
The VoidWalker

In a world where hunters dedicate their lives to eliminating supernatural creatures, our protagonist is eager to join their esteemed ranks. Ray Obsidian is determined to defy the odds and strive for greatness. Follow his relentless pursuit as he navigates a world where strength and purpose intertwine. For early release chapters, go to my Patreon: patreon.com/RuyaDuppy

Ruya_Duppy · Action
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48 Chs

Chapter 28

Over plates of mouth watering dishes, they exchanged tales of thrilling battles, near misses, and personal growth. Ray was fascinated by Jessica's experiences and the valuable insights she offered as a seasoned B-rank hunter.

As they enjoyed their meal, the restaurant's TV screens caught their attention, displaying breaking news about the defeat of the thunderbird in the dungeon raid. Images of Ray and the Silver Fangs flashed across the screen, highlighting their heroic deeds.

"Looks like the news is spreading faster than I thought," Ray remarked, watching the news coverage with a mix of surprise and amusement.

Jessica chuckled and clinked her glass against Ray's. "Get used to it, Ray. As a Silver Fang core member, your name and face will become more recognizable. But don't let the fame get to your head. Stay humble and focused on your mission as a hunter."

Ray nodded, appreciating Jessica's advice. He knew that with fame came responsibility, and he was determined to remain true to his values and the purpose that brought him into the world of hunting.

As the evening progressed, their laughter and conversation filled the air, creating a bond between Ray and Jessica that went beyond their shared experiences as hunters. They discovered common interests and dreams, forming the foundation of a friendship that would continue to grow in the days to come.

As they finished their meal, Ray couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for the future. He had proven himself in battle, earned the respect of his team, and now, he was on the verge of becoming a core member of the prestigious Silver Fangs.

With Jessica by his side and the support of his team, Ray was ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead, eager to make a difference in the world of hunters and leave a legacy.

"When are you going to visit Barnes?" Jessica asked.

"I was planning on tomorrow as it's getting late." Ray responded.

"He's his best at late times like this and the most focused so I'd suggest now. I can take you if you want" Jessica said staring carefully at Ray.

Ray complied.

The night air greeted Ray and Jessica as they stepped out of the restaurant, their hearts filled with anticipation and a shared sense of adventure. They walked side by side, their footsteps echoing through the streets, as they embarked on a new chapter in their journey as hunters.

An hour later, they arrived at Barnes' training facility.

As Ray entered the facility, he was greeted by the familiar sight of training dummies, weapon racks, and the sound of clashing blades. Barnes spotted him from across the room and approached with a warm smile.

"Jessica, Ray, it's good to see you two again," Barnes greeted them. " I can see that you've grown as a hunter since our last encounter. Tell me, what have you been up to?"

Ray's face lit up as he recounted the recent events of the D rank dungeon raid. He spoke with enthusiasm, vividly describing the exhilaration of feeling mana pulsating in the air outside the dungeon, the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he engaged in battle, and the decisive moment when he managed to sever the talon of the almost C rank thunderbird.

Barnes listened attentively, his expression a mix of fascination and admiration. When Ray finished his tale, Barnes nodded approvingly.

Ray's face beamed with pride at Barnes' acknowledgment. He respected Barnes' expertise and valued his opinion as a seasoned hunter.

"Thank you, Barnes," Ray replied gratefully. "It was quite an experience. I felt the mana flowing around me like never before, and I even managed to cut off the thunderbird's talon before we defeated it. It was exhilarating."

"Cutting off the talon of an almost C rank thunderbird is no small feat, Ray. It seems you've tapped into your potential and unlocked new abilities," Barnes remarked, his voice filled with genuine praise. "And feeling the mana outside the dungeon is a significant milestone in a hunter's journey. It's a sign that you're becoming more attuned to the energy that surrounds us."

Curiosity flickered in Ray's eyes as he listened intently. He wanted to learn more, to deepen his connection with mana and enhance his abilities as a hunter.

"How can I improve my ability to sense mana consistently, Barnes?" Ray inquired; his voice filled with eagerness. "I want to be able to feel it all the time, to use it to its fullest potential."

"The ultimate goal is to feel mana all the time." Barnes leaned against a nearby training dummy, his gaze focused and contemplative. "Improving your mana sixth sense takes practice, discipline, and a deep understanding of your own energy. The first step is to attune your senses to the flow of mana around you. I'll show you how."

Ray nods as he waits for the knowledge Barnes will impart to him.