
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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64 - The Last Fight (1)

Jonathan knew they didn't have much time left, so, even when everyone was happy and emotional about the cure being made, he immediately told everyone, '' The zombies are coming. Prepare yourselves.''


Everyone who heard that looked at him like he was crazy. They were just commemorating the best thing that could've happened to them, and he just said that.


But Jonathan didn't care about those stares, as he knew he was right. '' I'll say one more time, tell everyone the zombies are coming. We have one hour max to prepare.''


Finally, everyone felt he was serious. The scientists who came out of their lab approached Jonathan and said, Here.''


While everyone else went to prepare, he passed the cure to Jonathan.


Jonathan looked at it, but that was that, so he asked, '' How does this work? It's airborne, or do we need to inject it into people's bloodstream?''


'' Airborne. We got very lucky on this one, but it will not work on the zombies themselves, only to prevent others from turning into one.''


Jonathan already knew that thanks to the SHOP, but still, he was excited, '' Now, we can kill all zombies without having to worry about turning into one.''


Of course, their problems didn't magically disappear. Now that zombies have evolved, killing them would be difficult even if they were immune, they could still kill you, and there are a lot more zombies than humans.


It's literally a billion x millions situation. So, their fight has just begun.


The scientist then said, '' We will release the cure when you say it.''


Jonathan immediately said, '' Do it now. And prepare to defend the prison.''


The scientist nodded and returned to the lab to release the cure. Jonathan didn't ask for the details on how they would do that, but they knew what they were doing. Even though Jonathan had the knowledge, he still trusted the scientists.


After all that, Jonathan knew the clock was ticking as the zombies were coming to them, so he went to talk to everyone and delegate them to their positions.


In a week, the prison prepared themselves the best they could. Traps, guns, helicopters, cars, pits, and even more things that could help them defend their home were used. Now, they could only hope it was enough.


Jonathan arrived where the other leaders and Alice were, and by their looks, they should've heard about Jonathan's announcement that the zombies were coming.


Rick immediately asked when he saw Jonathan, '' Are you sure they are coming?''


'' Yes.''


'' ... Do you know how many?''


'' I have no idea, but expect a lot. At minimum, it's in the thousands, at maximum, it's in the millions.''


Rick sighed. That didn't make him happy, but more preoccupied. Imagine someone saying they would have to face millions or thousands when you only had 30.000 people, and some of those were children.


''Whatever happens here, it's all up to us. We prepared the best we could, now it's war.'' Jonathan was as calm as he could be.


'' Right. We will let you take the lead in this fight.'' 


Jonathan didn't mind that,'' First thing first, grab all infants and bring them far away from the prison... Just in case.''


Rick was relieved to hear that, and Samantha also relaxed. 


Jonathan continued, ''Samantha, can I ask you to go with them?''


'' No problem.'' Samantha knew her presence wouldn't help that much here, but with the children, if anything were to happen to the prison... they would be in good hands.


'' Good. There's not much we can do now, as we are prepared as best we can. For the next 30 minutes or so, we will say our goodbyes to our loved ones and then go to the position we arranged before.'' Jonathan then dismissed everyone, so they could go talk to their families.


Rick and Gabriel left immediately, while Samantha and Alice stayed behind. Samanthan approached Jonathan first, '' ... Whatever happens, know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and the others. If anything were to happen, know I will take care of Hope.''


Jonathan wasn't preoccupied, '' I trust you. Please be safe.''


Their relationship, after Hope was born, was in limbo, as they didn't know where they stood. But Jonathan knew it would resolve itself in time and wasn't that worried.


Just for good measure, Jonathan said right before Samanthan left, '' I love you.''


Samantha replied instantly, '' I love you too.'' After that, she left to take the children to a safe place. They would use a couple of helicopters to take all children below 5 far away from the prison, just in case.


Jonathan then looked at Alice and said, ''I know it's a lot to ask, but can you please take the frontline with me?'' He knew their trump card was Alice and him, so he asked her this.


''... No problem.'' Alice was surprised by Jonathan and Samantha's complicated relationship but soon answered Jonathan's question.


''Thank you... If you have family or friends here, it's time to say goodbye to them.''


'' I'll do that.''


Alcie then left soon after, and Jonathan stayed alone for a few moments before leaving to see his parents. ' In one hour, we will fight the fight of our lives. We all know the places we need to go and what to do; we can only hope it's enough.'



Jonathan, too, went to his parents to have a talk. He just made sure they were safe and then left. He wanted to make them go with Samantha and Hope, but they refused.


'' If our son is fighting, why should we leave? Don't worry about us, and make sure you're safe.''


So, after failing to send his parents away, Jonathan made sure to arm them to the fullest. Armor to prevent biting from the zombies, the titanium shield he had, rifles, rocket launchers, etc.


Only after that did Jonathan feel satisfied and went towards the place where everyone was supposed to gather before the fight. Since the talk with the leaders, 30 minutes have already passed, so everyone should have already said goodbye to their loved ones and gathered.


After arriving, Jonathan could see the place was packed with people. It was normal, as 30.000 people in one place is a lot. He soon went to a place where everyone could see him, and he stayed there.


When everyone noted it, the area, which was noisy a few moments ago, quietened down.


Jonathan appreciated that gesture, as it would help him a lot. He then started his last speech, '' Everyone here knows what's at stake. The future of humanity. If we fall here .... the world has lost.''


''We have the cure in hand, and, according to the scientists, it was thrown into the air 30 minutes ago, and if the cure/ vaccine really works, it means that everyone here is immune.''


Before even letting those people cheer on the information that they were safe from infection, Jonathan continued, ''But that doesn't mean you're immortal, far from it. The zombies can still kill you, so now more than ever, you have to stay alive and survive.''



''... I'd like to tell you that this is our last battle, but it's not. After today, we're going to explore the world, releasing the cure in every country, until the whole world is immune. Then we'll take back the world from the zombies!''


'' Our chance is now! Our ONLY chance is now! We cannot - and WILL NOT LOSE!''


'' Today will be marked in all history books in the future because today is the day humans started to take back the world! Remember your friends and family that you have lost in the apocalypse! Remember the atrocities you committed and saw happen just to stay alive! Take the anger and all the pain you're feeling from remembering this and use it today!''


''Today is the day for you to prove that everything you've been through has been worth it! You're alive, and you're going to enjoy the world without zombies again! Everyone who is here deserves to be here, because you are survivors! I ask that you wear this title with pride and wear it once more after today!''


'' HUMANTINY WILL WIN!'' Jonathan screamed and raised his hand in the air.


What followed was howling, screams, cheers, and some crying. The people who were here, alive, had traumas so deep that their old selves, before the apocalypse, would pit them. 


But they survived. Against all odds, they survived. Some of the extreme reactions were normal after the speech, which brought the feeling they buried deep inside them back to the surface.


Jonathan didn't want that energy to dissipate, '' Now, go to your positions! The zombies are coming, but I trust each and every one of you! Survive this, and live in the new era!''


After that, everyone went to their positions. Some entered the tanks, others went to the helicopters, and others went to prepare to be on the frontlines.



All in all, every single person in the prison, except those below the age of 5 (they already went away with Samantha), was armed and ready to fight against the horde.


Jonathan hoped his speech would help people survive this whole ordeal. He then went around to see the other members of his 'family', his original group.


He went to see Glenn and noted Maggie was with him. Jonathan then asked with surprise, '' Why are you still here?''


Jonathan thought Maggie, because she was pregnant, would have left with the children.


Maggie looked offended, '' What, just because I'm pregnant, I can't fight?''


Jonathan looked at Gleen, who just smiled bitterly and shook his head, 'It seems she already made up her mind.'


So, Jonathan just hugged both and said, '' I hope everything goes well. If you feel the situation isn't looking good, just escape. Both of you. Ok?''


Gleen and Maggie returned the hug, '' ... We will think about it.''


After wishing them good luck, Jonathan looked around and found Daryl, who was with Merle, and surprisingly, Beth, ' It seems she is their little sister... What a weird trio.'


Jonathan skipped them, as he knew Daryl probably had an escape route in case things went wrong.


After walking around, Jonathan could see Negan and Lucille, who looked a lot better than before. She still had cancer, but it seemed the treatment was working.


Michonne and Tyreese, against all odds, were still together. Her daughter was with them, armed to the teeth.

Abraham was still with his wife, daughter, and son. They also are REALLY prepared for the fight ahead.

Eugene and Rosita's relationship was... complicated. It seems they are a couple but Jonathan knew the future didn't reserve good things for Eugene. But, as the whole future already changed a lot, things might be different this time.


Hershel, Andrea, Sophia, Carl, Lori, etc. Jonathan checked each and every one of them, gave pointers to some, and passed a gun or two to Carl and Sophia.


After that, he felt a little bit of pride. Because of his actions, the fate of a few changed for the better. Glenn will stay alive and be a good father, Negan will be a good(?) person, Carol will raise Shopia well, and Daryl still has his brother alive. 


' I really changed a few things, huh...'

Jonathan then saw Eve and Nathanael, his best friend from before the apocalypse, '' Why aren't you with Samantha?''

They both looked at Jonathan, '' We would we left? Mom can take care of herself, we will handle this. Together.''

Jonathan felt proud of what they become. Less than two years ago, they were a little spoiled and childish, and now, they are survivors and good ones at that.

Jonathan hugged them both, '' I'm happy I had the privilege to have you both in my life. I'm proud of what we became, so please, survive today.''

Eve and Nathanael knew Jonathan wasn't an emotional person, so for him to say that, their fight ahead would be a difficult one. Regardless, they hugged him back.

'''' Let's survive.''''

After the trio broke the hug, a message started coming from the radio the survivors of the prison used, '' A HUGE HORDE IS COMING! THEY WILL ARRIVE SOO- ... OH MY GOD, WHAT'S THAT MONSTER!?''


' It seems a few Nemesis are in the mix... Things really aren't easy, huh.'


Jonathan listened to it and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, a fire was lit, 'Let's end this!'

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