
The Voidnet Tower

Raaf worked tirelessly day and night to treat his sister. She was the only person left who was related to him, no one else mattered. However, she passes away a few years later. Feeling like he had lost everything, he wasted his time playing The Voidnet Tower, a VR MMORPG game when he mysteriously went back in time. What will happen this time?

BlueXenon · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Final Tutorial

Raaf got teleported to a room that seemed like the inside of a castle. He looked outside the window and all he could see were monsters waiting in the outer forest as if it seemed like they were itching for something.

A voice rang out, "Oh the chosen one is here."

A man that looked in his mid-40s dressed came from the door and kneeled before him.

"Please save us, the chosen one. As you saw from the windows, we are in a precarious situation. If things go on like this, then the city will surely fall in a few days. So, you are the only hope we have left. Please lead us to victory."

He took a deep breath and faced the man.

"Forgive me for the late introduction. I am Uhmer, the commander of the army in this city."

"Okay, tell me the situation of the army and everything."

The man explained everything about the monsters, their frequency, the army situation, and others.

"So, they are mostly goblins, orcs, and ogres with a few liches mixed between them. Honestly, their numbers are too much for me to handle alone, which I learned the hard way in the past. I already know they only attack at midnight. So, I need to think of something to resist them."

Raaf immediately thought of a plan.

"I need the help of the army to properly survive the waves. This time will be different than the last one." He thought to himself.

"There's a special trick to surviving these waves. Someone in the future discovered this when it was still in the beta stage in VR and posted it in the forum." He grinned as he moved outside.

"First I need to gain the trust of the army."

He went to the alchemy workshop and mixed a bunch of chemical solutions.

"Only those who became level 30 in the beta know of this healing potion. The ingredient for this was given out as a gift for reaching that level."

The potion that he was making turned red in color signifying that it was of high quality.

He then proceeded to go to the infirmary where he used his healing potions on the injured soldiers.

"Thank you so much for healing us." Many such voices emerged from those injured soldiers that were lined up lying on the thin sheet of the blanket.

"No need to thank me. I am just doing what I can to protect the city."

"With this, I can gain their trust easily. I needed to gain their trust first because they might not properly follow my orders if they have no belief in me. In this battle, if even one of them doesn't follow the plan properly then it will have a significant impact on the war which might result in the loss."

"Alright assemble the captains, I will relay the plan to them."

"Yes!!!" Uhmer went outside with a half-smile.


A few hours later around evening time, all the soldiers gathered around.

Raaf stood in front of all of them on an elevated ground.

"There will be no more withdrawals. Here we stand and fight those monsters. Will you let those monsters destroy your homes? Will you let them slaughter your wife, daughter, son, and other loved ones? NO!!! We will be the ones to kill them. We will protect our city with our own hands. Now let us impart our names as the heroes who defeated those vicious monsters. LET US EMERGE VICTORIOUS!!!"

He ended his speech as he raised his sword high in the air.


The crowd of soldiers shouted with all their might as their bodies burned with passion.


Midnight was about to hit.

Raaf and all the captains gathered above the walls looking at the monsters.

"Go back to your positions, you know what to do."

Others nodded and went back to their respective squads.

"I have assigned crossbow archers alongside mages to be placed in this wall which will deal long-ranged damage to the monsters. Catapults are placed deep in the city and will launch a barrage of long-range attacks as well. Then there are the squads of swordsmen and cavalry. They will open the door and launch an attack according to my command. With this, the preparations are complete. Now we need to just attack and defend until dawn."

Midnight hit and the monsters began their attack.:


The crossbows and various long-ranged magic attacks along with catapults bombarded the monsters. It alone significantly dwindled the number of the monsters.

Then when the lich started to appear and cast magic, Raaf along with swordsmen and the cavalry unit went outside the door.

The cavalry and swordsmen stormed the monsters keeping them busy from attacking Raaf while he alone charged at the lich.

The lich casted a fireball but Raaf easily dodged it by sidestepping it. He then moved swiftly behind the lich and cut it down with the sword provided by the system. While the lich was strong in using magic, it was weak against close combat. That's why he was easily able to take care of it.


Raaf announced as he returned behind the door. Other soldiers soon followed and retreated with him.

After he was back behind the wall doors and all the soldiers had returned, the huge door quickly closed.

"We will keep repeating this strategy from now on!" He shouted.

"Yes!!" Seeing the success of this strategy, the soldiers screamed in joy.

They followed this strategy until the sun started rising.

When the dawn came, the attack of monsters stopped.

Huff Huff

All the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

"We can do this. We can survive the monsters and even eliminate them." They started to believe in themselves.

"Although there were some casualties, we were still able to hold our own." Raaf smiled, "These soldiers are also strong, maybe around 25 levels. We can do this. Previously, they lacked the strategy and tactics so that's why they were losing. However, now that I have introduced them to an effective strategy that they should follow, they now have a clear sense of coordination and have gotten stronger. This is the key to clearing this stage of the tutorial."

The following week, they did the same thing over and over again and they eventually survived the waves until no more waves came after.

"Hurrayy!!" The soldiers cheered with joy.

"We have eliminated all the monsters that have invaded the city. Thank you for your huge help." Uhmer politely bowed before Raaf.

"It was nothing. This is what I am supposed to do." Raaf hesitantly smiled.


[You have successfully completed 10/10 stages of the Tutorial.]

[You are the first to successfully clear the tutorial.

Will you proceed to the hidden stage? ]

"Huh? Hidden stage? There was no mention of this in the beta."

He gazed at the notification for a while, "Maybe this is only awarded to the first achiever? Anyway, there is bound to be a great reward for completing the hidden tutorial right?"

After some hesitation, he replied to the notification, "Yes!"