
Chapter 13

Venessa's P.O.V

After our talk, I lost my appetite. No longer want to eat anything. All I want to do is just go home, curl into a ball and think about what will happen next. But unfortunately, the handsome creature in front me kept forcing me to eat my food, he kept on trying to make conversation with me, he just didn't understand that this was too much for me to take in.

I need some time to process everything, I feel so overwhelmed. But nothing can be changed now, I already gave him my word that I would marry him. I can't just take my word back, it would be too selfish of me.

Finally realising that it's useless to cry over the spilled milk, I tried my best to respond to him and to give him back the same energy, and from our conversation, I came to find out that he's half Italian and half American, I should've known at the first place, I mean he keeps talking in Italian whenever someone calls him, not that I'm complaining but I wish I could understand what he was saying and he also got that Italian looks.

At this moment, my tongue is dying to ask him about his mafia, to ask him about those rumors whether they're true or not.

As if sensing my lack of attention, "something's bothering you, il mio amore?" He questioned looking at me intently, studying my face.

I tried to lie by shaking my head no but he's smart enough not to be fooled by my lie.

"I know, you're wanting to ask me something, so just ask me" he says looking very calm. I hate how calm he is all the time without breaking a sweat unlike me.

I hesitated whether to ask him or not, but as always curiosity got over me, so I did.

"Don't mind me asking, but is it true that you kill people, and that you're in the mafia?" Iquestioned him finally, but I was too afraid to look at his face.

Afraid to see his once calm face replaced by anger but, boy I was wrong. He chuckled.

What?, I thought he'll go all beast mode. I looked up to him and saw him smiling broadly at me, showing his slight dimple at his left cheek, it's not too noticeable but if you look closely enough, you would see it.

I would be completely lying if I say that his smile is not attractive, but it's really rare that I see him with a smile on his face, normally he would have a frown or it's blank.

His smile is too captivating. "You should smile more often, it suits you" I blurted out, not able to control the words that came out of my mouth.

I expected him to stop smiling and return back to his usual cold and calm face but instead he smiled at me "Ohhh really? If you say so." He replied jokingly.

He's really not what I thought him to be.

"Yes, rose. I'm in a mafia and yes, I kill people but trust me, I have reasons. I don't go around killing anyone without unnecessary reasons." He added with a serious expression on his face as if to prove that he's telling me the truth. And I don't know why and how but I actually trust him. I trust him enough to get married with him.

I have a belief in him that he would not let anything happen to me.

How surprising it is, as I don't even know him long enough but there's something in back of my head that keeps telling me that I can trust him.

"Ohh, it's okay, I trust you" I say replying to him and upon hearing my words, he took my hand that was sitting on the table and started to caress it softly.

My eyes widened in shock as I didn't expect him to do so. I looked up to him and saw that he's already looking at me with a soft expression on his face and anyone looking at us right now would think that we're a happy couple but little did they know.

I never thought in my entire life that a mafia leader can be this soft. Or maybe only with you, says inner Venessa wiggling her eyebrows at me. But I don't want to believe her words as I don't want to expect more from Vincent or to raise my expectations. After all, I don't want get hurt in the end hence I must always remind myself that all of this would have an expiration date.

There will come a day when it's time for us to leave each other but what if I don't want to leave him?, what if I fall in love with him?