lori shouting at the bathroom door. I heard Beth crying on the other side, I ran over and said, "Watch out, I will open the door". Then I busted the door open with my shoulder, inside Beth was standing over the sink with her wrist cut. She looked at Maggie and said, "I'm sorry", Maggie rushed over to her and hugged her. I went and got a first aid kit, then I began to soak up blood with gauze, so I could see the damage caused. After I checked that no arteries were damaged I began stitching her wrist, then I rapped gauze around her wrist and compression tape, to prevent any further damage.

I finished with her wrist then gave her a sedative to help her rest. Then we heard a car pull up at the front of the house. Maggie stayed while Lori and I went down to check what's going on. I went outside, it was dark, I saw a Rick, Glen, and Hershel standing by a car with grim expressions. I went over to them and saw a man in his 20's in the car. I walked over to Rick and said quietly, "You killed someone and you feel guilty about it right?, It's okay brother. Be with Lori and Carl, I will dispose of this man painlessly". He looked at me and said, "Thank you brother", I nodded then dragged the man out of the car and to the barn that the walkers were in.

T-dog, John and some others from our group cleaned up the corpse. They burned or buried the bodies. I locked Randal up inside the barn, then locked the barn. I had Merle guard him for the night, then I went inside the RV put my weapons on the table and slept with Amy and Andrea.

The next day I found Randal, the man Rick brought back talking to Carl. I pulled Carl out of the barn and brought him to Lori and said, "He won't hesitate to kill you, if you had set him free he would have taken you as hostage in order to escape and then abandoned you in the woods, by yourself, alone for you to survive, until me or Rick find you. But who knows what would happen before we found you. Understand what I mean?".

We had a meeting later that day about what was going to happen to Randal. Dale tried to defend him, but I said, "Dale I have always liked your moral sense. This situation isn't the same Randal was in a group, where their men rape and kill, women and children because they have the strength to. This world is just the same as before, its just that we see more dark shit because there's nothing distracting us from it. So I will kill him whether any of you like it or not, because that man is scum, who preys on the weak". Dale looked at me and said, "That's your chose but people do change". Then he was about to leave when I said, "I know people change, but I can't risk my family, for that piece of human garbage".

That night a walker came into camp, Dale noticed a cattle on the ground in the field. He went to check it out and got attacked. The walker tore open his stomach before any of us could help him. In the end I shot Dale with my pistol to end his suffering, and killed the walker by throwing a tomahawk at the walkers head. I noticed that Carl started crying right after he saw the walker, not Dale.

The next day we buried him, Andrea was very shaken up by this event. She stayed in bed for the rest of the day and Amy went to support her. Amy was less shaken up about Dale's death, but she still felt sad.

Later that day Carl came to me and asked, "If I tell you something will you keep it a secret". I replied, "Yeah, I can do that, what happened". He said, "It's my fault Dale died, I took Daryl's gun and went into the woods. I saw the walker that killed Dale, it was stuck in the mud. I was going to shoot it but it got free. I panicked and ran away". I said, "Its not your fault, Dale went out there and didn't tell anyone. It's his fault". He looked relieved and was about to walk away when I said, "Keep that gun on you, I'm sure Daryl will find another". Carl jumped in fright after what I said.

I went to the barn where Randal was kept. I went inside and freed Randal, then I dragged him far away from camp into the woods. I made him dig a hole with a small shovel, when he finished I shot him in the head. I rolled his body inside the hole , then covered him in dirt. Then I went back to camp and chilled with my angels.

Then the week flew by, I taught my girls how to use guns properly throughout the week. During the week, Glen had gotten closer to Beth and visited her regularly. I gave Glen the condoms I found in the pharmacy. She had come out of her depression and moved on. Rick and Daryl became good friends. Rick also got closer to Hershel. In a couple days it was time for the farm to be overrun by walkers.