
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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70 Chs

32- One Man Army (1)

The people in the hotel acted surprised at the arrival of a car, but then slowly began to approach the RV. Jonathan took a good look at them and noticed that they were not showing any weapons, ' They must be hiding them and preparing for a surprise attack.'

Sighing, Jonathan said, '' Prepare to go outside. Be alert, and ready to fire.''

Glenn tucked his rifle, while Daryl was nonchalant. Jonathan preferred a pistol, but he still brought his rifle with him.

Opening the door of the RV, Jonathan was met with a man right when he opened, '' Hello! Oh my God, it's been a month since we saw another human! Welcome to our house!''

The man took a look at Jonathan, Daryl, and Glenn's outfits and said, '' Wow, someone is protected alright!''

' Do I know this man?' A feeling of Deja Vu hit Jonathan, but he shook it off and gave a small smile to the stranger, '' Is there any other path we can take to get going? This roadblock is on the way.''

The strange man shook his head, '' No, the only way for you to pass is on foot. You'll have to leave your car behind.''

'' That's not an option.''

The man made a pose as if he was thinking, '' How about this? You stay with us for today, since it's already afternoon, then tomorrow we can help you guys clear the roadblock.''

'' Did you guys make it?'' Glenn asked when the strange man mentioned the roadblock.

Surprisingly, the man nodded,'' We did. Look, I know you lot are good people for the way you didn't shoot us right away, but let me tell you, there are bad people outside. Really bad people.''

'' That's why we banded together in this hotel since it has a lot of space and a huge amount of food. Including meat, soda, and many other things.''

When mentioning meat, an alarm rang in Jonathan's head, ' Even me, with the SHOP, barely eats meat, and those people, somehow, can eat this much?'

Looking behind the man, at the hotel entrance, it was clear they were having some kind of feast. There was a lot of meat all around.

The stranger man noted Jonathan's gaze and slapped his forehead lightly, '' Oh silly me. I forgot to show you the hotel. Follow me.''

When they arrived at the entrance, Glenn asked was mesmerized by the Soda around him. He didn't resist and asked, '' Can you give me a Coke?''

The stranger man nodded, '' Of course! Hey, you.'' the man called to one person inside near the entrance, '' Grab a Coke for our friend here.''

'' On it.''

The stranger man, still smiling, looked at Jonathan, '' So, what do you say? Do you want to sleep here and we help you out tomorrow?''

That feeling of Deja Vu and that something isn't right was still with Jonathan. He wanted to know more before saying anything.

Jonathan stayed in silence after what the man said. He then asked, '' By the way, we never heard your name.''

The man smiled at Jonathan, '' My name is Gareth. Nice to meet you.''

Jonathan pupil's constricted and he almost grabbed his gun. But the aura around him changed, and Gareth noticed that.

Putting his hand forward, Jonathan introduced himself, '' And my name is Jonathan.''

Gareth took Jonathan's hands. Both stayed in the handshake, smiling at each other.

The man who went to grab the Coke for Glenn arrived and passed it to him, '' Here man.''

Glenn grabbed the Coke, '' Thank you a lot.'' He noticed the strange situation and put the Coke away.

It wasn't that notable, but the people around seems to have become more strange. Like they're eyeing prey.

Jonathan, Daryl, and Glenn noted that. Jonathan was looking around the place to see if he could escape if he wanted, ' We have the protective suits, but there aren't many places to hide.'

Still, Jonathan found a room he could run to, if the need arise.

Knowing who they're dealing with, Jonathan asked the man, '' If we say no and we want to leave now?''

The man, Gareth, took his hand out, '' Of course, you're free to go.''

Suddenly, Gareth went to grab his gun which he was hiding in his waist. He did so because he noticed this other group already knew something was wrong and wanted to act first.

Unlucky for him, Jonathan was prepared because he recognized the name, Gareth. A cannibal who ate Bob's leg in the TV series. His name was different in the Comics, but he still ate Dale's legs in that universe.

By the time Gareth took his gun out, Jonathan already shot his head, killing him.


It was a headshot, but this also meant the other started to shoot the trio. They ran inside the room Jonathan noticed earlier.

'' Gareth! NOOOO!'' One of the people in Gareth's group shouted and then started to shoot Jonathan, Daryl, and Glenn.

'' Why did you do that!?'' Glenn ducks behind a bed while shouting at Jonathan.

Jonathan was looking around the room to see an escape route. '' You see how before I shot him, he went for his gun. I told you before, they are not good people.''

'' Glenn, he's right. The man went for his gun first, but Jonathan acted faster.'' Daryl then asked Jonathan, '' Do you have a plan?''

Jonathan didn't hesitate, '' Absolutely... Just give me a few moments to say it to you.''

Jonathan first started to remember Gareth and his group. ' They're cannibals.' The feeling Deja Vu Jonathan felt when he saw the man was because it was Gareth, one of the antagonists of Rick and his group, ' But they appeared a lot sooner than supposed to and in the wrong location... things already changed and I did almost nothing.'

Ever heard of the butterfly effect? How one more swing of a butterfly can change the entire future if it was not supposed to happen. The situation Jonathan was in is the perfect example.

' If the fate of this group changed, what about Negan, the Whisperers, and the Commonwealth? If their fate really changed, was it for the best or for the worst?'

Ignoring those future problems, Jonathan came back to reality. He had to think of an escape plan and fast. Before that, he looked at Daryl and Glenn, 'I just hope they didn't eat the meat they gave them.'

'' Did you guys eat the meat they gave?''

Daryl and Glenn shook their head.

Jonathan sighed in relief. In the meantime, he came up with a plan. He noted the hotel room had a widow and went to check it. 'Hopefully, the place where we fall is away from them.'

As they were on the first floor, the fall wasn't that high, but Jonathan could see 3 people from Garret's group in that location.

'' Are you sure they will come here?'' One of them asked.

'' I am. This is the only place left for them to run, the whole Hotel is filled with our people. They will pay for what they did to Garret!''

They were slowly approaching the room where Jonathan, Daryl, and Glenn were.

While they didn't really care that much about Garret, his ability to gather ' food' was superb.

Jonathan retracted from the widow, ' This is the safest place to run... The RV is not far away from here, but it will be dangerous.'

Because he only saw 3 people out of dozens of people, Jonathan wasn't so sure where the rest of them were, ' Imagine if we escape through that Widonw, kill those guys, and right on the other end, there's an ambush... We need a distraction.'

Jonathan sighed, ' It seems I'll have to put myself in danger. Again.'

'' Where's the RV key?'' Jonathan asked Glenn and Daryl, breaking the silence in the room.

'' Here.'' Glenn showed the keys.

'' Ok, what you have to do is quite simple. Jump out of that window, kill those 3 guys outside. Then go to the RV, kill if necessary, and wait for me.''

Glenn was confused, '' And where are you going?''

Jonathan checked his INVENTORY and reloaded his pistol, '' Show those people they messed with the wrong people.''

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