
The Walking Dead: Code Red

The Walking Dead fan-fic.

Soulcrystal · TV
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9 Chs

Loot Galore

Axel crawled through a damaged part of a wired fence and walked hastily over to get some sort of visual cover.

Taking out the map again and looking at the already prepared section in which he probably was walking around in, he could only sigh.

"Holy crap. This is going to take years with this pace. I forgot how freaking huge major cities can actually be."

He only managed to pass a few dozen blocks from his start. On his way here he already could see a massive amount of zombies walking around.

Even the so-called safe roads were actually not that safe.

Leaning his back at the wall he looked up. The sun was still high in the sky and the heat was rather glaring and exhausting.

Come to think of it, Axel wondered what date it is.

Looking around more his gaze suddenly stopped on the building right in front of him.

"Wait a moment..." Standing up and going back to the fence to take a peek at the front of the building he could only grin. "Jackpot."

What Axel read was PhaRmaceuticals. It was a drug store.

Going over to the side entrance he tried to open it but obviously, this was a no-go. Looking back at the street he saw some walkers walking around so it was relatively safe.

Taking out his knife he made some banging noises on the side door and sprinted over to the fence, crawled underneath it, and went behind an abandoned car.

Some of the zombies hear the noise and walked slowly over to the fence and started clawing it.

Another thing Axel noticed is that the zombies had a rather small range of vision. As long as you were far enough away they tended to not see you. it was a range of about 40 meters or so.

Of course, if they saw you once and you made a noise that would not matter much. They had a keen hearing sense for some reason even if some zombies looked like they got their faces gnawed away and no ears at all.

Having made his little diversion he sneaked over to the main entrance of the shop and entered it.

Slowly and quietly he proceeded on. He could already hear grunting and clawing from a certain corner.

It made him smirk because it was probably the door where he hit against. The plan worked out just fine.

Now he needed to be fast. When he reached the drugs he didn't bother opening his backpack. Everything he touched went right into his inventory. Whatever the drugs inside were probably would be of value later.

Sweeping his tiny little hands through everything from disinfectant to painkillers and even stuff like some medicine against colds sure enough, slowly filled his inventory.

Being quickly done Axel made a sweep of the room and saw only one walker banging on the door.

That made him raise a brow and he slowly sneaked towards it. He was constantly keeping a look at what he was walking on to make no loud sounds.

Standing behind the zombie he easily kicked it in the knee so it stumbles and then came the knife to the head.

Looking around again he nodded to himself. "Good looks like my luck is even better than I thought. Now, friend. Can I borrow your keys to the warehouse in the back?"

As if talking to a zombie and asking permission was even necessary he searched the dead corpse and really found a keychain with various keys.

Taking a small look into the room he didn't see anything more of use. It was only a small room behind the cash register and the door at the back lead to that little space behind the fence.

His new exit since he could already see walkers walking around in front of the shop.

Ignoring them for now he went over to the other door that was on the other side of the shop. He tried every key and one finally unlocked the door.

Opening it, he saw various containers of wares neatly placed wherever they needed to be. He quickly went inside, stole everything that could be taken, and closed the door again after leaving the room.

And by the looks, it was at the right moment. Somehow some zombies breached the front door and came closer.

"Well, consider me surprised you damn fucks." He immediately sprinted towards the room and exited the building through the side door. It appears the door was one that could only be opened from one side.

Being outside and closing the door behind him Axel took a look at the zombies that were still at the fence.

He gave them two middle fingers and then walked off into the opposite direction from the fence.

When he was running around he could suddenly hear gunshots. It was pretty obvious to hear them since the whole city was like a damn graveyard.

"Huh? Who is stupid enough to shoot around in a dense zombie populated city?" Thinking about it he got intrigued and tried to follow the sound.

It was also not that hard since the zombies all around started walking in that same direction. In a sense, it made it somewhat harder for Axel now to maneuver as well since he needed to take into consideration that the zombies started walking directly to that location.

Some time did pass and some really rough moments also were included in that.

In the end, Axel had to use a fire escape that was already lowered. So his little journey towards the gunshots was stopped by climbing up an apartment building.

But it was not all too bad. Taking a general overlook over the streets close by showed him it was better like that. The stream of zombies walking towards the shots was just too damn many.

The next thing he will do is going against the stream. In the opposite direction. But at first, let them thin out the zombies to one place.

"Consider me not interested anymore. Whoever shoots around like that won't live for long." Axel could still hear shooting. Now it even sounded like some automatic gun. "Would love to have those, though. Well, beggars can't be choosers."

Looking at the scene unfolding Axel took out his water bottle and enjoyed a little snack while he waited for the right opportunity.