
The Waiter and the Mobster [BL]

Shiloh Warner, a nineteen-year-old waiter, plans his wedding to his fiancé Lucian Botticelli, only to discover that Lucian is a high-ranking member of a powerful mafia organization. As he grapples with this revelation, Shiloh realizes that the wedding plans are the least of his problems. With Lucian's enemies closing in, Shiloh finds himself caught in a dangerous game of power and violence. He must decide whether to walk away from the man he loves or risk his own life to protect him. Can Shiloh save Lucian or will the mafia consume them both? I'm doing W/W so please support me so that I can update faster! Check out my other stories: The Devil Venerable's Mate [BL] Escaping the Demon Lord's Clutches [BL] Fangtastic Love: A Werewolf-Vampire Tinder Romance! [BL]

jmjackie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Surviving the Underworld

Warning: Homophobia

"KATERINA," SHILOH BREATHED, hugging his friend tightly. "To what do I owe the unexpected visit?"

"Please," she laughed, pulling away. "Now I need a reason to visit my best friend?"

"Yes," he said playfully. "You're lucky I'm on break."

Together, they walked towards an empty table and sat down. Katerina looked beautiful as ever in a tight black dress, leather boots, and a white designer coat.

"Hmmh, "He hummed, glancing over her attire. "Shiloh Warner approves."

She smiled. "I knew you would."

"So..." he leaned forward in his chair. "Give me all the dirty details. I want to know, what's going on at Julliard? How did the Broadway auditions go?"

She chuckled. "Wow, does working here mean you can only talk through one breath?"

"I'm serious." Shiloh groaned. "Please, I'm dying being stuck here in the dark."

"Why don't you just apply next semester? I'm sure they'd take you," Katerina said.

Shiloh sighed. "I didn't get in the first time and nothing has changed since then. What makes you think they'll accept me now?"

"Because they're idiots and maybe if you volunteered more at the theatre—"

"No." He replied shaking his head. "I work full time and between planning the wedding and Lucian, I couldn't possibly."

"Oh yeah…" she smirked. "Your sugar daddy... Listen, why don't you just take some time off from work? I'm sure they'd understand..."

"I have a wedding to pay for—"

"Oh please," Katerina scoffed. "We both know Lucian has probably already paid for the whole thing in advance."

Shiloh was stunned into silence.

Although he knew Katerina was probably joking, it didn't escape the fact that Lucian had most likely paid for the entire thing already. It was just so Lucian; to do something like that and allow Shiloh to believe he was contributing when he wasn't. Sighing, he felt frustrated and sad, because he wanted to help out too. It didn't aid his belief that there was a fundamental flaw in their relationship.

"Hey," Katerina said softly, touching his hand. "Are you okay?"

"Never better," Shiloh said, squeezing hers back.

"Okay, well, this wedding will be insanely cool. I've already talked to Jessica and Lindsay, they're on board for the guys to wear top hats!"

"Top hats," Shiloh stuttered with a horrified expression. "W-who told you they were wearing top hats!"

Katerina's smile widened. "I'm kidding."

"Hilarious," Shiloh deadpanned. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"You were just being so serious," Katerina chuckled. "Okay, so, how's Julliard? I have to tell you about midnight madness, and this super cute guy who you'd dig if you were there..."

Half an hour later Katerina was shrugging on her coat and kissing him goodbye. It was always fun catching up and he felt sad to see her go, but he was meeting Lucian for lunch.

"Call me soon, we need to have a girl's night," she said kissing his cheek. "I love you, and don't look so sad."

Shiloh kissed her back. "I love you, too and I just feel like I should have been there with you."

"You will and we can gossip together, okay?"

They hugged one last time and she left. Sighing, he went into the back room and took off his apron, placing all the tips in the cash box. For a moment he stood behind the counter just wondering how different his life would be if he had gone to college. He'd probably be studying musical theatre and he'd meet a bunch of new sophisticated friends who were just like him.

"Hey, beautiful." A smooth voice said interrupting his thoughts. "Ready to go…?"

"Yeah," Shiloh said walking over to his fiancé and kissing him firmly on the lips. "I'm ready."



Lucian's jaw locked. Rage coursed through his entire body when he heard that word. After Shiloh's lunch break, they were walking back to the restaurant holding hands as his fiancé talked excitedly about the wedding and the fabric that he wanted to buy when they walked past a group of men. The air was chilly and Shiloh clung to him to keep himself warm. Kyle and Chris hung back behind them, keeping a safe distance. Lucian's blood ran cold and he stopped dead in the middle of the street turning to stare at the man who dared to say that.

"Baby, let's just go," Shiloh said, gently tugging on his arm.

But Lucian wasn't going anywhere.

With his eyes blazing he approached the man.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He growled, stepping towards the group of men who were just loitering against the side of the building, some leaning and some sitting. They had their work equipment on, so he assumed they were construction workers.

"You heard me." One guy came forward, spitting on the pavement. "Goddamn fairies." His skin was brittle, old, and stretched across his face. Although he didn't have much body mass, he glared at them menacingly.

"No, I want you to say it to my face, breeder," Lucian sneered, standing boldly in front of the man who had a good two inches of height over him.

"Lucian!" Shiloh said horrified. "Come on, let's just get out of here," He shrunk back when he saw Kyle and Dave flank Lucian with matching looks of malevolence.

"You better listen to your wife." The guy sneered, smirking when a few of his friends chuckled.

"I reiterate, say the fucking word to my face, you fucking coward," Lucian said slowly.

The man leaned forward, his breath foul.

"F-a-i-r-y. Fairy."

Lucian pulled out his pistol and curled it in his hand before slamming it into the guy's face. He shrieked cowering, trying to stop the bleeding from his nose but Lucian was on him again, pounding his face into the ground with the blunt edge of the gun. The men were shouting, some running and some staying to watch. Blood gushed from the fraction in his skull, this ace started to swell, blood sputtered and skin was ripped to shreds by the blunt piece of metal. There was a sickening crunch sound every time ridge steel met flesh. Lucian almost laughed manically; it made him feel joyous trying to shove the man's face into the pavement. With great restraint, he pulled back when he saw the man was barely conscious. Satisfied, he pointed the gun at his neck he smiled. Bleak and twisted.

"Now," Lucian taunted. "What were you saying about fags?"

"Sir, I think we should get going," Kyle said, looking around suspiciously.

"I think you are right," Lucian stood up from the ground and shoved the gun back into his hoister belt. "One more thing," He swung his foot into the man's gut before spitting on his face. "That's what we fags can do," Straightening his jacket, he grabbed Shiloh's shaking hand and began their walk back toward the restaurant. When they got there, he noticed that Shiloh had hardly said anything and when looked at him he saw he was terrified.

"Baby, are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" Shiloh said the words slowly. "You just beat a guy on the street! And you're asking me if I'm okay?"


"Where the hell did you get a gun—"

Lucian scoffed. "Everybody has a gun and I do believe your dad has several."

"He uses them for hunting and not hurting people—"

"He hurt us first!" Lucian exclaimed. "We shouldn't have to be subjected to harassment every time we walk down the street."

"So, beating people up is your solution."

"Getting even is mine," Lucian growled. "I can't just walk away or stand there and be harassed; I won't play the victim."

Stubbornly, Shiloh crossed his arms over his chest. "Were you ever going to tell me about the gun?"

"It was for our protection," Lucian reasoned. "My job isn't exactly...The safest thing in the world."

"Honestly," Shiloh threw his hands in the air. "I don't even know what that means—"

"You don't have to," Lucian said smoothly. "Just trust me, and know that I love you."

Regarding him for a moment, Shiloh wondered if his fiancé believed that that would appease him. This whole secrecy thing was getting old, and quickly. If Lucian wasn't willing to tell him the truth, then maybe he'd have to find out on his own.

"Come on," Lucian said grabbing his arm. "Let's get you back to work."

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