
The Waking Dream: The Age of Magic

For over a hundred years man has written stories based on historical events and happenings. Many are quite unbelievable and considered works of fiction rather than actual fact, but is it really all that unbelievable in the end? In a world where the imagination flourishes and thrives we are not so limited to what could have been and what really happened. Children believe, so why can’t we? In Japan a new story is unfolding, the pages already decades old and written long before the modern world existed as it does today. Let’s follow this tale of two siblings, bound by blood, as they uncover a treasure thought forgotten. Broken apart in time they will find the source of everything… So, I ask you this question, dear reader… When everything you know is turned upside down and all these little bedtime stories about myths and magic weren’t just stories anymore, what would you do?

Helvetija · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Deadly Ire Abated

When Touga breathed he thought he was breathing in pure molten heat, evident from the way his nostrils felt as if the hairs were starting to curl and burn to ash. The entire atmosphere shifted after his assault, particularly the slight blip Mizuki had that caused a shallow cut to appear across his uncovered cheek. It wasn't long before the heat of his fire, a cleansing sight, that he figured this is what true hell felt like. Blue flashed viciously before his eyes and the fan he had so stupidly scoffed at sprung to life, flying through the air in a spin of blazing metal and fire. He barely had time to dodge, and instead heard a sickening squelch that found himself cradling an injured leg with a rather elegantly designed weapon sticking out of it. The sound it had made as it entered the flesh of his leg made everyone nauseous, but it was only Touga who fell to his knees with a mouth full of vomit about ready to fly from his mouth. Excruciating pain ran through every nerve, every synapse. He pulled and he pulled, with tears streaming down his face. They never even stood the chance at touching the ground. Instead, all evaporated from the fire, until what that was left was flecks of invisible steam curling into nothing. He eventually managed to yank enough times to dislodge the offending item and threw the bloodied fan as far away as possible, sporting an elongated but cauterised gaping gash. His pride hit rock bottom.

No sound echoed in the woods, and everything, everyone…. stilled to watch the flickering blue flames shatter and die out. They broke with crackles and fizz. Ryō felt a breath of fresh air get sucked into his lungs like a vacuum, and the relief was palpable. Movement caught his forest hues, and he watched as the man named Yamagashi clumsily stumble and slide over to his friend. He figured that they would no longer pose a threat now that Mizuki had demonstrated, even if it was barely a fraction, his level of power and so he glided swiftly to the fallen Evelyn and the brother who cradled her close to his chest. The male was wide eyed in disbelief, watching Mizuki take one step closer to the pair before stiffening ramrod straight. Michael could [see] the faint outline of animal ears twitch in their direction, so he rubbed his eyes with a free hand, and blinked profusely to clear his sight. There was nothing there…just regular ears. The white-haired male made to stalk further, but once again stopped and finally pulled his attention away from the two struggling humans. Ryō's attention had also been peaked at this point.

"'Zuki…" there was a faint but feminine whisper in the air. "'Zuki, please…" it felt like a knife had lodged inside the two otherworldly males' hearts as they heard quiet sobbing beneath the fabric of Michael's clothes. "L-L'et's…just g-go…" Ryō broke out into a relieved, but pained smile while Mizuki stood stock still with one wide golden hue. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, mournfully feeling his murderous rage dissipate into nothing and huffed in disgruntled annoyance. Against all instincts to blot out their lives, he marched away from the now fleeing pair of males and watched sideways as they fearfully but angrily limped away. A last throated growl caused them to unwittingly glance backwards and almost trip over their feet, mangled leg, and all.

"Tell your Master what you will, for any harm to me and mine will result in death. This is your first and last warning…next time I won't be," Mizuki paused to hold back another wave off boiling anger, "held back.". Without a doubt these men were thoroughly scared, perhaps more so than their own master, but there was one thing in Touga's mind that started blinking furiously and that was the fact that they now knew who the stranger was. At least they would continue to live another day…

Once their attackers had left the area, both Mizuki and Ryō sprang to life to assist their companions off the floor. Ryō gently pried Michael's hands away from his sister and helped to secure the now quiet woman onto her feet. Mizuki did the same with the brunette and checked idly for wounds or any abrasions, ignoring the look off intense curiosity being aimed at where his ears would have been. He even watched as the much younger male went to grab at the spaces but felt nothing aside from air instead.

[Honestly, there's no personal space with these mortals], absently ran through the demon's head. His good eye deftly followed the other and saw as his face scrunched up in puzzlement before a flash of justified anger replaced it, and against Michael's better judgement, started an episode of determined prodding. He aimed specifically at the chest of Mizuki, puffed up in size and enunciating every time he spoke.



"told us,"


"you would,"


"keep us safe!" his brief tirade ended with a forceful push of his finger. Ryō only watched in mild amusement as at the same time Mizuki's long golden hue began to twitch. He felt Evelyn move and started to help her, but the tear-stained smile she flashed his way made his feet freeze and heart stutter, eyes wide. She approached the two before them, with Sorrel having somehow reappeared from wherever he had been and placed a hand directly over her brother's heart. Michael switched focus immediately, worry crossing his features. The hand on his chest pushed back with some force, enough to surprise her starry-eyed brother. Once he had backtracked enough, she broke out into a forced grin and shoved the little fox cub right into his flailing arms.

"Mikky," the man winced "don't you dare blame him." There was a slight edge to her tone that made her brother momentarily reconsider his anger, but the small scratches and dirt dotted all over her face drove it back full force.

"No, Evelyn! He told us they would keep us from harm! You were hur-"

"Stop it!" A dam had burst in Evelyn's mind. From anger, pain, disbelief…in the span of a few days she had felt more emotions than she had ever felt before and now, now she was done being meek. "I'm done being the little sister who needs her brother to help her all the time. I'm done being a weak damsel in distress and I'm one hundred percent DONE with you overreacting to everything that happens to me. I'm thirty-two years old for fucks sake!" Michael gaped her, watching her face twist and shoulders tremble…but instead of more anger, he just laughed. He laughed so loud that Ryō and Mizuki could only watch in pure unadulterated confusion as Evelyn punched him hard in the shoulder, fanning her hand after as if flicking off water.

"Welcome back, sis."