
The Waking Dream: The Age of Magic

For over a hundred years man has written stories based on historical events and happenings. Many are quite unbelievable and considered works of fiction rather than actual fact, but is it really all that unbelievable in the end? In a world where the imagination flourishes and thrives we are not so limited to what could have been and what really happened. Children believe, so why can’t we? In Japan a new story is unfolding, the pages already decades old and written long before the modern world existed as it does today. Let’s follow this tale of two siblings, bound by blood, as they uncover a treasure thought forgotten. Broken apart in time they will find the source of everything… So, I ask you this question, dear reader… When everything you know is turned upside down and all these little bedtime stories about myths and magic weren’t just stories anymore, what would you do?

Helvetija · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Quiet Before the Storm

They'd been traveling for days with little to no rest as the moon began to crescent in the night sky and there was a power that thrummed through the air, twirling and spiraling against the natural magic of the land and when it met, It sang. Mizuki flew through the treetops, Ryō not far behind with his face once again covered by darkness and he wished that they had more time. He didn't know exactly what was going to happen once darkness washed over the land, but he knew that every otherworldly entity would try to drain as much power from the source as they possibly could. [They had to protect them]. Ryō could feel the urgency in his friend's steps and a frown tugged at his lips. The fabric covering his lower face creased as well, giving away the worry that he had for what was about to unfold.

It was only some distance now as the rising curves of Mount Akagi began to appear like waves of the sea, the green stretching up and down and fanning around it like a blanket. There was a flash of water that indicated Lake Ono as he increased his elevation and jumped higher into the trees to follow Mizuki more closely. It wouldn't be long now.

The ground was slippery as they trekked towards the entrance of the cave, trousers firmly tucked into bog-standard green wellingtons and waterproof raincoats hugging their forms like they were lost lovers. Takao entered first, carefully stepping down a new set of makeshift stairs and over a wooden platform so that the rain wouldn't hinder their progress. Evelyn went second and almost tripped down the stairs in her excitement to get inside, followed closely by her brother and Kurt. The air smelt damp and there were small dots of water on the floor as they made their way through, the echoing wet thump of shoes and muttering voices flowed within the confines of the rocks. Blue eyes swept slowly over the wall paintings as they passed, steadily encroaching the end of their destination with excited urgency.

As they reached their destination, Kurt trudged forward to the front with one of the largest hammers Evelyn had ever seen. She wondered how she had missed such a big piece of equipment being hauled by the tiny figure of her friend; in fact, it was such an amusing image that she unintentionally let out a snort of laughter. The sound was magnified by the space they were occupying, so both Kurt and Takao gave her a sidelong glance in question while the cheeky twinkle of her brother's eyes made her realise he knew what she'd been thinking. A flutter of his lashes indicated she got a wink.

"You sure we can't use a more delicate approach with this?" There was a hesitant quality to Evelyn's tone of voice as she asked this. Takao shook his head in response.

"Unfortunately, not. We've examined it as close as possible and there are no identifiable marks to say otherwise. Our best bet is to smash it open...it does mean we have to try and avoid the depiction on the front, but I've found a spot we think might be a good place to start." The dark-haired man nodded his head, gesturing with one hand as he spoke to indicate they were which he mentioned. He grimaced when admitting the next point, "but if you want to go in afterwards, you'll have to crawl through Evelyn. It won't be big..." The woman in question just waved her hand with a smile, bumping her shoulder with Michael and slinging her free arm around his shoulders.

"That's okay, I'll just bring this one with me to suffer!" Takao smirked as he turned his head away, the look on Michael's face a little too much like a child that didn't want to go to bed. The pout was extremely fitting for his personality.

"I will let you and your brother examine the area before we enter. You two are more than worthy of such an achievement. Kurt, will you do the honours?" Said man beamed and the energy that released from him almost made his crush stumble. He'd hoped in awe, but that really was just wishful thinking…

"Alrigh'! Let's git this thing open. Step back everyone!" With a flourishing sweep of the sledgehammer grasped in his hands, Kurt prepared to make way for the groups research. Evelyn flinched backwards partly behind her brother when the hammer came a little too close for comfort. Kurt, ever the oblivious, struck the rock with a loud crack. He'd slightly broken into the marked spot laid out for him by Takao and his team, and it seemed that one knock was enough to make him lose his balance. Michael laughed loudly at the spectacle, watching with open amusement as Kurt flushed an extremely dark shade of red and balanced himself back on two feet. He heaved a great breath and swung again, striking the same spot and chipping more rock away. Evelyn carefully observed the progress, sighing when she saw how little each hit was taking off.

"I think this is going to be a long morning..." Kurt glared at her and mumbled under his breath, "What'd you say limp arms?" he flushed scarlet, again.

"I said, if you're so concerned then maybe you should take over!" he sputtered, quickly adding on the end "and don't call me that again!!"

Ryō and Mizuki had stopped about an hour ago and were currently collecting themselves under the base of a giant Sakura tree. Ryō's legs were aching something fierce, and the little puffs of air escaping between the fabric of his mask and mouth made Mizuki smirk gently. The sky had started to dim in its splendour and the lights of fireflies hummed in anticipation for the blanket of night to ascend. Snow white fluttered as a breeze snaked its way through the trees and Mizuki gazed listlessly at the ever-darkening moon above. A sliver of silver was all that was left of the once majestic goddess that graced the sky.

"You did say you could keep up, Otouto. I had assumed this would have been a walk in the park for you." Ryō bit back a rather scathing retort and pulled his mask down, placing a small stick in-between his mouth to keep occupied.

"I'm still only human, ya know." the small piece of wood switched sides, "How long we have to wait here?" The crease in Mizuki's already furrowed brow, deepened in contemplation.

"As long as it takes. Until [they] are safe and no longer need protection." He fished within his clothes and pulled out his pipe, settling more comfortably against the trunk behind him. Ryō quietly observed the area, his energy fluctuating periodically as he slowly sat himself next to his friend, legs and arms crossed.

"Then we're in for a very long night, aniki." Mizuki only hummed in response.

The wall had proven to be a bit more than just an obstacle. Kurt had managed to take a sizable chunk away, but the hole they'd supposedly attempted to open up was the size of a pinprick and Michael was sure that no matter how much he stuffed Kurt's face against the rock, there was no way he'd fit through that hole. He did, however, snicker at the thought. Their friend slumped against the wall with a heave and tried to still his shaking arms, thoroughly tuckered out. Michael puffed up and decided to give it a try, twirling his arms around to stretch out the muscles. Something Kurt had momentarily forgot in his haste to impress Evelyn. Said brunette watched with nervous eyes, the blue seemingly a little duller than usual due to the worry he knew she was feeling. He smiled at her, warm and soft then turned to his target. A soft rush of air traveled through his nostrils and down into his lungs as he took a great breath of air and planted hit feet firmly in preparation to swing. Perhaps they'd get lucky. Perhaps Kurt, with his scrawny little arms, had really managed to create a small break in the foundation. He prayed that this would be enough, hands twitching around the handle and muscles tightening in reaction. Alright, here we go. He thought, and the sharp sound of air splitting was the only thing audible as the hammer sailed heavily at the wall. The loud thud and crack echoed faintly behind their group and little pebbles fell lifelessly to the floor. With narrowed eyes Michael grit his teeth and lined up once again, swinging with all his might at the tiny visible hole at the center of the dome shaped indentation. There was another thud and crack, pebbles now falling mockingly to the floor. A tick pulsed beside his eye and Evelyn was sure she could hear teeth scraping together as he grit his teeth harder. Don't give up. One more, one more. I have to do this for her… A quick suck of air was the only warning the group had as the hammer swung one last time into stone door in front of them. Michael groaned, arms tensing and lips parting as the most ungodly roar of frustration left his mouth. At the same time, the tool smacked stubbornly against the rock…and it cracked, the needle point hole almost shuddered in fear while splintering outwards. The group stepped back in awe as the hole bore open like a gaping mouth, darkness seeping out as the ground below them trembled. Takao shot towards the wall, holding it like a lifeline with wide and confused eyes. Michael had dropped the heavy instrument and dived at his sister, pulling her safely out of harm's way to avoid a falling rock the size of a tennis ball. There was a low rumble, more rocks falling and then quiet.

The way was open.